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Library Copyright Policy

1 Introduction

The EUI Library is committed to upholding copyright law, as well as to complying with licence agreements of purchased resources.

At the same time, the EUI Library wishes to protect the rights of its academic community to make lawful and limited use of copyrighted works for educational and research purposes.

This Policy applies to all EUI members who seek to make use of copyrighted works, whether in print, electronic or other format, in performing research, teaching or other work-related activities.

Copyright law and licence agreements generally forbid reproduction of copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright owner. Limited use of copyrighted works for teaching and research purposes is however allowed under specific circumstances, as indicated below.

EUI members have a right to make reproductions of copyrighted materials for personal use, research or educational purposes within the limits set by the Italian Law No. 633/1941, as amended by Legislative Decree 177/2021, the Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Markets, as well as by licence agreements signed by the EUI Library.The EUI Library shall not be held responsible for any infringement of copyright laws by its users.


2 Printing, and photocopying and digtial reproduction

Reproduction of copyrighted material performed by means of photocopying machines or analogous digital devices is allowed, to the extent of 15% of each book or issue of a periodical, except for music sheets, whose reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Only personal non-commercial use is authorized. It is therefore prohibited to make personal copies available to the public.

Similarly, it is not permitted to photocopy copyrighted materials for distribution in seminars or other teaching activities. If you need to use copyrighted materials in seminars or other teaching activities, please contact the Information Specialist for your department (ECO: Thomas Bourke; HEC: Federica Signoriello; LAW: Valentina Spiga; SPS: Thomas Bourke; RSCAS and STG: EUI Library STG Support) who will provide specific assistance to obtain authorisation for the use of the material.


3 Downloading from electronic resources

Users must comply with the specific Terms and Conditions of Use or License Agreement for the applicable electronic resource, which may deviate from the general guidelines noted on this page.

Questions on specific terms and conditions of electronic resources may be sent to [email protected]


4 Using copyrighted materials for teaching activities

Copyrighted materials shall be used for teaching activities only in accordance with this Policy.  Faculty members, instructors or other authorised personnel should carefully review any copyrighted material to be used and determine whether they need to seek permission from the copyright owner.

4.1 Placing teaching materials online

Teaching materials must be made available only in password-protected areas and access to documents must be restricted to current EUI members and limited to the duration of the course.

Sharing electronic documents (e.g. eBook chapter, eJournal article, e-working paper, etc): Electronic documents may be shared for educational purposes  within the terms and conditions of the individual licences signed by the Library.

Users are asked to share electronic documents via a  link to the licensed document (e.g. in Brightspace or BlueCloud Course Lists), since making or distributing electronic copies to students may be prohibited by the terms and conditions of licensed electronic resources.

Sharing print or digitally reproduced documents:

Parts or extracts of print works may be made available online in a secure network accessible to EUI members only, provided that the title does not exist in electronic format. In order to receive assistance with obtaining authorization to reproduce print documents online, contact the Information Specialist for your department.

EUI authors who want to use their own works  as course material should check whether the contract they have signed with the publisher allows for this. This is the sole responsibility of the author.

4.2 Printing and photocopying teaching materials

Principle: All researchers should make their own personal copies.


5 Using numerical and other databases

The use of numerical and other databases provided by the EUI Library is subject to contractual license agreements and database copyright terms. It is not possible to publish research dataset outputs containing substantial data observations from pre-existing databases governed by contractual license. The permission of database copyright holders may be required before data outputs can be openly shared. Write to the EUI Library for advice about research data copyright, preservation and sharing.


Page last updated on 13 March 2025

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