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International Visegrad Fund Research Grant Programme

The International Visegrad Fund (IVF) and the European University Institute (EUI) offer grants to post-graduate scholars from Central and Eastern Europe interested in European integration to conduct research at the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU).

Six research grants of EUR 5,000 will be available each year. 

Researches in library

Purpose and Objectives

The grant programme provides young scholars from Central and Eastern Europe interested in European integration at large with a unique research experience in the HAEU embedded in the international scholarly community of the EUI in Florence.


The following candidates from Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, Western Balkans, and Eastern Partnership regions are eligible to apply:

  • All current postgraduate students (master’s and doctoral candidates);
  • All postdoctoral researchers or university teachers who have completed a master’s degree or doctorate within ten years preceding the date the application is submitted and who currently hold an academic appointment.

Successful applicants will prepare a publication (thesis, dissertation, book or scholarly article) relating to European integration in any of the disciplines of human and social sciences (e.g. law, history, political science, economics, sociology, public administration).

Research projects presented by postgraduate students or postdoctoral researchers should preferably relate directly to their master’s or doctoral field of research.

In view of the languages used in European Union archival documents, candidates should have a sound knowledge of English and basic knowledge of French.

Application Procedure and Deadline

The next call for applications will open on 15 February 2025. The deadline to apply is 30 April 2025.

Candidates may apply through the HAEU's online application form

Applications and supporting documents must be submitted in either English or French. The research itself and subsequent publications may be in the language chosen by the grant holder.

The complete application file should include:

  • a detailed presentation of the research proposal, including a description of the research subject, its academic significance and its contribution to research in the field, any previous academic work performed in the field of study, and the proposed research methodology and timetable (five pages maximum);
  • a detailed annotated bibliography of sources and studies related to the research (five pages maximum);
  • a justification of the need to use the HAEU archival holdings in Florence;
  • a statement of the applicant’s plans for scholarly publication of the research results;
  • a list of the applicant’s previous publications (no more than 10, including the most recent);
  • a letter of recommendation from a professor of a university or university-level research institute, providing an evaluation of the scholarly significance of the project and an assessment of the candidate’s qualifications, abilities and motivation to carry out the proposed research.

Grant Awards

Successful applicants will receive a research grant of EUR 5000 to cover all research expenses.

The grant will be paid in two instalments:

  • a first instalment of EUR 2000 at the start of the research, as attested by the Director of the HAEU;
  • a second instalment of EUR 3000 after the research results have been published by the grant holder and once the grant holder has informed the Director of the HAEU on the publication. The results must be published within 30 months after the grant has been attributed.

The publication shall be issued at the latest 36 months since the grant has been attributed.


The selection of candidates is organized by the HAEU in consideration of the quality of the application file, the significance and originality of the proposed research, the feasibility of the project, the candidate’s ability to carry out the research, and the importance of using primary sources at the HAEU. The selection is based on equal treatment of applicants, i.e., without any discriminatory practices mainly due to nationality (ethnic origin), race, colour, religion or other beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation and gender of the applicants.

Publications and Commitments

Grant holders undertake to ensure that all subsequent publications or productions using in whole or in part the results obtained under the auspices of the research grant appropriately acknowledge the grant programme. In addition, they will provide the HAEU and the Fund with a copy of any such publications or productions.

Grant holders

Agaci, Xhoana
The EEC/EU Policy towards Albania, 1970s-1990s

Bialozyt, Wojciech
Parallel diplomacy of Solidarity movement with European institutions 1980-1989. Setting foundations for future Europe’s re-unification

Budai, Péter
The expansion of powers of the European Union concerning the protection of the environment

Hajdu, Eszter
"Jewish question" in the European Parliament - historical research for documentary project

Vukadinovic, Slobodan
Origins And Development Of Consumer Protection Aimed At Safeguarding The Single Market Of The European Community And Union (From 1957 To Date)

Wozniakowski, Tomasz
FIMICA: Building a Fiscal-Military Capacity in the US, Switzerland and the EU - a Comparative Historical

Beshku, Klodiana
The European Union's role in state-building. The case of BiH and Kosovo

Cvetanovska, Tea
The European Parliament and Yugoslavia (1970s-1990s): Human Rights, Democracy, Integration

Kocsev, Bence
Molding A Common European. Future Otto Von Habsburg's Two Decades In The European Parliament

Serovaniec, Maciej
Democratic Legitimacy in the Post-Crisis European Economic Governance

Simeunović Bajić, Nataša
An insight into the beginning of pan-European transnational television: TV Eurikon and TV Europa
Related publication: "TV Eurikon and Europa TV: Research on the Beginning of Transnational pan-European Television", in Media Studies and Applied Ethics V:1, 41-53.

Varga, Timea
The United Kingdom and the European Union: historical roots of a current issue

Matyja Bartosz
Poland, the European Economic Community (EEC) and GATT: Economic relations from 1964 to 1975

Krystof Dolezal
Recasting the Ideological Composition of Czechoslovak Christian Democracy: The European Perspective in the Late Cold War

Christian Democratic Option : On the Logic of Ideological Persistence. Central European University, 2024. Print.

"Catholicism Meets Liberal Democracy in Eastern Europe: On the Origins of Christian Democratic Ideology in Czechoslovakia",  Europe-Asia Studies, forthcoming.

Mykhailo Samofatov
Italian - Soviet gas diplomacy. A way to discover the European energy (in)security

Marián Sekerák
The Slovak Contribution to Central-Eastern European Federalist Projects of the 20th Century: A Pathway of European Integration?

Aliesia Soloviova
"Young and Restless: Youth Organisations of Europe and the USSR in the Cold War", Instituta.  Rivista di Storia delle Istituzioni Europee e Internazionali / Journal of History of European and International Institutions. vol. III, no 1, 2024, pp.  25-40.

Metin Venxha
'Perspectives and challenges of Albania’s integration in the EU - From the fall of communism to the Thessaloniki Summit 1991-2006,' Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences. vol. 10, no. 3, 2024, pp. 82-92.

Ana Shalamberidze
Judicial administration in Georgia and EU case law: a comparative study
Überblick über die für die EU-Mitgliedschaft bestimmten wesentlichen Rechtsgrundlagen gemäß dem Schutz der Rechtsstaatlichkeit und der Justizverwaltung (pdf, DE)  (pdf, KA)

Irma Slomczynska
Parallel integration. France on the path to the European Union and the European Space Agency 1957-1975

Kamil Glinka
The urban dimension of European policies
"MEPs Towards Urban Policy – in Search of Conditions for their Activity on the Forum of the European Parliament", in Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne. 4/2022. 97-119.

"From Urban Dimension of European Community’s Policy to Urban Agenda for the EU - in Search of the Impact of Council of the European Union" published in Visions for 2030. Urban Development Trends of the Visegrad 4 Region. International Visegrad Fund, December 2022. 79-91.

Jakub Szabò
Opting in or opting out: V4 positions on the euro in European Parliament Debates

Page last updated on 30/01/2025

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