The EUI funding for Article Processing Charges (APC), that started as a pilot in 2022, has been interrupted with a decision of the EUI Executive Committee (EC) of 14 June 2023 (Minutes for 14 June were adopted on the EC of 28 June 2023, not yet available online).
The text below is for reference only:
The EUI does not encourage this option as the first open access choice for authors.
Authors can apply for funding in the rare cases where research output cannot be made available in Open Access through the repository road, an existing Transformative Agreement, or rely on funding from external grants.
EUI's funding for Article Processing Charges (APCs) and Book Processing Charges (BPCs)' started in 2022 and is managed by the Library.
The academic units shall participate with at least 50% for each APC that is funded.
EUI Corresponding authors should apply by using the Application Form for EUI funding for APCs.
Library Recommendations to Authors
These recommendations - in line with the EUI OA Policy - aim at guiding EUI authors how to best publish their work in Open Access:
- Publish ‘Green Open Access’ where possible: archive/upload in Cadmus or subject repository.
- Use the Library’s Transformative Agreements’ APC waiver where available: the Library has agreements with CUP, Wiley and Springer, and soon Elsevier
- Funding for the APCs at the EUI should be applied for / used where there is no Transformative Agreement that can cover the APC.
- Consider using any other minor Library agreement with smaller publishers (eg. Cogitatio), as they also represent diversity (for example language and / or country of origin).
- EUI authors with external funding may consider to include APCs in the project budget, in some cases they must do so for example with European grants.
Workflow and Criteria
The author applies to the academic unit (department, programme, school or centre) for the APC to be covered by 50%. If funding is approved by the unit the request is sent to the Library’s Open Science office for a second assessment for the remaining 50%. Use the form to apply.
1. The EUI corresponding author requests the APC to be covered to the academic unit
The application should contain
It should contain an indication of why the publication merits EUI Open Access funding. To this purpose, the application should explain the value of promoting the publication to audience that may not have access to subscriptions with publishers, for example, for publications that may be particularly relevant for policy and would thus merit the largest visibility and accessibility.
- Publisher and Title of the Journal
- Title of the Article and an Abstract and/or the submitted version of the article
- Names of co-author(s) and their affiliation(s)
- If the EUI member has a double affiliation, this should be indicated, in order to avoid that there is another funding possibility through existing Transformative Agreements by the second affiliation
- An estimate of the APC cost
- Stating if there are possible Transformative agreements, or any other fund available for APCs
2. First assessment: The Unit approves or rejects the application for APC funding
If the request is approved, the unit indicates motivation of special merits of the article in terms of OA.
- Departments are free to identify their own criteria of OA assessment, providing indication to the Library. Departments may consider to assign priority to early career researchers’ applications.
- Departments should co-fund the request by at least 50% of the OA funding request. This co-funding by the departments could be secured with the departmental general budget, and the applying author may contribute as well.
- Where the request is approved, the EUI-APCs fund will cover the remaining faction of the APC
3. The unit forwards the request to the Library OS Office
- The unit indicates the approval and amount of co-funding of the APC to [email protected]
4. Second assessment: The Library OS office approves or rejects the request of co-funding
Criteria applied:
- Articles associated with otherwise funded projects (i.e. papers that acknowledge other full funding for OA) cannot receive EUI APC funding.
- The applicant must be the corresponding author and indicate affiliation to the EUI in the publication.
- The applicant is a current EUI member, or the accepted article is based on research carried out at the EUI.
- The journal should not be predatory.
- The publication should be peer-reviewed.
- APC fees should not exceed a ‘normal’ fee (the average APC is approx. 2500 €). For 2022 a maximum refundable amount of an APC with the EUI-APCs fund is set to € 4000.
- No other funding possibility through existing Transformative Agreements by the second affiliation should be available.
- Only APC for OA publishing is fundable. No submission fees or production-related fees, or other editing related costs, are fundable.