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Department of History

Seminars offered by the four EUI Departments

In order to develop an inter-disciplinary approach to research, PhD researchers can also attend a variety of seminars taught by the other Departments: Law, Social and Political Sciences, Economics.

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Seminars offered by the History Department 

Our teaching programme includes Departmental Seminars, Research Seminars, Training Seminars, and other academic activities (conferences, workshops, lectures, courses on digital tools for academic research).

Teaching is in English but linguistic diversity is encouraged in all our activities. Interdisciplinary and training skills, and academic writing courses are organised Institute-wide. the Academic Service provides training tailored for the academic and professional development of researchers

See the catalogue of history seminars See the catalogue of history seminars



Seminar Description

The entire field of the humanities has undergone a cultural turn since the 1970s. What has it meant specifically for historical research? What contribution has it made to the renewal of historical writing? And what legacies can be found today, when the debates and controversies that marked the so-called linguistic turn can be said to be over? To answer these questions, the seminar will combine theoretical perspectives with case studies, both classic and more recent, with the aim to show how this process has reconfigured and revitalized the notions of “the social” and “the cultural” and their reciprocal interactions in historiography. In five block seminars of two sessions each (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) some of the elements that marked the cultural turn will be analyzed, in their linguistic and anthropological aspects. Thereafter, the discussions will address fields of investigation such as “History and Identity”, “History and Narration”, “History and Practice”.

Seminar preparation and participation


Everyone is expected to thoroughly read the set texts each week. Thorough reading means attending to different dimensions of the texts

  1. identifying the author’s central arguments and how they relate to larger historical concerns
  2. and debates: how is the author responding to others in the field?
  3. analyzing how the author constructs her/his argument.
  4. attending to sources and evidence: how does the author correlate his/her argument to the sources? What claims do you think can be made with the adduced evidence?
  5. asking yourself how the author is trying to change the way you think about the topic at hand.

Participation: Researchers are expected to take an active part in the seminar discussion based on the readings for each session. In addition, sessions will be introduced by a brief presentation of the readings by one or two participants in the seminar. At the final session participants will be asked to share with group members a recommendation for a book or article from their own research field.

Please note that there is a required reading for the first meeting, which serves as background text: Anna Green, Cultural History, Palgrave MacMillan 2008.

Recommended general background texts:

  • Peter Burke, What is Cultural History, London: Polity Press, various editions
  • Roger Chartier, On the Edge of the Cliff, History, Language and Practices, John Hopkins University Press, 1996.
  • Simon Gunn, History and Cultural Theory, Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2006.
  • Lynn Hunt, The New Cultural History, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989.
  • Carlotta Sorba e Federico Mazzini, La svolta culturale. Come è cambiata la pratica storiografica, Roma-Bari: Laterza 2021


12 October - Defining the cultural turn

The emergence of the “new cultural history” during the 1980s can be explained by the convergence of different processes and phenomena running through the historical discipline in the preceding decades. During the seminar we will try to examine some of them, in an attempt to historicize what is defined as the cultural turn in history and critically evaluate its legacies in today's historiography. It will therefore be important to begin by focusing on some important precedents (e.g. through the work of Johann Huizinga and Lucien Febvre); to then dwell on the specificities of some debates in the 1960s and 1970s and to arrive at the encounter of historiography with some cultural theories linked to poststructuralism.

  • Lucien Fevbre, ‘Sensibility and History: How to Reconstitute the Emotional Life of the Past’, in A New Kind of History from the Writings of Lucien Febvre, ed. Peter Burke, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973, pp. 12–26.
  • Johan Huizinga, The Autumn of the Middle Ages, Rodney J. Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch, trans., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996, pp. 220-248
  • Roger Chartier, “Le monde comme representation”, Annales E.S.C., November-December 1989, Number. 6, p. 1505-1520. The English translation of this article by Arthur Goldhammer, “The World as Representation” appeared in Histories: French Constructions of the Past, eds. Jacques Revel and Lynn Hunt, New York: The New Press, 1995, pp. 544-558
  • Dominique Kalifa and Michael Kelly, What is cultural History Now About?, in Writing contemporary History, eds. Robert Gildea and Anne Simonin, London: Hodder Education, 2008, pp. 47-68.
  • Kevin Passmore, ‘Poststructuralism and History’, in Writing History. Theory and Practice, eds. Stefan Berger, Heiko Feldner and Kevin Passmore, London: Bloomsbury, 2013, pp.123-147.


26 October - Encounters between symbolic anthropology and history

  • Clifford Geertz, “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture” and “Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight”, in Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, New York Basic Books, 1973 (and various other editions), pp 3-30. and 412–53.
  • Natalie Zemon Davies, Anthropology and History in the 1980s, “Journal of interdisciplinary history”, XII:2 (Autumn 1981), pp. 267-275.
  • Robert Darnton, The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History, New York: Basic Books, 1984, pp. 79-104.
  • Inga Clendinnen, “Yucatec Maya Women and the Spanish Conquest: Role and Ritual in Historical reconstruction”, in The Houses of History. A Critical Reader in History and Theory, eds. Anna Green and Kathleen Troup, 2nd ed, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016, pp. 210 – 32
  • Monika Baar, “Prosthesis for the Body and for the Soul: the Origins of Guide Dog Provision in Interwar Germany”, First World War Studies, special issue on Commemorating the Disabled Soldier, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 81-98
  • Inger Leemans, William Tullett, Cecilia Bembibre, Lizzie Marx, Whiffstory: “Using Multidisciplinary Methods to Represent the Olfactory Past”, American Historical Review, Vol. 127, Issue 2, June 2022, pp. 849–87


23 November - History and narration

  • Hayden White, “The Fictions of Factual Representation”, in Grasping the World. The Idea of the Museum, eds. Donald Preziosi and Claire Farago, London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 22-35.
  • C.J. Dean, AHR Reappraisal: Hayden White, “Metahistory: the Historical Imagination in Nineteenth Century Europe”, The American Historical Review, Vol. 124, Number 4, 2019, pp. 1337-1350.
  • Chris Lorenz, Stefan Berger and Nicola Brauch, “Narrativity and Historical Writing: Introductory Remarks”, in Analysing Historical Narratives. On Academic, Popular and Educational Framings of the Past, eds. Lorenz, Berger and Brauch, New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2021, 1-25.
  • Lynn Hunt, The Family Romance of French Revolution, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993, Chapter 1., pp. 1-16 and Chapter 3., pp. 53-86.
  • Alberto Mario Banti, The Nation of the Risorgimento: Kinship, Sanctity, and Honour in the Origins of Unified Italy, New York: Routledge, 2020, Preface to the English edition and Chapter 2, pp. 50-100.


30 November - History and identity

  • M. Foucault, “The Subject and Power”, and “Preface to the History of Sexuality, Volume Two”, in The Essential Foucault: selections from essential works of Foucault, 1954-1984, eds. Paul Rabinow and Nikolas Rose, The New Press: New York, 2003, pp. 126-144 and pp. 58-63.
  • Frederick Cooper and Roger Brubaker, “Identity”, in Colonialism in Question. Theory, Knowledge, History, ed. Cooper,Berkeley: University of California Press 2005, pp. 59-90.
  • Matteo Millan, “The Shadows of Social Fear. Emotions, Mentalities and Practices of the Property Classes in Italy, Spain, France (1900-1914)”, Journal of Social History, Vol. 50, Issue 2., 2016, pp. 336-361.
  • Ariel Beaujot, Ariel. "Gender and Sexuality.", in A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion in the Age of Empire, ed. Denise Amy Baxter, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, pp. 99–120.
  • Huff, Joyce L. , and Martha Stoddard Holmes, “Introduction. Negotiating Normalcy in the Long Nineteenth Century”, in A Cultural History of Disability in the Long Nineteenth Century, eds. Huff and Stoddard Homes, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp. 1-21.


7 December - History and practice/Practical turn in History

  • Michel De Certeau, “The Practice of Everyday Life. “Making Do”: Uses and Tactics”, in Practicing history. New Directions in Historical Writing after the Linguistic Turn, ed. Gabrielle M. Spiegel, London: Routledge 2005, pp. 217-27.
  • Roger Chartier, “Michel de Certeau. History or Knowledge of the Other”, in On the Edge of the Cliff, ed. Chartier, Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1997, Chapter 3., pp. 39- 47.
  • Gabrielle M. Spiegel, “The Task of the Historian”, American Historical Review, Vol. 114, Issue 1, Feb. 2009, pp.1-15.
  • John Belchem and James Epstein, “The Nineteenth-Century Gentleman Leader revisited”, in In practice. Studies in the Language and Culture of Popular Politics in Modern Britain, ed. Epstein, Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp.126-145.
  • Carlotta Sorba, “’Not Just Words: Emotional Bodies in the “Long 1848”’, in Sorba, Politics and Sentiments in Risorgimento Italy. The Melodrama of the Nation, London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2021, Chapter 6., pp.177- 238.


Final session: every participant will be asked to bring along a recommendation -book or article - from their own research field that may make a relevant and interesting reading.

Programme description

Histories of gender, race, sexuality and disability are crucial, fascinating, and multifaceted – and they all went unacknowledged in overall accounts of the past. Taking historical approaches to these different topics as our vantage point, the seminar not only explores various forms of discrimination like racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, cis‐ and heteronormativity, but also engages with the struggles against such powerful systems, thereby addressing the dynamics of activism and identity formation as well as questions around normalisation and tokenisation. Our conversations will highlight transdisciplinary perspectives that allow us to trace complex trajectories, to diversify early modern as well as modern histories by focusing on experiences and subjectivities that have long been marginalised, and to ask what different histories such endeavours may generate. Along the way we will discuss secondary readings as well as primary sources and encounter some expert guest speakers. Our concluding field trip will explore the potential of anti‐racist, anti‐sexist and anti‐ableist criticism in situ, as it were, in present‐day pre‐Christmas Florence.


Session 1 on 3 October

INTRODUCTION 1: Queer history and history of disability

Required Readings

  • Joanna de Groot: ‘Women’s History in Many Places. Reflections on Plurality, Diversity and Polyversality.’
  • Women’s History Review 27 (2018), 1, 109‐119.
  • Michael Rembis, Catherine Kudlick, and Kim E. Nielsen: ‘Introduction.’ In eaedem (eds).: The Oxford Handbook of Disability History, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018, 1‐20.
  • Alison M. Parker: ‘Intersecting Histories of Gender, Race, and Disability.’ Journal of Women’s History 27 (2015), 1, 178‐186.

