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Il Sole 24 Ore (10 issues per month), Corriere della Sera and La Stampa are accessible via MLOL.

MediaLibraryOnLine (MLOL) is the first Italian network of public, academic and school libraries for digital lending.

To access MLOL, you must be registered in one of these libraries and request MLOL credentials. In Florence and Fiesole, you can refer to public libraries.

Through the MLOL portal, you can also access other items of the digital collection such as eBooks, music, films, newspapers, databases, online training courses, image archives and much more.

Remote procedure to follow when libraries are closed to the public: 

1) If you are not a member of a public library in Florence or Fiesole, request a library account here, in the right-hand corner click on "pre-iscrizione" and send an email to [email protected] writing in the subject line "PRE-ISCRIZIONE EFFETTUATA" and in the email body your name and surname.

2) After step 1, or if you are already a member of a public library in Florence or Fiesole, fill in the form at the bottom of this page You should then receive an email with your username, your password and a link to activate the account.



Page last updated on 10 January 2025

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