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Postgraduate Vibeke Sørensen Grant

The Vibeke Sørensen Grant scheme for visiting scholars was set up in 1993 by the then President of the European University Institute (EUI) Emile Noël with support of the European Commission.

The grant scheme adopted its current name in 1997 to honour the memory of Dr. Vibeke Sørensen (1952 – 1995), former researcher at the EUI History Department and staff member of the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU). As a researcher she completed in 1987 her thesis on Denmark's social democratic government and the Marshall Plan, 1947-1950 under the supervision of Prof. Alan S. Milward with whom she later collaborated on the collective volume The Frontier of National Sovereignty: History and Theory 1945-1992 (Routledge, 1994).

Vibeke Sørensen


The grant scheme aims at encouraging research on the history of European integration based on primary sources held at the Historical Archives of the European Union.


All current non-EUI postgraduate scholars are eligible to apply for a Vibeke Sørensen Grant. Candidates may not benefit from any other grant in the framework of inter-university programmes during the same period. Candidates are not eligible to receive a Vibeke Sørensen Grant more than once.

Vibeke Sørensen Grants are assigned by the President of the European University Institute upon the recommendation of the HAEU Director who appraises applications on the basis of the relevance to the research theme proposed.

Application Procedures and Deadlines

The next call for applications will open on 1 February 2025. The deadline to apply is 30 April 2025.

Candidates should apply via the HAEU's online grant application form. Applications may be written in English, French or Italian, which are the main working languages of the European University Institute. Applicants will be required to upload: 

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • A detailed presentation of the research proposal
  • A justification of the need to use the holdings of the Historical Archives of the European Union in Florence for the research
  • A bibliography related to the research
  • A letter of recommendation from the candidate’s thesis director, or by the director of the relevant research programme
  • The planned dates of stay in Florence

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the HAEU Director.

Grant Awards

A maximum of ten Vibeke Sørensen Grants are awarded per year without obligation to award the maximum number of grants. The research time in Florence is to last one month. Successful candidates are obliged to be present in the reading room at least four days a week during their research stay. Successful applicants will receive a research grant of 1480 € (one thousand four hundred eighty euros) paid after submission of a short essay on the grant holder’s research to the HAEU Director.

Publications and Commitments

Grant holders shall submit to the HAEU Director a copy of publications (article, monograph) produced based on research carried out at the archives and acknowledge in their publication the Vibeke Sørensen Grant programme. 

Grant awardees (2015-2024)

Barbaroux, Julien
Les Commissions Delors et les Etats-Unis (1985-1995)

Desmedt, Ishka
Tracing the roots of resistance. Critical communities and the protest against genetically modified organisms in Europe (1983 - 2003)

Favilli, Alessandro
The Evolution of the Concepts and Practices of Development Cooperation: The Case of the Lomé Convention (1975-1995)

Gille-Vignale, Juliette
The merger of the European executives and the integration of the ECSC in the European Communities

Iapichino, Giulia
Emanuele Gazzo. Tra inchiostro e militanza

Jouty, Fabienne
History of European climate policies and carbon taxation, 1979-1997

Kelleher, Guy
(Re)conceiving the trajectory of European constitutionalism

Lauverjat, Alexandre
Atmosphere is haunting Europe. Community policies against air pollution, 1973-1996

Mourouga, Erell
The Western Sahara dilemma: shaping EU foreign policy in the neighbourhood (1989-1995)

Sochor, Viktoria
The “Bureaucratic Community”: How to explain bureaucratic change and development? An EU administrative law history from the High Authority to the European Commission (1951 to 1967)

Acabo, Maria Acabo
Défendre une Europe alternative. Sociohistoire des écologistes au Parlement européen (1979-1989)

Barrow, Otto
EURATOM and "Complex Systems". European Integration and Technology Regulation

Geurts, Emiel
'Greening' the Common Agricultural Policy: A History of Environmental Protection in European Agricultural Policy

Matzer, Lisbeth
Europe in and through the Wine Bottle

Oggionni, Simone
Gli anni Ottanta come laboratorio di ridefinizione identitaria dell'Europa. La svolta del Libro Bianco di Lord Cockfield

Ottmann, Frieda
Still Waters Run Deep: European Water (Pollution) Policies and Various Streams of Integration

Picariello, Susanna
Il Progetto federale dal Trattato di Parigi ai Trattati di Roma attraverso il rinvio pregiudiziale. Analisi alla luce degli Archivi storici dell'Unione europea