Further Readings:

  • Chen Yan and Karen Offen: ‘Women’s History at the Cutting Edge: a joint paper in two voices.’ Women’s History Review 27 (2018), 1, 6‐28.
  • Catherine Kudlick: “Disability History: Why We Need Another ‘Other’”. The American Historical Review 108.3 (June 2003), 763‐793.
  • Susan Burch and Ian Sutherlan: ‘Who’s Not Yet Here?’ Radical History Review 94 (Winter 2006), 127‐47. Beth Linker: ‘On the Borderland of Medical and Disability History: A Survey of the Fields.’ Bulletin of the History of Medicine 87.4 (2013), 499‐535.
  • Margaret R. Hunt: ‘Relations of Domination and Subordination in Early Modern Europe and the Middle East.’ Gender & History 30 (2018), 2, 366‐376.
  • Anna Bogic: ‘Theory in Perpetual Motion and Translation: Assemblage and Intersectionality in Feminist Studies.’ Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice / Études Critiques sur le Genre, la Culture, et la Justice 38 (2017), 1, 138‐149.
  • Robert McRuer and Julie Passanante Elman: ‘The of Mobility: Disability, Queerness, and the Cultural Politics of Rehabilitation.’ Feminist Formations 32 (2020), 2, 52‐78.
  • Florynce Kennedy: ‘Institutionalized Oppression vs. the Female.’ In: Robin Morgan (ed.): Sisterhood is Powerful, New York: Vintage Books 1970, 438‐446. The Combahee River Collective: The Combahee River Collective Statement (1977). In: Keeanga‐Yamahtta Taylor (ed.), How We Get Free. Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective, Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2017, 15–27.
  • Ashley Bohrer: ‘Intersectionality and Marxism: A Critical Historiography.’ Historical Materialism 26 (2018), 2, 46‐74.
  • Kaisa Ilmonen: ‘Feminist Storytelling and Narratives of Intersectionality.’ Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society 45 (2020), 2, 347‐371.
  • Culture & Society 45 (2020), 2, 347‐371.
  • Lise Vogel: ‘Beyond Intersectionality.’ Science & Society 82 (2018), 2, 275‐287.
  • Sally Hines and YvetteTaylor (eds.): Theorizing intersectionality and sexuality. Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills, New York 2010.
  • Robert McRuer: Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability. New York: New York University Press 2006.
  • Mara Pieri: ‘The Sound that You Do Not See. Notes on Queer and Disabled Invisibility.’ Sexuality & Culture (2018), 1‐13.
  • Jordana Silverstein: ‘Intersectionality, Resistance, and History‐making: a conversation between Carolyn D’Cruz, Ruth Desouza, Samia Khatun and Crystal McKinnon.’ Lilith 23 (2017), 15‐22. Maria Lugones: ‘Toward a Decolonial Feminism.’ Hypatia 25 (2010), 4, 742‐759.
  • Anna Carastathis: (2008): ‘The Invisibility of Privilege: A critique of intersectional models of identity.’ Les ateliers de l'éthique / The Ethics Forum, (2018), 3(2), 23–38
  • Oyèrónkẹ Oyěwùmí: ‘Visualizing the Body: Western Theories and African Subjects.’ In eadem: The Invention of Women: Making an African Sense of Western Gender Discourses, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1997, 1‐30.
  • Mary Lindemann: ‘The Body Debated: Bodies and Rights in Seventeenth and Eighteenth‐Century Germany.’ Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 28 (2008), 3, 493–521.
  • Katherine Ott, David Serlin, Stephen Mihm: ‘From Cocoon to Silicone: Breast Prosthesis before 1950.’ In eaedem: Artificial Parts, Practical Lives: Modern Histories of Prosthetics, New York: NYU Press 2002, 102‐118.

Further Readings: 

  • Katya Motyl: ‘Re‐Embodying History’s ‘Lady’: Women’s History, Materiality and Public Space in Early‐ Twentieth‐Century Vienna.’ Gender & History 33 (2021), 1, 169‐191.
  • Agnes Arnold‐Forster: ‘Medicine and the Body in Second‐Wave Feminist Histories of the Nineteenth Century.’ History 106 (2021), 668‐686.
  • Katherine Ott: 'Material Culture, Technology, and the Body in Disability History.' In: Michael Rembis, Catherine Kudlick, and Kim E. Nielsen (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Disability History, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018, 125‐140.
  • Frances Bernstein: ‘Prosthetic Manhood in the Soviet Union at the end of World War II.’, Osiris, special issue on Scientific Masculinities 30 (2015), 1, 113‐133.
  • Rosemarie Garland Thomson: Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American Culture and Literature. New York: Columbia University Press 1997.
  • Roger Cooter: ‘The turn of the body. History and the politics of the corporeal’. ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura 186 (2010), 393‐405.
  • Sarah Toulalan and Kate Fisher (eds.), Routledge History of Sex and the Body. 1500 to the Present. New York: Routledge 2013.
  • Caroline Bynum: ‘Why All the Fuss about the Body?’, Critical Enquiry 22 (1995), 1, 1‐33.

Session 4 on 24 October


Christa Hämmerle will join this session

Required Readings:

  • Christa Hämmerle: “‘Mentally broken, physically a wreck…’: Violence in War Accounts of Nurses in Austro‐Hungarian Service.” In Eadem et al. (eds.): Gender and the First World War, London: Palgrave.
  • Christopher Phelps: ‘Class: A Useful Category of Analysis in the History of Sexual Harassment.’ Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the Americas 19 (2022), 1, 1‐26.
  • Jay Winter: ‘Shell shock.’ In Idem (ed.): The Cambridge History of the First World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2014, 310‐333.

Further Readings:

  • Ruth Beecher and Stephanie Wright: ‘Historicising the perpetrators of sexual violence: global perspectives from the modern world.’ Women’s History Review, 2023
  • Karen Hagemann: ‘Introduction: Gender and the History of War—The Development of the Research.’ In: Karen Hagemann, Stefan Dudink and Sonya O. Rose (eds): Oxford Handbook of Gender, War and the Western World since 1600, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press 2020, 1‐34.
  • Roland Betancourt: ‘Imperial Brutality: Racial Difference and the Intersectionality of the Ethiopian Eunuch.’ In: Bryan Keene (ed.): Illuminated Manuscripts and the Global Middle Ages, Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum 2019, 165‐174.
  • Kate Imy: ‘Queering the Martial Races: Masculinity, Sex and Circumcision in the Twentieth‐Century
  • British Indian Army.’ Gender & History 27 (2015) 2, 374‐396.
  • Jay Winter: ‘Shell‐Shock and the Cultural History of the Great War.’ Journal of Contemporary History 35 (2000), 1, 7–11.
  • George L. Mosse: ‘Shell‐Shock as a Social Disease. Journal of Contemporary History.’ 35 (2000), 1, 101–108

Session 5 on 31 October TOPIC 3: PATHOLOGIZATION Required Readings:

  • Kirsten Leng: “Historicising 'Compulsory Able‐bodiedness': The History of Sexology meets Queer Disability Studies.” Gender & History 31 (2019), 2, 319‐333.
  • Sloan Mahone: 'The Psychology of Rebellion: Colonial Medical Responses to Dissent in British East Africa.' Journal of African History 47 (2006), 241‐258.
  • Matthew Smith: ‘Hyperactive Around the World? The History of ADHD in Global Perspective.’ Social History of Medicine 30 (2017), 4, 767‐787.

Further Readings:

  • Ryan Lee Cartwright: ‘Sissies, Loafers, and the Feebleminded: Disability and Nonheteronormativity in Rural White Eugenic Family Studies,’ GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 28 (2022) 28, 4, 515–540.
  • Herculine Barbin and Michel Foucault: Herculine Barbin. Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth‐century French Hermaphrodite, New York: Pantheon Books 1980.
  • Yolanda Pringle: “Investigating ‘Mass Hysteria’ in Early Postcolonial Uganda: Benjamin H. Kagwa, East/
  • African Psychiatry, and the Gisu.” Journal of the History of Medicine and the Allied Sciences, 70 (2015), 105‐36. 
  • Jonathan M. Metzl: The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease. Boston: Beacon Press, 200.

Session 6 on 7 November


  • Gee Semmalar, History Max Weber Fellow, will join this session and will present and discuss his views on the topic based on his work on legal histories, queer epistemologies, archival studies, critical colonial studies and critical caste studies.

Required Readings:

  • Laurie Marhoefer: ‘Was the Homosexual Made White? Race, Empire, and Analogy in Gay and Trans Thought in Twentieth‐Century Germany.’ Gender & History 31 (2019), 1, 91‐114.
  • Jennifer L. Erkulwater: ‘How the Nation’s Largest Minority Became White: Race Politics and the Disability Rights Movement, 1970–1980.’ Journal of Policy History, 30 (2018), 3, 367‐399.
  • Esme Cleall: ‘Orientalising deafness: race and disability in imperial Britain.’ Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 21 (2015), 1, 22‐36.

Further Readings:

  • Marlon B. Ross, ‘Beyond The Closet As Raceless Paradigm.’ In: E. Patrick Johnson and Mae G Henderson (eds.), Black Queer Studies. A Critical Anthology, Durham: Duke University Press 2005, 161‐189.
  • Riley Snorton: Black on Both Sides. A Racial History of Trans Identity, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2017.
  • Saidiya Hartman: ‘Venus in Two Acts.’ Small Axe 12 (2008), 2, 1‐14.
  • J. Fuentes: Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2016.
  • Jennifer Morgan, Jennifer Brier and James Downs (eds.): Connexions. Histories of Race and Sex in America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2016.
  • Laura K. Nelson: ‘The Inequality of Intersectionalities in Chicago's First‐Wave Women's Movement.’
  • Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society, 47 (2022), 4, 905‐930.
  • Linda Heidenreich: “Jack Mugarrieta Garland: A queer mestiz in the ‘American West.’, Lilith: A Feminist History Journal, 21, 2015, 65‐77.
  • Stephanie Hunt‐Kennedy: Between Fitness and Death: Disability and Slavery in the Caribbean. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 2020.
  • Corbett Joan O’Toole: ‘The Sexist Inheritance of the Disability Movement.’ In: Bonnie G. Smith and Beth
  • Hutchison, Gendering Disability, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press 2004, 294‐300.
  • Rosemarie Garland‐Thompson: ‘Integrating disability, transforming feminist theory.’ In: Lennard J. Davis (ed.): The Disability Studies Reader, New York: Routledge 2017, 371‐37
  • Hannah Murphy: ‘Re‐writing race in early modern European medicine’, History Compass 19 (2021), 11.
  • Noémie Ndiaye and Lia Markey (eds.): Seeing Race Before Race. Visual Culture and the Racial Matrix in the Premodern World (2023).
  • Vanita Seth: ‘The Origins of Racism. A Critique of the History of Ideas’, History and Theory 59 (2020), 3, 343‐368.

