Economists at the EUI have access to a world-class collection of online journals, statistical databases, books and eBooks – as well as in-department Library services. There is a strong emphasis on electronic access.
The Economics and Data Collection homepage provides access to content and services:
Books from the main library (Badia Fiesolana) can be requested for delivery to the Economics Department (VLF). Collect books at the porters' lodge, Villa La Fonte (ground floor).
Thomas Bourke, the Economics Information Specialist, provides support in the Economics Department Library every Friday from 15:00 to 18:30 (no appointment necessary). At other times, please visit the Badia Library Economics Office (085) at the main library, Badia Fiesolana.
For support with data preservation and sharing, please consult the Research Data Servicespage. EUI members can reposit their research datasets in the Cadmus repository.
Every Friday during term, the Library issues a Weekly Bulletin of Economic Research and Statistical Data providing news about statistical data, journals, books and eBooks – and information on how to use Library databases and internet resources for economic research.
New economics books and manuals are announced on the 2nd floor noticeboard every Friday during term. Economists are very welcome to suggest new titles and new editions in any language.
Contact and Support:
Thomas Bourke
Information specialist, Economics