Every year the Department accepts requests from scholars from around the world wishing to spend a period of time doing research at the EUI. Priority is given to scholars whose research interests relate directly to work being carried out within the Department and are of particular interest to one or more of its teaching staff.
The status of Visiting Fellow does not involve any financial commitment on the part of the Institute: all fellows must be self-financed or supported by another institution (sabbatical, grants, etc.) with respect to travel, living expenses, salary and work expenses.
Visiting Fellows have no teaching responsibilities, but they and our researchers often find that they have shared research interests, which they discuss to mutual advantage.
Visiting Fellows cannot expect administrative help, but whenever possible a desk or workspace will be allocated. They have access to EUI facilities (Library, seminars, email, canteen) and are welcome to participate in all EUI academic activities.
In order to apply for a Visiting Fellowship in the Department of Economics, kindly provide detailed information regarding the purpose and dates of the visit as well as a short CV (max. 2 pages) through the following link at least three working months before the planned visit. The months of July and August are holiday months and should not be included.
Short visits of up to one month can be arranged more informally. All that is required is the support of a current professor in the Department. Short-term visitors have access to Library, seminars and canteen, but no allocated desk or other office facilities can be guaranteed, unless these are available at the time. See also EUI Health and Accident Insurance policy for short-term visitors.
Students registered in a postgraduate programme at another university or institute may be appointed as Visiting Students. The normal stay is 1-6 months. Visits of 6-10 months must be approved by the Entrance Board. In no case may a visit exceed 10 months. The status of Visiting Student does not involve any financial commitment on the part of the EUI.
Visiting Students are welcome to participate in all EUI academic activities and to consult and work in the Library. They are not entitled to a personal working space.
Applications stating the purpose and dates of the visit, together with a CV, outline of current Ph.D. research, a supporting reference from the research supervisor, and the name of any professor currently at the EUI working in their area, should be submitted through the following link, at least three working months before the planned visit (July-August are holiday months and cannot be included in the calculation). The EUI is not an Italian university and should not be considered as such for the purpose of a research visit.
Visiting Students who apply to the Ph.D. programme at the EUI have to prepare their application independently and cannot ask EUI faculty for advice on their application. The policy of the EUI departments is not to offer individual guidance and advice on Ph.D. applications and dissertation proposals. Prospective applicants are requested not to contact potential supervisors for advice on their applications, but to consult the Department’s web pages where research themes are listed.
For further information please contact Martina Zucca.
For more information please contact:
Ognjen Aleksic
Departmental Coordinator
Department of Economics