Session 7 on 14 November
TOPIC 5: TEMPORALITIES Required Readings:

  • Leah Devun and Zeb Tortorici: ‘Trans, Time, and History.TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 5 (2018), 4, 518–539.
  • Hailee Yoshizaki‐Gibbons: “Compulsory Youthfulness: Intersections of Ableism and Ageism in ‘Successful Aging’ Discourses,” Review of Disability Studies 12 (2016), 2‐3,
  • Alison Kafer: ‘After Crip, Crip Afters’ South Atlantic Quarterly, 120 (2021), 2, 415–434.
  • Ryan Lee Cartwright: ‘Out of Sorts. A Queer Crip in the Archive.’ Feminist Review 125 (2020), 62–69.

Further Readings:

  • Sima Shakhsari: ‘The queer time of death: temporality, geopolitics, and refugee rights.’ Sexualities, 17 (2014), 8, 998‐105.
  • Leah DeVun: The Shape of Sex. Non-binary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance. New York: Columbia University Press 2021.
  • Ela Przybylo and Breanne Fahs: ‘Feels and Flows: On the Realness of Menstrual Pain and Cripping
  • Menstrual Chronicity.’ Feminist Formations. 30 (2018), 1, 206‐229.
  • Jina B. Kim and Sami Schalk, ‘Reclaiming the Radical Politics of Self‐Care: A Crip‐of‐Color Critique.’, South Atlantic Quarterly 120 (2021),2, 325–342.
  • In Italian: Mara Pieri and Raffaella Ferrero Camoletto: ‘Doing gender and sexuality through experiences of illness and aging: between dominant and counter‐discourses.’ About Gender ‐ International Journal of Gender Studies, 11 (2022), 22 
  • Alison Kafer, Feminist, Queer, Crip. Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2013. 
  • Karin Ljuslinder, Katuie Ellis and Lotta Vikström: ‘Cripping Time – Understanding the Life Course through the Lens of Ableism, Introduction.’ Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 22 (2020), 1, 35–38. 
  • Judith Halberstam: In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender bodies, Subcultural Lives, New York: New York University Press 2005.

Session 8 on 21 November


Celia Donert, Kateřina Čapková will join this session

Required Readings:

  • Material from Kateřina Čapková and Celia Donert (will be shared by emails ahead of the session)
  • Angéla Kóczé, Violeta Zentai, Jelena Jovanović, and Enikő Vincze: ‘Introduction Romani Feminist Critique and Gender Politics.’ In eaedem (eds.): The Romani Women’s Movement. Struggles and Debates in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Routledge 2018, 1‐25.


Further Readings:

  • Celia Donert: The Rights of the Roma. The Struggle for Citizenship in Postwar Czechoslovakia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017.
  • Angela Kóczé: Gender, Ethnicity and Class: Romani Women’s Political Activism and Social Struggles, Budapest: Central European University, doctoral dissertation, 2011.
  • Jennifer Erickson: ‘Intersectionality theory and Bosnian Roma: Understanding violence and displacement.’ Romani Studies, 27 (2017), 1, 1‐28.
  • Micheál Hayes: ‘Indigenous otherness: some aspects of Irish traveller social history.’ Éire‐Ireland 41 (2006), 3‐4, 133‐161.
  • Victoria Shmidt: ‘The Intersectionality of Disability and Race in Public and Professional Discourses about the Roma in Socialist Czechoslovakia: Between Propaganda and Race Science.’ In: eaedem (ed.): The Politics of Disability in Interwar and Socialist Czechoslovakia: Segregating in the Name of the Nation, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2019, 145‐176

Session 9 on 28 November


Session 10 on 5 December


Seminar description

This seminar aims to discuss the methodology, scope and subject matter of global history. Global history can be understood variously as either the history of global connections, the history of globalization or of entanglements across the globe; a methodology that analyses local, regional and supra-regional histories within global or transnational networks; an approach that seeks to ‘provincialize’ European perspectives and ‘decolonise’ history; or a spatial approach that shifts the level of enquiry away from the nation-state to other scales of analysis. The seminar will examine these different kinds of global history. It will also consider how global history might transform the writing of other fields, for example, cultural history, the history of gender, or the history of science and the environment. Four weekly seminars will be followed by three one-day workshops with multiple sessions dedicated to ‘Global microhistories’; ‘Whose Global History? The Politics of a field’, and ‘The Experiential History of the Global’. Researchers are expected to take an active part in the seminar discussion based on the readings for each session. In addition, sessions will be introduced by a brief presentation of the readings by one or two participants in the seminar.

3 October, 5-7pm: Introduction: What is Global History 

  • Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History? (Princeton, 2016), introduction and ch.4.
  • Jeremy Adelman ‘What is Global History Now?'
  • Richard Drayton and David Motadel, ‘Discussion: The Future of Global History’, Journal of Global History, 13:1 (2018), pp. 1-21. (nb. A reply to Adelman, above)
  • Sven Beckert and Dominic Sachsenmaier, Global history, globally: research and practice around the world (London and New York, 2018), ‘Introduction’
  • What Is Global History? A Roundtable – 20 February 2020

10 October: 5-7pm: Varieties of Global History:

  • Martin Dusinberre, ‘Japan, Global History, and the Great Silence’, History Workshop Journal, 83:1 (2017), pp. 130–150.
  • Gabriela De Lima Grecco, Sven Schuster, ‘Decolonizing Global History? A Latin American Perspective,’ Journal of World History, 31/2, 2020, 425-446.
  • Liu Xincheng, 'The Global View of History in China', Journal of World History 23/3 (2012), 491-511.
  • Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker, The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic (Boston, 2000), ch. 5.
  • Stephen Sawyer, ‘Déglobaliser l’histoire globale de l’Europe,” Annales HSS 76, no. 4 (2021): 775–83 (also available in English as ‘Deglobalizing the Global History of Europe’, Annales HSS (English Edition)

17 October: 5-7pm: Gender and Global History 

  • Cecile Fromont, ’Common Threads: Cloth, Colour, and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Kongo and Angola’, Art History 41, 5 (2018): 838-867.
  • Lisa Hellman, ‘Enslaved in Dzungaria: what an eighteenth-century crocheting instructor can teach us about overland globalization’, Journal of Global History, First View (2021), 1-20.
  • Annika Raapke, ‘Petites Affaires: Pacotille Commerce and the Intimate Networks of Free Women of Colour in the Eighteenth-Century French Caribbean’, Itinerario, 46/3 (2022), 371-380.
  • Amy Stanley, ‘Maidservants' Tales: Narrating Domestic and Global History in Eurasia, 1600-1900’, American Historical Review, 121:2 (2016), pp. 437–460 or Amy Stanley, Stranger in the Shogun's City: A Woman’s Life in Nineteenth-Century Japan (London, 2020), ch. 1 ‘Faraway Places’

24 October, 5-7pm: Environment, Space, and Colonialism 

  • Dagomar Degroot, ‘Blood and Bone, Tears and Oil: Climate Change, Whaling, and Conflict in the Seventeenth-Century Arctic’, American Historical Review, 127/1 (2022), pp. 62–99.
  • Bathsheba Demuth, Floating Coast: An Environmental History of the Bering Strait (W.W. Norton & Company, 2019), pp. 1-11 and ch. 3 pp. 73-101.
  • K. Wintersteen, The Fishmeal Revolution. The Industrialization of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem (2021) chs.1 and 2.
  • M. Zahnd, ‘Praise the Gardeners, Dun the Hunters: Alaska Natives, Taxation, and Settler Colonialism’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2023 first view

30 October. Workshop 1. Whose Global History? The Politics of the Global 

Session 1. 11.00-13.00. Formats and Narratives

  • Cornell Fleischer, Cemal Kafadar and Sanjay Subrahmanyam, ‘How to Write Fake Global History’, Cromohs 10 September 2020
  • The EUI Global History Seminar Group, ‘For a Fair(er) Global History’ Cromohs - Cyber Review of Modern Historiography 2021
  • Giovanni Levi, ‘A Letter on the CROMOHSDebate on Global History’, Cromohs – Cyber Review of Modern Historiography 2023
  • Thomas David and Pierre Singaravélou, ‘L’histoire globale est-elle globale?’, Monde(s), 21 (2022), pp. 15-20

Session 2. 14.30-16.30. Round Table

  • Presentation and Discussion of CAPASIA ERC Project

6 November. Workshop 2. Global Microhistories 

Session 1. 10.30-12.15. Global and Micro

  • Francesca Trivellato, ‘Is there a future to Italian Microhistory in the Age of Global History?’ California Italian Studies, 2:1 (2011).
  • John-Paul A. Ghobrial, ‘Introduction: Seeing the World like a Microhistorian’, Past & Present Special issue on ‘Global History and Microhistory’ 242, supplement 14 (2019), 1-22,
  • Christian de Vito, ‘History without scale: the micro-spatial perspective,’ Past & Present Special issue on ‘Global History and Microhistory’ 242, supplement 14 (2019), 348-72,
  • Romain Bertrand and Guillaume Calafat, ‘La microhistoire globale : affaire(s) à suivre’ , Annales, 73:1 (2018) ( also available in English as ‘Global Micro-History : an Affair to follow,’ Annales HSS (English Edition).

Session 2. 13.15-15.00. Global Microhistory of the Local and the Global,

Special issue of the Journal of Early Modern History, edited by Maxine Berg Participants: Maxine Berg, Remi Dewiere, Anne Gerritsen, and Francesca Trivellato


Seminar description

The traditional distinctions between the history of science, the history of the social sciences and the humanities and intellectual history broadly speaking have been increasingly challenged in favor of a more comprehensive approach to different forms of knowledge without prejudice of their modes of legitimation and validity. This seminar will offer an opportunity to read and discuss critically some of the newest and most exciting works in the history of knowledge, cutting across disciplinary divides and genres. Each session will be devoted to engaging with one recent publication. Together, these works showcase a range of different approaches to historical writing and span subjects that include the politics of knowledge production, rules as a form of knowledge, racial and gender classification, twentieth-century liberalism, the uses of history, and the varieties of historical narrative.

Note that we will focus on a whole book most weeks, in part to reflect on what makes for successful sustained pieces of writing. However, in order to limit the weekly workload, seminar participants will be expected to read the introduction/conclusion and one chapter of their choice, to present on what they have read, and to engage with the presentations of their peers.

Thursday, 5 October, 9-11am

Introductory session

Please read one of the following and come to the session prepared to discuss how the history of knowledge informs your thesis project and what you hope to learn in this seminar.

