How do the Writers’ Dates work?
We use the Pomodoro Technique to time the sessions and stop for regular 5-minute breaks. The instructors will be in the virtual room all morning working alongside you. The silent writing portion will end after about two and a half hours, and the instructors will open the room to a guided discussion about the writing.
When you join a session, you commit to staying in the Zoom room for the entire three-hour session to prevent disruption of the writing flow and encourage a sense of community among participants. You may, however, leave when the discussion begins. Though there is no obligation to attend every week, the most productive academic writers are, they say, those that make writing a habit (see, for example: Boice, 2000; Krashen, 2002; Belcher, 2009).
If you have any questions or observations to share, they can be addressed during the discussion period. The content of the discussion will be determined by the group. Please note that for lengthier, personal discussions you can book an Individual Consultation.