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U.S. Census data


Data description

UScensusUnited States Census Bureau data are released as individual files for the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Observations are generated from questions to subjects/housing units, covering demographic, social, economic and other characteristics. Coverage is for the USA and its regions, divisions, states, counties, metropolitan areas, American Indian and Alaska Native areas, Hawaiian homelands and congressional districts.


Time period

The census is conducted every ten years. The Census Bureau provides an overview of decennial census collection and collation methodology from 1790 to 2020.


Support links

Details of methodology are available on the U.S. Census Bureau site.

EUI users also have access to the Historical Statistics of the United States compendium and the ICPSR data archive (details below).


How to access data

The U.S. Census Data Access site provides information on downloading and tools.

EUI members also have access to census files from the ICPSR data archive:


Data homepage

Contact: [email protected]


Page last updated on 20 July 2024

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