  • Lorraine Daston, “The History of Science and the History of Knowledge.” KNOW: A Journal of the Formation of Knowledge 1, no. 1 (2017): 131–54.
  • Carlo Ginzburg, “Clues: Roots of a Scientific Paradigm,” Theory & Society 7, no. 3 (May 1979): 273-288.
  • Peter Burke, What is the History of Knowledge? (Polity Press, 2015) (selected reading is fine).
  • Johan Östling, Erling Sandmo, David Larsson Heidenblad, Anna Nilsson Hammar, and Kari H. Nordberg. “The History of Knowledge and the Circulation of Knowledge: An Introduction.” In Circulation of Knowledge: Explorations in the History of Knowledge, edited by Östling et al. (Nordic Academy Press, 2018), pp. 9–33.
  • Jürgen Renn, “From the History of Science to the History of Knowledge—and Back”, Centaurus, 57:1 (2015), 37-53.
  • John Pickstone, Ways of Knowing: A New History of Science, Technology and Medicine (University of Chicago Press, 2000).
  • Suzanne Marchand, “How Much Knowledge is Worth Knowing? An American Intellectual Historian's Thoughts on the Geschichte des Wissens” (2019)

Thursday, 12 October, 9-11am

  • Mackenzie Cooley, The Perfection of Nature: Animals, Humans, and Race in the Renaissance (University of Chicago Press, 2022)

Thursday, 19 October, 9-11am

  • With guest presentation by Professor Daston
    Lorraine Daston, Rules: A Short History of What We Live By (Princeton University Press,2022)

Thursday, 26 October, 9-11am

  • Samuel Moyn, Liberalism against Itself: Cold War Intellectuals and the Making of Our Times (Yale University Press, 2023)

Thursday, 2 November, 9-11am

  • Priya Satia, Time’s Monster: How History Makes History (Harvard University Press, 2020)

Thursday, 9 November, 9-11am

  • Leah DeVun, The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance (Columbia University Press, 2021)

Thursday, 23 November, 9-11am

  • Tara Nummedal, Anna Zieglerin and the Lion's Blood: Alchemy and End Times in Reformation Germany (Penn State University Press, 2019)

Thursday, 30 November, 9-11am

  • Jenny Bulstrode, ‘Black metallurgists and the making of the industrial revolution’, History and Technology, (2023) 39:1, 1-41

(Note also Sara Johnson’s forthcoming Encyclopédie noire: The Making of Moreau de Saint- Méry's Intellectual World (Omohundro Institute and UNC, 2023), scheduled for release 5 December 2023)

Monday, 4 December

  • Enzo Traverso, Singular Pasts: The “I” in Historiography (Columbia University Press, 2023)

Thursday, 7 December, 9-11am

  • This is a novel. Please read as much as you can.
    Benjamin Labatut, The Maniac (Faber and Faber, 2023)

Programme description

In the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007‐08 and the sovereign debt crisis of 2009‐13, renewed debates about capitalism returned the study of economic life, ideas, actors and institutions to the forefront of historical analysis of how the modern world was made. This course will traverse these debates and diverse methodologies, sampling some of the different ways in which historians of the 16th to 19th centuries are asking and answering the what, the when and the how of the history of capitalism: What is capitalism? When did capitalism become the dominant mode of socio‐economic organization? And how has it changed the course of the world? We will discuss key themes in new histories of capitalism including the role of Europe’s colonial expansion, the history of mass enslavement in the making of global capitalism, as well as the origins of corporations and financialisation, as well as capitalism as a means to read the world. We will do so with a broad overview over approaches employed by historians of capitalism ranging from the history of economic ideas, to institutions and actors, and on their national and transnational/global settings. The seminar will also ask how the relation between polities and markets developed across periods of increasing and decreasing global integration. The point of this course is to practice thinking and writing historically.

Week 1. Thursday 5 October 2023, 17:00‐19:00. Capitalism: what’s in it? 

  • Andrew David Edwards, Peter Hill and Juan Neves‐Sarriegui (2020), ‘Capitalism in Global History’, Past & Present, 249, 1‐32.
  • Juergen Kocka, J. and J. Riemer (2018). Capitalism: a short history. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press., chapter 1.
  • Mary O’Sullivan (2018), ‘The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Capitalism’, Enterprise and Society 19/4, 751‐802.

Further readings:

  • Beckert, S. and C. Desan (2018). American capitalism: New histories. New York: Columbia University Press., Introduction.

Week 2. Thursday 12 October 2023, 17:00‐19:00. Economic Life and the origins of capitalism? 

  • Jairus Banaji (2020), A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism. Chicago: Haymarket Books
  • Francesca Trivellato (2020), ‘Renaissance Florence and the Origins of Capitalism: A Business History Perspective’, Business History Review, 94/1, 229–251.
  • Bas van Bavel (2016), The Invisible Hand? How Market Economies Have Emerged and Declined since ad 500, Oxford: Oxford University Press, introduction.

Further readings

  • Emma Rothschild (2021), ‘Where is Capital?’, Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics, 2/2, 291‐371.
  • Anne Gerritsen and Giorgio Riello, eds., The Global Lives of Things: The Material Culture of Connections in the Early Modern World (2016).

Week 3. Thursday 19 October 2023, 17:00‐19:00. Global Capitalisms

  • R. Bin Wong (2021), ‘Modern Capitalism's Multiple Pasts and Its Possible Future: The Rise of China, Climate Change, and Economic Transformation’, Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics, 2/2, 257‐290.
  • Banaji, Jairus. A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism. Chicago: Haymarket, 2020. Cha. 4 and 5.
  • Gareth Austin (2016), ‘The Return of Capitalism as a Concept’, in Jürgen Kocka and Marcel van der Linden, eds., Capitalism: The Reemergence of a Historical Concept. London: Bloomsbury, 207‐234.
  • Inikori, Joseph E. “The First Capitalist Nation: The Development of Capitalism in England. In Capitalisms, edited by Kaveh Yazdani and Dilip M. Memon, 251–276. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.

Further readings

  • Andrew B. Liu (2019), ‘Production, Circulation, and Accumulation: The Historiographies of Capitalism in China and South Asia’, Journal of Asian Studies, 78/4 (2019), 767‐788
  • Taisu Zhang (2017), The Laws and Economics of Confucianism: Kinship and Property in Preindustrial China and England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1‐31.
  • Timur Kuran (2011), The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East. Princeton: Princeton UP, chs. 1, 7 and 8.
  • Brian P. Owensby, Brian P. (2022) New World of Gain. Europeans, Guarani, and the Global Origins of the Modern Economy. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.

Week 4. Thursday 26 October 2023, 17:00‐19:00. The Making of the Corporation

  • Cátia Antunes and Susana Münch Miranda, “Going Bust: Some Reflections on Colonial Bankruptcies,” Itinerario.
  • Adam Clulow (2014), The Company and the shogun: the Dutch encounter with Tokugawa Japan. New York, Columbia University Press (Ch. 6 Planting the Flag in Asia).
  • Malick Ghachem, “‘No Body to be Kicked?’ Monopoly, Financial Crisis, and Popular Revolt in 18th‐ Century Haiti and America,” Law & Literature (2016).
  • Philip J. Stern (2013), "Bundles of Hyphens". Corporations as Legal Communities in the Early Modern British Empire. Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500‐1850, New York: NYU Press, pp. 21‐48.

Further Reading

  • S. Muthu (2008), "Adam Smith's Critique of International Trading Companies: Theorizing "Globalization" in the Age of Enlightenment." Political Theory 36/2, 185‐212.
  • Ron Harris (2020), Going the Distance: Eurasian Trade and the Rise of the Business Corporation, 1400‐1700. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 15‐47 (Ch 1 Environment and Trade).


Week 5. Thursday 2 November 2023, 17:00‐19:00. Accounting for Capitalism

  • Deringer, William. “Pricing the Future in the Seventeenth Century: Calculating Technologies in Competition.” Technology and Culture 58, no. 2 (Apr 2017): 506‐528.
  • Caitlin Rosenthal, “Slavery’s Scientific Management: Masters and Managers,” in Slavery’s Capitalism: A New History of American Economic Development, eds. Sven Beckert and Seth Rockman, (Philadelphia: Penn Press, 2016): 62–86.
  • Quinn Slobodian (2015), ‘How to See the World Economy: Statistics, Maps, and Schumpeter's Camera in the First Age of Globalization’, Journal of Global History, 10/2, 307‐322.

Further Reading:

  • Daniel Speich (2011), ‘The Use of Global Abstractions: National Income Accounting in the Period of Imperial Decline’, Journal of Global History 6/1, 7–28.
  • Rosenthal, Caitlin. Accounting for Slavery: Masters and Management. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2018.

Week 6. Thursday 9 November 2023, 17:00‐19:00. Inequalities

  • Julia McClure (2022), ‘The intellectual foundations of imperial concepts of inequality’. Global Intellectual History, early online publication.
  • William H. Sewell Jr. (2021), Capitalism and the emergence of civic equality in eighteenth‐century France. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 43‐65.
  • Thomas Piketty (2022) A Brief History of Equality, translated by Steven Rendall. Cambridge MA

Further readings

  • Thomas Piketty (2020), Capital and ideology. Cambridge MA, Introduction.
  • Katharina Pistor (2019), The Code of Capital: How the Law creates Wealth and Inequality. Princeton: Princeton UP.
  • Branko Milanovic (2016), Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalisation. Cambridge MA.
  • Angus Deaton (2015), The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality. Princeton: Princeton UP.
  • Walter Scheidel (2018), The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty‐First Century. Princeton: Princeton UP.


