Close sidebar Home » Research » Library » Research Guides » Law » Legal Databases Open sidebar menu Legal Databases This page offers a selection of online legal databases of legislation, case law and law reviews. For a complete description of all databases and how to access them see Databases A-Z. National Law International Law European Law Law Journals National Law Beck Online: selection of German legal journals and commentaries De Jure: full-text of Italian legislation, case law, codes, regional laws, legal doctrine Legalis: (System Informacji Prawnej): full-text database of Polish law, case law and commentaries. Légifrance: free French database containing the full-text of legislation, reported and unreported case law of the highest courts, international agreements Lexis 360: French legal database covering Court decisions since 1985; Official Journal since 1990; Consolidated legislation, Doctrine, Law reviews, Juris Classeur Encyclopedias Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law Thomson Reuters Westlaw: full-text database of case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties and directories for (amongst others) the USA ,UK and Canada World Constitutions Illustrated: constitution of every country in the world in the original language and with at least one English translation. International Law Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Oxford Historical Treaties: comprehensive collection of treaties of all nations concluded from 1648 through 1919 Oxford Reports on International Law: public international case law reports from international courts and tribunals, domestic courts and ad hoc tribunals Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law: over 180 full-text online editions of reference works and treatises published by OUP, including Oppenheim, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law. United Nations Law Collection: reproductions of major United Nations legal publications, , including the complete collection of the United Nations Treaty Series Thomson Reuters Westlaw: full-text database of amongst others case law of international tribunals. TradeLawGuide: comprehensive research tools for WTO law. It includes the WTO agreements and instruments, jurisprudence, dispute settlement procedural documents and negotiating history. European Law European Union Information: Research Guide EU Law Live (to access from off campus contact Administrator) Agence Europe (contact Valentina Spiga to subscribe to the newsletter) Law Journals Beck online: selection of German law reviews published by Beck Biblioteca Riviste: selection of Italian legal journals published by Giuffrè Dalloz Revues: selection of French legal journals published by Dalloz HeinOnline Foreign and International Law Resources: full-text of international yearbooks and periodicals HeinOnline Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals: bibliographical database that indexes articles and book reviews from over 500 legal journals published worldwide HeinOnline Law Journal Library: over 1800 journal titles in English, including most American law reviews. HeinOnline Legal Classics: thousands of works from some of the greatest legal minds in history. In addition to many classic treatises, this collection also includes rare items. Kluwer Law online: selection of law journals published by Kluwer Stradalex: selection of law journals in French from various publishers Westlaw International: all US and some UK law reviews Page last updated on 19 December 2024