United Nations Collections
Multilateral Treaties deposited with the UN
The online database UN Treaty Collection includes the United Nations Treaty Series.
This consists of a collection of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with and published by the Secretariat since 1946, pursuant to Art. 102 of the Charter, the status of the multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary General, and texts of recently deposited multilateral treaties.
The texts are available in English or French.
The Library has the United Nations Treaty Series in microfiche for 1946 to 1987.
UN Documents
The United Nations Official Document System (ODS) comprises the full-text online of all UN parliamentary documents since 1993 and all UN resolutions since 1946 issued by the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council.
For information about language versions, format, coverage and all search information, please consult the help file provided by the UN. The ODS database is freely accessible.
Official Document System (ODS) includes:
Finding UN documents and publications on the web
UN website, such as all resolutions of the Security Council, General Assembly documents of the 55th session and Resolutions from 1977 onwards all listed under the heading
UN Documentation Centre.
UNBISnet allows you to search the catalogue of UN publications and documentation at the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the
Research Guide for UN documentation provides an overview of the various types of documents and publications issued by the UN and how to work with them.
The website locator of the
UN System of Organizations serves as a portal to websites of the UN, its funds and programmes, and specialized agencies (such as the FAO, ILO, IMF, WTO, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNEP).
Page last updated on 10 January 2025