Week 7. 23 November, 17:00‐19:00. Enslavement and Capitalism

  • Rosenthal, Caitlin. “Capitalism when Labor was Capital: Slavery, Power, and Price in Antebellum
    America.” Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 1 (Spring 2020): 296–337.
  • Christian G. De Vito, Juliane Schiel, and Matthias van Rossum, “From Bondage to Precariousness?
  • New Perspective on Labor and Social History.” Journal of Social History (2020)
  • Karwan Fatah‐Black and Matthias van Rossum, “Beyond Profitability: The Dutch Transatlantic Slavery Trade and its Economic Impact,” Slavery & Abolition (2015)
  • Paton, Diana. "Gender History, Global History, and Atlantic Slavery: On Racial Capitalism and Social Reproduction." The American Historical Review 127, no. 2 (2022): 726‐54

Further readings:

  • DeJean, Joan. 2023. ‘Les Capitalistes: The First Capitalists and the Debt Created by Haitian Slavery’. Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 4 (1): 44–72.
  • Williams, E. E. (1961), Capitalism & Slavery. New York, Russell & Russell., 135‐36, 145‐53.
  • Mariana L.R. Dantas, “Miners, Farmers, and Market People: Women of African Descent and the Colonial Economy in Minas Gerais,” African Economic History (2015);


Week 8. Tuesday 28 November, 9.00‐11.00. Finance and Financialisation

  • Eichengreen, Barry. “Financial History, Historical Analysis and the New History of Finance Capital.” Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 1 (Fall 2019): 20‐58.
  • Lumba, Allen E.S. “Imperial Standards: Colonial Currencies, Racial Capacities, and Economic Knowledge during the Philippene‐American War.” Diplomatic History 39 (2015): 603–628.
  • Mary E. Hicks, “Financing the Luso‐Atlantic Slave Trade, 1500–1840: Collective Investment Practices from Portugal to Brazil,” Journal of Global Slavery 2 (2017) 273‐309.
  • Grafe, Regina. "All That Happened Below 5 Percent: Religious Endowments, Credit, and Interest Rate Discrimination in Colonial Spanish America.". EUI Dept of History Working Paper (2022).

Further Readings

  • Christine Desan’s Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism (2014) chapters tba
  • Claire Priest, Credit Nation: Property Laws and Institutions in Early America (2021)
  • Katharina Pistor, Code of Capital (2019)


Week 8. Thursday 30 November 2023, 17:00‐19:00. Liberalisation: Capitalism chained and unchained?

  • Slobodian, Quinn. 2023. ‘The Unequal Mind: How Charles Murray and Neoliberal Think Tanks Revived IQ’. Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics 4 (1): 73–108.
  • Jacob Soll, “For a New Economic History of Early Modern Empire: Anglo‐French Imperial Codevelopment beyond Mercantilism and Laissez‐Faire,” WMQ (2020)
  • Wennerlind’s “The Death Penalty as Monetary Policy,” History of Political Economy (2004)

Further reading

  • Quinn Slobodian, Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism (Harvard, 2018)

Week 9. Tuesday 5 December, 9.00‐11.00. Final session.

Readings to be decided by researchers

Seminar description

The Core Skills Course is aimed at fostering historical and transferable skills. The course promotes a shared culture of discussion and engagement among first-year researchers coming from very different backgrounds. It consists of two parts: the first part introduces researchers to the Department’s fields of expertise, and to a variety of methodological, theoretical, and thematic approaches; the second part focuses on the concrete aspects of doing research and covers issues such as library and archival sources, publications and the peer-review process, and general aspects of the EUI History training program.

3 October: Historical Research. Speakers: Giorgio Riello and Glenda Sluga

  • Michael O’Sullivan and Giorgio Riello, “Where is Asia in the History of Early Modern Capitalism?” unpublished paper.


10 October: Politics and Change. Speakers: Nicolas Guilhot and Corinna Unger

  • Amalia Ribi Forclaz, Corinna R. Unger, Progress versus precaution: international organizations and the use of pesticides, 1940s to 1970s, “Comparative”, 2023, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 611-628.
  • Nicolas Guilhot, “Thinker, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Alexandre Koyré and the Origins of Totalitarianism”.


17 October: History and the Economy. Speakers: Reginal Grafe and Emmanuel Mourlon- Druol

  • R. Grafe, Trading in a Polycentric Empire: Commercial Hubs within and without the Carrera de Indias.
  • Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, The Resilience of the Nation-State: How Monetary Union Shelved Economic Union, from Rome to Maastricht.


24 October: History and Empires. Speakers: Pieter Judson and Lucy Riall

  • JUDSON, Pieter M., Seeing the Habsburg monarchy as a global empire in an age of self-styled nation-states, “Geschichte und Region; Storia e regione”, 2021, Vol. 30, No. 1.
  • Lucy Riall, Hidden Spaces of Empire: Italian Colonists in Nineteenth-Century Peru, “Past & Present”, Volume 254, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 193–233.


31 October: Knowledge and Cultures. Speakers: Lauren Kassell and Carlotta Sorba

  • Lauren Kassell and Robert Ralley, “Bedside Medicine in Early Modern England” Draft in preparation for Medical encounters in the early modern world 1450–1750, ed. Leah Astbury and Carolin Schmitz.
  • Carlotta Sorba, Political objects in motion across 19th-century Europe, in “Reimagining Mobilities across the Humanities”.


7 November: History and Diversity. Speakers: Monika Barr and Benno Gammerl

  • Baár, Monika, Disability and Civil Courage Under State Socialism: The Scandal over The Hungarian Guide-Dog School, in “Past & Present, no. 227, 2015, pp. 179–203.
  • Christina Benninghaus, Benno Gammerl, Maren Lorenz, Martin Lücke, Xenia von Tippelskirch, and others: Gender History. Challenges and Potentials, Perspectives and Strategies - forthcoming.


14 November, 9-11 am and 1-3 pm: Historical Skills Workshop 1.

  • Archives and Libraries for Historical Research. Speakers: Federica Signoriello and Dieter Schlenker
  • 9-11 a.m. Libraries, led by Federica Signoriello (Library Information Specialist, EUI Library)
  • 5-7 pm. Archives, led by Dieter Schlenker (Historical Archives of the European Union) and Emma Markiewicz (London Metropolitan Archives) 


  • The Library: A Fragile History Hardcover – 14 Oct. 2021 by Arthur der Weduwen (Author), Andrew Pettegree (Author).
  • Arlette Farge’s The Allure of the Archives.


21 November Historical Skills Workshop 2. Training and Careers for Historians

9-11 am Doctoral training: hard and soft skills.

This week we will discuss the different ways in which one can build a career in history. We have appended a series of links to useful sites please feel free to browse through them and bring back your questions for discussion and also to bring examples of your own to the seminar.


5-7 pm

Guests: Bruno Martinho (Sintra Museum) and Isaebail Rowe (Canadian School), Moira Dato (online), Aden Knaap (Max Weber fellow)


This research seminar explores the ways in which elites are defined and studied across different fields of historiography, from the late nineteenth century to the present. We will reflect on the main interpretations and methodological approaches with the aim of familiarizing researchers with the varieties of approaches, methods, and analytical scope of the genre. Discussions will focus on political and economic elites. We will take into consideration a wide range of actors, including not only state elites but also private actors, businesses and trade unions.

The following programme is set up above all to provide a broad overview of methods, sources and times periods in order to allow a reflection and debate on them, as well as an engagement with ongoing research from EUI fellows and external guests.


Tuesdays 9:00 to 11:00

  1. General introduction
  2. The private banker (late 19th century)
  3. The economist
  4. The diplomat and the sherpa
  5. The business leader
  6. The lawyer
  7. The central banker
  8. The cold warrior
  9. The head of government and head of international organisation
  10. The EU technocrat


Week 1: 9 January. General introduction

  • Alan Milward, The European Rescue of the Nation State, Routledge, 1992: Chapter 6: The lives and teaching of European saints
  • François Denord, Mikael Palme, Bertrand Réau (ed.), Researching Elites and Power. Theory, Methods, Analyses, Abingdon, Routledge, 202: Introduction
  • Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc, Quantitative methods in the humanities, University of Virginia Press, 2019: Chapter 1

Week 2: 16 January. The private banker (late 19th century)

  • Youssef Cassis, City Bankers 1890-1914, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994: Introduction and Chapter 6
  • Pedro Araujo, Eric Davoine and Pierre-Yves Donzé, “Banking elites and the transformation of capitalism in Switzerland: A prosopographic analysis (1890–2020),” Business History, 2023
  • Hubert Bonin, “Parisian banking networks and the empire”, in Hubert Bonin, Nuno Valério (ed.), Colonial and Imperial Banking History, Abingdon, Routledge, 2015.

Week 3: 23 January. The economist

Presentation by Dr Pierre Alayrac, EUI

  • Lasse F. Henriksen, Leonard Seabrooke, Kevin L. Young, “Intellectual rivalry in American economics: intergenerational social cohesion and the rise of the Chicago school”, Socio-Economic Review, vol. 20, 2022/3, p. 989-1013.
  • Elizabeth P. Berman, “From Economic to Social Regulation: How The Deregulatory Moment Strengthened Economists’ Policy Position”, History of Political Economy, vol. 49 (issue supp.), 2017, p. 187 – 212.

Week 4: 30 January. The diplomat and the sherpa

  • Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Haakon Ikonomou and Torsten Kahlert, “Scandinavians and the League of Nations Secretariat, 1919-1946,” Scandinavian Journal of History, 2019
  • Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, “Less than a Permanent Secretariat, more than an ad-hoc Preparatory Group: a Prosopography of the G7’s Personal Representatives, 1975-1991,” in Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol and Federico Romero (eds), International Summitry and Global Governance: the Rise of the G7 and the European Council, 1974-1991, pp.64-91
  • Herren Madeleine, “Gender and international relations through the lens of the League of Nations (1919-1945)”, in Glenda Sluga, Carolyn James (ed.), Women, Diplomacy and International Politics since 1500, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, pp. 182 - 201.

Week 5: 6 February. The business leader

  • Sylvain Laurens, Lobbyists and Bureaucrats in Brussels: Capitalism’s Brokers, Abingdon, Routlege, 2018, chapter 1 (p. 14-34).
  • Thomas David and Pierre Eichenberger, “’A world parliament of business’? The International Chamber of Commerce and its presidents in the twentieth century,” Business History, 2022
  • Juha Kansikas “The business elite in Finland: a prosopographical study of family firm executives 1762–2010,” Business History, 57:7, 2015

Week 6: 13 February. The lawyer

  • Vera Fritz, “Judge Biographies as a Methodology to Grasp the Dynamics inside the CJEU and its Relationship with EU Member States”, in Mikael Rask Madsen, Fernanda Nicola, Antoine Vauchez (ed.), Researching the European Court of Justice: Methodological Shifts and Law’s Embeddedness, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, p. 209 – 234.
  • Tommaso Pavone, The ghostwriters lawyers and the politics behind the judicial construction of Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022: Chapter 5

Week 7: 20 February. The central banker

  • Mikael Wendschlag, “Central Bankers in Twelve Countries between 1950 and 2000: The Making of a Global Elite”, in Youssef Cassis, Giuseppe Telesca (ed.), Financial Elites and European Banking: Historical Perspectives, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, p. 182 – 208
  • Alexis Drach, “Basel Banking Supervisors and the Construction of an International Standard-Setter Institution”, in Youssef Cassis, Giuseppe Telesca (ed.), Financial Elites and European Banking: Historical Perspectives, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, p. 209 - 236.

