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Guidelines for correction

It is important that both the writer and the corrector have the same expectations of what the outcome of a correction will be. Below are the EUI guidelines to what is expected of a corrector. 

If you have any doubts or questions, contact : the CALL Assistant


It is the corrector's responsibility to:

  1. revise the thesis using 'track changes' or equivalent
  2. ensure that they revise the thesis within the time frame agreed on with the researcher
  3. ensure that they can always be reached for the duration of the correction

It is the researcher's responsibility to:

  1. choose what advice to accept
  2. insert these changes into the final text
  3. ensure that they can always be reached for the duration of the correction

The corrector is expected to revise:

  1. spelling
  2. punctuation
  3. typos
  4. inappropriate vocabulary
  5. grammar and syntax
  6. sentence length
  7. paragraph length


The corrector may indicate that something in the text is unclear but is not expected to change it.

The corrector is not expected to:

  1. clarify, develop, correct, or in any way change the ideas and arguments in the text
  2. provide help with referencing
  3. format or sort footnotes or endnotes for consistency or order
  4. improve the position of tables and/or illustrations
  5. translate from other languages

Page last updated on 27 June 2024

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