Week 8: 27 February. The ‘cold warrior’ who is not

Special guest: Dr Angela Romano, Università di Bologna

  • Angela Romano and Federico Romero (eds), European Socialist Regimes' Fateful Engagement with the West: National Strategies in the Long 1970s: Chapter 3 by Pal Gemurska
  • Brown, Martin and Angela Romano. ‘Executors or Creative Deal-Makers? The Role of the Diplomats in the Making of the Helsinki CSCE’. In Nicolas Badalassi and Sarah B. Snyder, eds. The CSCE and the End of the Cold War. New York: Berghahn Books, 2018

Week 9: 12 March. The head of government and head of international organization

  • N. Piers Ludlow, Roy Jenkins and the European Commission presidency, 1976-1980: at the heart of Europe, Palgrave, 2016: Introduction
  • Mathias Haeussler, Helmut Schmidt and British-German Relations, Cambridge University Press, 2019: Introduction and conclusion
  • Hagen Schulz-Forberg, “Crisis and continuity. Robert Marjolin, transnational policy-making and neoliberalism, 1930s-70s”, European Review of History, vol. 26, 2019/4, p. 679-702.

Week 10: 19 March. The EU technocrat

Special guest: Dr Marylou Hamm, EUI

  • Georgakakis Didier, “Genesis and Structure of European Bureaucratic Capital: Senior European Commission Officials”, in European Civil Service in (Times of) Crisis, London, Palgrave, 2017, p. 93 – 141.
  • Mérand (F.), « Political work in the stability and growth pact », Journal of European Public Policy, 29 (6), 2022, 1–19.

This seminar is run by an historian and a political scientist (in alphabetical order), and intended for all EUI researchers, especially HEC and SPS. We are among those international historians and IR scholars who, in the last few years, have begun to exchange ideas about the history and politics of order-making. Our aims in this seminar are (1) to explore the methods and themes that historians and political scientists have each used to study the ‘international order’ (a concept that itself deserves interrogation), and (2) are now emerging out of the new fruitful interdisciplinary exchange between them. We will take the opportunity to locate ordering attempts, successes and failures across time (20th and 21st centuries) and diverse political spaces, to probe the utility of the idea of an ‘order’ and of ‘order-making’ in thinking about the past and our own world. Also, interested researchers will be invited to discuss their own cutting-edge research in this same context, where they see fit.

By the end of the course, researchers will have:

  • become familiar with the main debates around global order and able to locate them in their historical context
  • become able to identify the assumptions underpinning these debates as well as their theoretical origins
  • become familiar with current research conducted within various theoretical frameworks as well as critically evaluate their arguments
  • considered the relevance of particular approaches to their own work and practised different forms of argument construction.

Course requirements consist of:

  • Complete the readings and active participation in the seminar discussions and debates, e.g. contributing to addressing broader issues and questions underlying the readings.
  • Authors’ defendant (1x), that is, defend the merits of the week’s readings in class.

To receive credit for this seminar, you must get a pass on each of them.


  • Session 1 Tuesday 16 January 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 2 Tuesday 23 January 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 3 Tuesday 30 January 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 4 Tuesday 6 February 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 5 Tuesday 13 February 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 6 Tuesday 20 February 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 7 Tuesday 27 February 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 8 Tuesday 5 March 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 9 Tuesday 12 March 15.00-17.00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia
  • Session 10 Tuesday 19 March 15:00-17:00 2 hrs Sala Belvedere, Villa Schifanoia

Week 1 Introductions: history and IR

  • Sluga, Glenda. 2023. “Afterword: New Histories of International Order.” In Peter Jackson, William Mulligan, & Glenda Sluga (Eds.), Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 407-414.
  • Williams, Andrew. 1998. Failed imagination? New world orders of the 20th century. Manchester University Press, introduction (pp. 1-18).


Week 2 
What is an international/global/world order?

  • Canada IR/History Project Discussing the History of International Orders: A Workshop Report
  • Reus-Smit, Christian. 2017. “Cultural Diversity and International Order.” International Organization 71, 4: 851-885.
  • Hurrell, Andrew. 2006. “Hegemony, liberalism and global order: what space for would-be great powers?” International Affairs 82, 1: 1-19.
  • Kang, David C. 2020. “International Order in Historical East Asia: Tribute and Hierarchy Beyond Sinocentrism and Eurocentrism.” International Organization 74: 65-93.


  • Jackson, Peter, Mulligan, William, & Sluga, Glenda. 2023. Introduction. In P. Jackson, W. Mulligan, & G. Sluga (Eds.), Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War
  • (pp. 1-34). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Summary of theories of international order)
  • Schroeder, Paul. 1989. “The nineteenth-century system: balance of power or political equilibrium?” Review of International Studies 15, 2: 135-154.
  • Bull, Hedley. 2002. The anarchical society: a study of order in world politics. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Philipps, Andrew and JC Sharman. 2020. “Company-states and the creation of the global international system." European Journal of International Relations 26, 4: 1249-1271.

Week 3 Order-making (in times of crisis)

  • Tourinho, Marcos. 2021. “The Co-Constitution of Order.” International Organization 75(2): 258-281.
  • Sluga, Glenda. 2021. The invention of international order: remaking Europe after Napoleon. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Introduction.
  • Adler, Emanuel. 2019. World Ordering. A Social Theory of Cognitive Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1, pp. 13-44.
  • Hofmann, Stephanie. Forthcoming. “Dialectic order-making through ambiguity: Contestation is the norm in collective security.” Global Studies Quarterly.


  • Zürn, Michael. 2018. A Theory of Global Governance. Authority, Legitimacy, and Contestation. Cambridge: Oxford University Press.
  • Alker, Hayward, and Thomas Biersteker. 1984. “The dialectics of world order: Notes for a future archaeologist of international savoir faire.” International Studies Quarterly 28(2): 121–142.
  • Goddard, Stacie, Ron Krebs, Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, Berthold Rittberger, eds. Forthcoming. “Contestation in a world of liberal orders.” Global Studies Quarterly.

Week 4 Order and International Law

GUEST: Or Rosenboim

  • Rosenboim, Or. 2017. The Emergence of Globalism: Visions of World Order in Britain and the United States. 1939–1950. Princeton: Princeton University Press, chapter 6.
  • Ikenberry, G. John. 2001. After Victory: institutions, strategic restraint and the rebuilding of order after major wars. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 163-215.
  • Wertheim, Stephen. Tomorrow the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy, Chapter 4, ‘Instrumental Internationalism, 1941-1943’, pp. 115-144.
  • Thornton, Christy. Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy, Chapter 4: ‘Voice and Vote: Mexico’s Postwar Vision at Breton Woods’, pp. 79-98.


  • Thornton, Christy. Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy, Chapter 4: ‘Voice and Vote: Mexico’s Postwar Vision at Breton Woods’, pp. 79-98.
  • Balasubramanian, Aditya and Srinath Raghavan. 2018. “Present at the Creation: India, the Global Economy, and the Breton Woods Conference.” Journal of World History 29, 1: 65-94.
  • Sluga, Glenda. 2013. Internationalism in the Age of Nationalism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, chapter 3.


Week 5 Postcolonial order-making

  • Getachew, Adom. 2019. Worldmaking After Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Chapter 3, pp. 71-106.
  • Berger, Tobias. 2022. “Worldmaking from the margins: interactions between domestic and international ordering in mid-20th-century India.” European Journal of International Relations 28, 4: 834-858.



  • Anghie, Antony et al. 2003. The Third World and International Order. Brill.


Week 6 What makes an order, when, why, and how? The 1945 case study

  • Benton, Lauren and Lisa Ford. 2018. Rage for Order. The British Empire and the Origins of International Law, 1800-1850. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, chapter 5.

  • Orford, Anne. 2021. “Regional Orders, Geopolitics, and the Future of International Law.” Current Legal Problems 74: 149-94.

  • Wheatley, Natasha. 2023. The Life and Death of States: Central Europe and the Transformation of Modern Sovereignty. Princeton: Princeton University Press, Introduction.


  • Mantilla, Giovanni and Carsten-Andreas Schulz. “The Turn to the History of International Law in the Discipline of International Relations.” in Cambridge History of International Law, Vol. I, Anne Peters and Randall Lesaffer, eds. Cambridge University Press (Forthcoming 2023).
  • Bull, Hedley. 1972. “International Law and International Order.” International Organization 26, 3: 583-588.
  • Koskenniemi, Marti & Nouwen, Sarah. 2021. “The Politics of Global Lawmaking: A Conversation.” European Journal of International Law 32, 4: 1341-1352.

Week 7 What makes an order, when, why, and how? The NIEO Case Study


  • Fioretos, Orfeo. 2020. “Rhetorical appeals and strategic cooptation in the rise and fall of the New International Economic Order.” Global Policy 11, 3: 73-82.

Week 8 End of the order as we know it?

  • Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Our Common Agenda (2021)
  • Lake, David, Lisa Martin, and Thomas Risse. 2021. “Challenges to the Liberal International Order. Reflections on International Organization.” International Organization 75(2): 225-257.
  • Acharya, Amitav. 2017. “After liberal hegemony: the advent of a multiplex world order.” Ethics and International Affairs 31, 3: 271-285.
  • Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Mette, and Stephanie Hofmann. “Of the Contemporary Global Order, Crisis, and Change.” Journal of European Public Policy 27(7): 1077-1089.
  • Tooze, Adam. 2019. ‘Everything you know about global order is wrong’, 30 January, Foreign Policy.


  • Ikenberry, G. John. 2018. “The End of Liberal International Order?” International Affairs 94,1: 7-23.
  • Cooley, Alexander, and Daniel Nexon. 2020. Exit from Hegemony. The Unraveling of the American Global Order. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Finnemore, Martha. 2009. “Legitimacy, Hypocrisy, and the Social Structure of Unipolarity: Why Being a Unipole Isn’t All It’s Cracked up to Be.” World Politics 61(1): 58–85.
  • Dani Rodrik and Stephen Walt, ‘How to Construct a New Global Order’, 24 May 2021
  • Sluga, Glenda. 2017. ‘Anfänge und Ende(n) der Weltordnung’, Geschichtskolumne Merkur, 816: 72-81 also published in English, as ‘‘The Beginnings and Ends of International Orders,’ E-IR, May 2017. 

Week 9 Changing Global Order Project 


Week 10 From Disorder to Order Project

GUEST: Ayşe Zarakol

  • Zarakol, Ayşe. 2022. Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders. Cambridge University Press.

Research Seminar description:

Does history have an end? What does it look like? And how does it feel to live through it? What role do endings play in our capacity to elicit meaning out of historical timeframes? What is the relationship between historical narrative and story‐telling? The theme of the “end of history” encapsulates a number of different ideas that we will seek to explicate and differentiate. We will think about the relationship between time, history, hope, and despair, in order to try and make sense of the current cultural moment. We will read widely, across history, philosophy, anthropology, literary theory, and narrative nonfiction.

The syllabus is designed to accommodate participatory input: in week 4, we will collectively decide the contents of sessions 8 and 9. These can be either drawn from the “further reading” sections, or completely unrelated, as long as they are relevant to the discussion

Session 1: Introduction 

  • Matthew Karp, “History as End: 1619, 1776, and the Politics of the Past,” Harper’s, June 2021.

Session 2: The End of the Story  

  • Frank Kermode, The Sense of an Ending (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) Further Reading: Frank Kermode, The Genesis of Secrecy: On the Interpretation of Narrative (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979); Jean‐François Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1979); Daniel Mendelsohn, Three Rings: A Tale of Exile, Narrative, and Fate (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2020); Robert Newman, ed. Centuries’ Ends, Narrative Means (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996) ; Hayden White, “The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory,” History and Theory 23, no. 1 (1984): 1–33.

Session 3: The End of History 

  • Francis Fukuyama, “The End of History?” The National Interest, Summer 1989, No. 16 (Summer 1989), pp. 3‐18.
  •  Karl Löwith, Meaning in History (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 1949), introduction and conclusion.

Further Reading: Alexandre Kojève, Introduction to the Reading of Hegel: Lectures on the Phenomenology of the Spirit (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1969); 12th conference, 1938‐1939 lectures, notes 1 and 2; Jacob Taubes, Occidental Eschatology (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009); Jeanne Morefield, “More Things in Heaven and Earth: Liberal Imperialism and The End of History,” Polity 54, n. 4, 2022; Joan W. Scott, On the Judgment of History (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020).

Session 4: Living through the End of History 

  • Lea Ypi, Free: Coming of Age at the End of History (London: Penguin, 2021), Part 1.
  • Jonathan Lear, Imagining the End: Mourning and the Ethical Life (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press 2022), ch. 1 “We will not be missed!”

Further Reading: Slavoj Žižek, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce (London: Verso, 2009) pp. 9‐85; Günther Anders, Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen. Über die Seele im Zeitalter der zweiten industriellen Revolution, 2 vol. (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2002); Nicolas Guilhot, “The Lull: On our Age of Catastrophic Uneventfulness,” The Point, n. 28, October 2022; Movie: Good Bye, Lenin! directed by Wolfgang Becker (2003)

Session 5: The End of Ideology

  • Michael Freeden, “Confronting the Chimera of a “Post‐Ideological” Age,’’Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (2005): 247–62.
  • Id.  “Ideologies and Conceptual History,” Journal of Political Ideologies 2, no. 1 (1997): 3–11.
  • Daniel Bell, “The End of Ideology in the West: an Epilogue” in The End of Ideology. On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000).

Further reading: Raymond Aron, L'Opium des intellectuels (Paris: Calmann‐Lévy, 1955); Chaim Waxman, The End of Ideology Debate (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1968); Daniel Steinmetz‐Jenkins, “Raymond Aron, Friedrich Hayek, and "The Third World": An Alternative History of the End of Ideology Debate,” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 12, no. 3, Winter 2021, pp. 241‐264; Michael Freeden, “Ideology and Political Theory,”  Journal of Political Ideologies 11, no. 1 (2006): 3–22. 

Session 6: Apocalypse Now 

  • Ernesto De Martino, The End of the World: Cultural Apocalypse and Transcendence (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2023), Overture 1 & 2 
  • Susan Sontag, “The Imagination of Disaster,” in Against Interpretation and Other Essays (London: Penguin, 1966), p. 209‐225. (Original also available from Commentary magazine). 

Further reading: François Hartog, Chronos: The West confronts Time (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022); Norman Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages (London: Pimlico 2004 [1965]); Ernesto de Martino, Furore Simbolo Valore (Milano: Il Saggiatore, 2013); Michaël Fœssel, Après la fin du monde. Critique de la raison apocalyptique (Paris: Seuil, 2012); Jonas Bendiksen, The Last Testament (New York: Aperture, 2017); Matthias Riedl, “Apocalyptic Violence and Revolutionary Action: Thomas Müntzer’s Sermon to the Princes” in A Companion to the Premodern Apocalypse, 260–96 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2016).

Session 7: Collapse 

  • Dipesh Chakrabarty, The Climate of History in a Planetary Age (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021), Chapters 1‐3 and 7‐8. 

Further reading: Jonathan Lear, Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008); Günther Anders, Endzeit und Zeitenende: Gedanken über die atomare Situation (München: Beck, 1972.).

Session 8: Participatory syllabus session 

  • To be decided collectively in Week 4. 

Session 9: Participatory syllabus session

  • Ibid.

Session 10: The End of Truth

  • Bruno Latour, “Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern,” Critical Inquiry 30 (2004): 225‐248.
  • Ethan Kleinberg, “A New Compass of History (for the End‐Time of Truth),” forthcoming (a draft copy of the text will be circulated to the participants).

Further reading: Michel Foucault, “Truth and Power,” in Colin Gordon (ed.), Power/Knowledge. Selected Interviews and Other Writings 19721977 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1980), p. 109‐133.

Seminar Description:
This seminar offers researchers an opportunity to present and get feedback on the early stages of their PhD writing, the March paper drafts. The first three sessions will concentrate on reflecting on writing a PhD in history in general terms, as well as exchanging ‘good practice.’ The rest of the sessions will be opportunities to discuss and comment individual drafts of the participants.

Tuesdays 11:00‐13:00

WEEK 1: 9 January. First steps: overviewing a large research topic

This session will focus on the first steps of the literature review: how to identify what to read? When and where to stop?

Youssef Cassis, “Financial History and History,” in Youssef Cassis, Catherine Schenk and Richard Grossman (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History, Oxford University Press, 2016

Benoît Majerus and Benjamin Zenner, “Too small to be of interest, too large to grasp?

Histories of the Luxembourg financial centre,” European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 2020

We will use these two texts as examples of situating a field in a larger historiography. Do they succeed in presenting a good overview of research in the field? What could have been added or improved?

WEEK 2: 16 January. Second step: connecting the literature review and the contribution to the literature

This session will focus on the articulation of your literature review with the contribution you want to make to the literature. It is not enough to identify a ‘gap’ in the literature: you also need to explain why filling this gap matters.

Neil Rollings, “Between Business and Academia in Postwar Britain: Three Advocates of Neoliberalism at the Heart of the British Business Community,” in Roger E. Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman, Tamotsu Nishizawa and Dieter Plehwe (eds), Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists and Arguments for the Welfare State, Oxford University Press, 2017: most importantly Introduction

Angela Romano and Federico Romero, European Socialist Regimes' Fateful Engagement with the West: National Strategies in the Long 1970s, Routledge, 2021: Introduction only

We will discuss these short texts as examples of a literature review. Do they succeed in connecting: the literature review, the presentation of the gap in this literature, and the contributions of the article/book? What could have been added or improved?

WEEK 3: 23 January. Getting organised!

This session focuses on the actual writing process: how to take notes? How to organise notes? How to organise references? How to write up? We will discuss in particular the use of bibliographic management software (Zotero).

WEEK 4: 30 January: Discussion of two drafts

WEEK 5: 6 February: Discussion of two drafts

WEEK 6: 13 February: Discussion of two drafts

WEEK 7: 20 February: Discussion of two drafts

WEEK 8: 27 February: Discussion of two drafts and conversation about general questions concerning the March paper

WEEK 9: 5 March: Concluding discussion about questions, overviews and writing.

Research Seminar: History of Emotions
Benno Gammerl and Anastazja Grudnicka EUI,
Spring term 2024

The history of emotions explores the sometimes shaky, but never dull terrain lying beyond the trodden paths of social constructionism. While feelings are shaped by social knowledge productions and power relations, they also involve bodies, materialities, and affects which inhabit the edges of symbolic order and cultural intelligibility. The seminar discusses ways in which one can approach these phenomena in an insightful fashion, thereby extending the purview of history and other disciplines. Our conversations engage with sociological, anthropological,

psychological, neuroscientific, affect theoretical as well as praxeological perspectives. In addition to such theoretical deliberations, we review various empirical studies on economic, political and other dynamics in modern and early modern history and ask how a methodologically sound integration of emotional patterns and practices can further our understanding of individual and collective trajectories in the past or the present.


Session 1: Introduction

  • Carr, Helen. "Can Emotions Have a History?" In What is History Now? How the Past and Present Speak to Each Other, edited by Helen Carr and Suzannah Lipscomb, 134-151. London, 2021.
  • Plamper, Jan. The History of Emotions: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. pp. 1-39 and 297-300.

Session 2: Conversation with Laura Kounine

  • Kounine, Laura. Imagining the Witch. Emotions, Gender, and Selfhood in Early Modern Germany. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

Session 3: Neuroscientific, psychological, anthropological and sociological approaches

  • Barrett, Lisa Feldman, and Ajay B. Satpute. "Historical pitfalls and new directions in the neuroscience of emotion." Neuroscience Letters 693 (2019): 9-18.
  • Beatty, Andrew. 2014. "Anthropology and emotion." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 20:545-563.
  • Moors, Agnes. 2022. Demystifying emotions: A typology of theories in psychology and philosophy, Chapter 8 "Psychological Constructionist Theories."
  • Olson, Rebecca, and Jordan J. McKenzie, Roger Patulny. 2017. "The sociology of emotions: A meta-reflexive review of a theoretical tradition in flux." Journal of Sociology 53 (4): 800-818.

4. Session 4: Historical approaches

  • Dixon, Thomas. 2012. "The Tears of Mr Justice Willes." Journal of Victorian Culture 17 (1): 1–23.
  • Gammerl, Benno. 2012. "Emotional Styles: Concepts and Challenges." Rethinking History 16: 161-175.
  • Phillips, Mark S. 2008. "On the advantages and disadvantages of sentimental history for life." History Workshop Journal 65: 49-64.
  • Trigg, Stephanie. 2014. "Introduction: emotional histories – beyond the personalization of the past and the abstraction of affect theory." Exemplaria 26: 3–15.

5. Session 5: Emotions, senses, and bodies

  • Barclay, Katie. "Compassion as an Agent of Historical Change." The American Historical Review 127, no. 4 (December 2022): 1752–1785.
  • Winchcombe, Rachel. "Comfort Eating: Food, Drink and Emotional Health in Early Modern England." The English Historical Review (2023)
  • Janes, Lauren. 2022. "Exotic Eating in Interwar Paris: Dealing with Disgust." Food and History 8 (1): 237-256.

6. Session 6: Emotions, discrimination, and subjectification

  • Carruthers, Susan L. 2018. "Latrines as the Measure of Men: American Soldiers and the Politics of Disgust in Occupied Europe and Asia." Diplomatic History 42 (1): 109–137.
  • Elspeth Probyn, Blush. Faces of Shame. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005. pp. IX-XVIII
  • Han Zhao. “‘Holy shame shall warm my heart.’ Shame and Protestant Emotions in Early Modern Britain.” Cultural and Social History 18 , no. 1 (2021): 1-21.

7. Session 7: Emotions and economics

  • Jacqueline van Gent: “Linnaeus’ tea cup. Masculinities, affective networks and Chinese porcelain in 18th-century Sweden.” Scandinavian Journal of History 41 (2016), 3: 388-409.
  • Susan J. Matt. “Feelings, Frocks, and Finery: Rural and Urban Women's Envy, 1890-1930,” in The Emotional History of the United States, edited by Peter N. Stearns and Jan Lewis, New York: New York University Press, 1998, 377-395.
  • Arlie Russell Hochschild. “Global Care Chains and Emotional Surplus Value,” in On the Edge: Globalization and the New Millennium, edited by Tony Giddens and Will Hutton, London: Sage Publishers, 2000, pp. 130-146.

8. Session 8: Emotions and media. Conversation with Anja Laukötter

  • Charles Zika,. “Violence, Anger and Dishonour in Sixteenth-Century Broadsheets from the Collection of Johann Jakob Wick,” in Violence and Emotions in Early Modern Europe, edited by S. Broomhall and S. Finn, London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 37–58.
  • Anja Laukötter. “How Films Entered the Classroom. Emotional Education of Youth through Health Education Films in the US and Germany, 1910-1930.” Osiris 31 (2016), 1: 181-200

9. Session 9: Emotions, memory and temporality

  • Andreas Bähr. “Remembering Fear. The Fear of Violence and the Violence of Fear in Seventeenth-Century War Memories,” in Memory before Modernity. Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe, edited by E. Kuijpers, J.S. Pollmann, J. Müller, and J. van der Steen, Leiden: Brill, 2013, pp. 269–82.
  • Heather Love, Feeling Backward. Loss and the Politics of Queer History. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009, pp. 1-30.
  • Chloe Paver. “Exhibiting Negative Feelings: Writing a History of Emotions in German History Museums.” Museum & Society 14 (2016), 3: 397–411.

10. Session 10: Concluding discussion

March Paper in Modern History – Group B
Prof. Corinna Unger
2023/24, second term
Tuesdays, 11:00 to 12:50

This seminar offers researchers an opportunity to present their work and get feedback on the early stages of their dissertation writing. The first three sessions will focus on practical and organizational matters related to starting a PhD project. The other sessions will be dedicated to discussing the March Paper drafts of the participants.


WEEK 1: 9 January. First step: Literature review

This session will focus on the first steps of the literature review: how to identify what to read? When and where to stop? We will use these texts as examples of historiographical overviews of a given field or subject. We will focus on the different ways in which this can be done, and on the respective advantages and challenges.

Artemy Kalinovsky, “Sorting Out the Recent Historiography of Development Assistance: Consolidation and New Directions in the Field,” Journal of Contemporary History 56.1 (2020): 227-239.

Corinna R. Unger, Iris Borowy, and Corinne A. Pernet, “The History of Development: A Critical Overview,” in idem, eds., The Routledge Handbook of the History of Development (Abingdon: Routledge, 2022), 3-16


WEEK 2: 16 January. Second step: Connecting the research question to the literature

This session will focus on how to connect one’s research question to the literature review. This should go beyond identifying a gap, and toward formulating a research agenda. We will compare different ways of doing so, based on two examples.

Sarah Stockwell, The British End of the British Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), 1-22.

Ismay Milford, African Activists in a Decolonising World: The Making of an Anticolonial Culture, 1952-1966 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), 1-21.


WEEK 3: 23 January. Third step: Getting organized

This session focuses on the actual writing process: how to take notes? How to organise notes? How to organise references? How to write up?


WEEK 4: 30 January: Discussion of two drafts


WEEK 5: 6 February: Discussion of two drafts


WEEK 6: 13 February: Discussion of two drafts


WEEK 7: 20 February: Discussion of two drafts


WEEK 8: 27 February: Discussion of two drafts and conversation about general questions concerning the March Paper


WEEK 9: 5 March: Concluding discussion about questions, overviews, and writing

Session 1: 29 January, 3-7 pm

General introduction: reflecting on our digital practices as historians

Session 1 will be divided into three steps:

  1. Warm-up discussion:

Before doing any of the readings below, we ask each participant to come to the seminar having reflected on the following four questions. Please bear in mind that there is no right or wrong answer to any of these questions!

  • What is your definition of ‘digital methods’?
  • What is your current use of ‘digital methods’ as an historian?
  • To you, what are the two most important technological tools that have facilitated your research in the past three years?

What would you like to change in this use and why?


  1. Discussion based on the following readings:

Andreas Fickers and Frédéric Clavert, “On pyramids, prisms, and scalable reading,” Journal of Digital History, 2021

Andreas Fickers and Frédéric Clavert, “Publishing digital history scholarship in the era of updatism,Journal of Digital History, 2023

Ian Milligan, The Transformation of Historical Research in the Digital Age, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022


  1. Lab activity: Organising your research photos

Please all join the seminar with your laptop and:

  • download and install the Tropy software
  • prepare a set of photos of primary sources that you will need to work on in your research (approximately 100 pictures, not more than 20 different documents). If you don’t have any photos yet, please either select some pictures from a past project (e.g. a master's thesis) or choose some that can be downloaded online from an archive relevant to your research. If none of the above works for you, please have a look at the online collections of the Historical Archives of the European Union, which has many boxes of archives digitised (for instance, box 9 from the Raymond Rifflet papers (RR-9) has a reasonable size). The lab activity will be organised in three steps:
  1. Presentation by Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol on why and how to use Tropy, followed by discussion
  2. Based on a set of photos you have chosen, start building and organising your research photos in Tropy
  3. Presentation of results, discussion of choices and implications for the research and writing process


Session 2: 5 February, 3-7 pm

Visit of the GLOBALISE team

The project website -  Lab activity tbd


Lauren Kassell, “Inscribed, Coded, Archived: Digitizing Early Modern Medical Casebooks”, Journal for the History of Knowledge 2, 1 (2021): 4, pp. 1-18


Session 3: 12 February, 3-7 pm

Network analysis

Special guest: Martin Grandjean (Université de Lausanne)

  1. Introductory presentation by Martin Grandjean and questions
  2. Discussion of the readings

Readings tbc

  1. Lab activity. Please all join the seminar with your laptop and have Excel and the Gephi software downloaded and installed.
  2. We will split the class in groups and provide you with a dataset to work on your own data visualisation
  3. We will then have each group present and discuss results with the rest of the class


Session 4: 19 February, 3-7 pm


Special guest: Colin Rose, a professor at the University of Toronto who is a PI for the DECIMA project, which does social history of Renaissance Florence through digital mapping Lab activity: TBA


Colin Rose, “The Route of Governmentality: Surveying and Collecting Urban Space in Ducal Florence,” in Colin Rose and Nick Terpstra, Mapping Space, Sense, and Movement in Florence: Historical GIS and the Early Modern City (New York: Routledge, 2016).

John Henderson & Colin Rose, “Plague and the city : methodological considerations in mapping disease in early modern Florence,” in Colin Rose and Nick Terpstra, Mapping Space, Sense, and Movement in Florence: Historical GIS and the Early Modern City (New York: Routledge, 2016).


Session 5: 26 February, 3-7pm

Text mining and general conclusion

[Special guest: ?]

Session 3 will be divided into three steps:

  1. Discussion


(?) Jo Guldi, The Dangerous Art of Text Mining: A Methodology for Digital History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, Introduction

Barbara McGillivray and Gábor Mihály Tóth. Applying Language Technology in Humanities Research Design, Application, and the Underlying Logic. Palgrave Macmillan 2020, chaps. 1 and 6.

Charles van den Heuvel et al., “Text-mining the Republic of Letters,” in Howard Hotson/Thomas Wallnig (eds.), Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age, Göttingen University Press 2019, chap. IV.6.

  1. Lab activity tbd
  2. Wrap-up of the seminar

Save the last hour of this session to have a wrap-up discussion around the following four questions:

  • What have you learned from this seminar?
  • What is now your definition of ‘digital methods’ for historians?
  • What do you think you will change in your digital practice?
  • What do you think you will not change in your digital practice?


Background references

As a general resource, The Programming Historian ( offers a wealth of lessons to learn digital methods, and is available in several other languages than English.

History seminars offered in academic year 2023-2024

First term

  • First-Year Core Skills Course – Profs. G. Riello, G. Sluga
  • Area Seminar: Intersectional Histories – Profs. M. Baar, B. Gammerl, Dr G. Semmlar
  • Area Seminar: Global History – Profs. L. Riall, G. Riello, Dr. R. Cabral and Dr. M. O’ Sullivan
  • Area Seminar: Cultural History – Profs. M. Baar, C. Sorba, Dr. Karolina Koziura
  • Area Seminar: Histories of Knowledge – Prof. N. Guilhot, L. Kassell
  • Area Seminar: History of Capitalism – Prof. R. Grafe, Dr G. Crouzet and M. Draper
  • Writing Workshop: Advanced Dissertation Writing – Profs. B. Gammerl, P. Judson

Second term

  • Area seminar: Digital Methods in History – Profs. G. Casale, E. Mourlon-Druol
  • Research seminar: The Ends of History – Prof. N. Guilhot
  • Research seminar: History of Emotions – Prof. B. Gammerl
  • Research seminar: The Study of Elites – Prof. E. Mourlon-Druol, Dr P. Alayrac 
  • Research seminar: History and Politics of Order-Making – Profs. S. Hofmann, G. Sluga
  • Writing Workshop: March paper in Early Modern History – Prof. G. Casale
  • Writing Workshop: March paper in Modern History A  – Prof. E. Mourlon-Druol
  • Writing Workshop: March paper in Modern History B  – Prof. C. Unger
  • Writing Workshop: Dissertation Writing Seminar A – Profs. P. Judson, L. Kassell
  • Writing Workshop: Dissertation Writing Seminar B – Profs. N. Guilhot, C. Unger


Other courses specifically geared towards historians

First term

  • Course on Proposing and Writing a Book Review - organized by CALL
  • Course on French Academic Reading - organized by CALL

Second term

  • Course on Italian Academic Reading - organized by CALL

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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