Ritter, Marlene
Branding a Liberal, United Europe. Western European Image Politics in the Post-War Era

Savoaia, Dan-Alexandru
After the Helsinki Final Act: Romania through the lens of the European Parliament

Vai, Lorenzo
La politica estera italiana e il Trattato di Maastricht: 1989-1992 (Italian Foreign Policy and the Maastricht Treaty: 1989-1992)

Afonso, Adeline
L’intégration européenne du Portugal : de l’entrée dans la CEE à la première présidence du Conseil de l’UE (1986-1992)

Ambrosino, Alessandro
The Invention of “Alpe-Adria”. Processes of Region-Building and Cross- Border Cooperation in Sensitive Borderlands (1960s-2010s)

Giordano, Enrico
The trajectory of the Popular Socialist Party in Spain from an international point of view: links, relations and circulation of ideas (1968-1978) 

Klein, Alexander
An Exceptional Case? The Integration of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) into the European Communities (EC)

Kornerup, Nikolaj
The historical significance of Denmark’s opt-outs to the European Treaties and their consequence for Denmark and the European integration

Lupi, Mattia
Europeanization before Europeanization? Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa and the Techno-Politics of Central Banking (1975-1989)

Riordan, Rónán
Mutual Recognition: a judicially driven legal principle (?)

Riou, Marie-Lise
Les mouvements de la Résistance aux origines de l'Europe : Henri Frenay, la Délégation générale de la Résistance française en Suisse (1943-1944) et le mouvement fédéraliste

Valisena, Daniele
Coal Lives. Italian Migrants, Occupational Health, and Nature in the Belgian Coalfields, 1945-1984

Zanetti, Alessandra
Thatcher and Europe: Ideology and Pragmatism for a Euro-Alternative

Aghababadastjerdi, Reza
Iran and the European Economic Community’s (EEC) Commercial Relations, 1957-1979: An Analysis employing the Archival Sources

Amoroso, Matteo
Altiero Spinelli, il Movimento Europeo e le organizzazioni federaliste: una strategia per riformare la CEE

Amoroso, Renato Raffaele
I prestiti globali della Banca europea per gli investimenti nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia: il contributo alla strategia di industrializzazione del Sud Italia

Foucoin, Aude
Les femmes dans l’administration de la CECA

Grealy, David
‘European Human Rights? Britain, the EC, and the Evolution of the Lomé Convention, 1975-1989’

Hercock, Edwin
European Integration and the Left, 1957–1989

Irion, David
The European Union’s Framework Programs: Gaining Importance through De-Economization? (ca. 1980-2002)

Pohjankoski, Pekka
Union without a sword: Coercion of law-breaking states in Europe

Steinert, Adrian
The historical origins and development of European research and innovation policy

Süsler-Rohringer, Thomas
Mutual (Mis-)Understanding? Communication between the ECSC/EEC and member state citizens 1951 to 1992

Ventresca, Roberto
A paradigm shift? Neoliberal turn, Italy’s economic policies and European integration in the ‘long’ 1980s

Verbergt, Marie-Gabrielle
Sponsoring a European historical culture: Representations of the past promoted by the European Union, 1970-today

Casas Soler, Gerard 
The evolution of the federal ideas for an integrated Europe (Monnet, Spinelli and De Rougemont) through the study of European Commission President’s speeches

Godeffroy, Gabriel
Elemér Hantos et son approche régionaliste de l’intégration européenne : Mitteleuropa and Paneuropa pendant l’entre-deux-guerres (1922-1938)

James, Bertille 
China and Europe in the Age of Globalisation (1978-1992)

Lattanzi, Sarah
The use of travaux préparatoires by the European Court of Justice, published as the monograph I 'travaux préparatoires' del diritto dell'Unione europea: tassonomia, ruolo e funzioni (Wolters Kluwer, 2022).

 Associated publication: "A Fresh Look at the 2005 Commission v. United Kingdom Judgment in Light of the Euratom Treaty’s Drafting History." European Journal of International Law. 34:1, February 2023, pp. 199–219.

Lella, Giovanni 
La France, l’Italie et l’Europe : François Mitterrand, Bettino Craxi et la relance communautaire (1981-1987)

Mazza, Prospero 
Antonio Cassese: il lato oscuro nell’universalità dei diritti umani in Europa

Polidori, Simone 
Dal Serpente monetario al Trattato di Maastricht. Le sinistre di Italia e Spagna alla prova dell’integrazione europea. (1972-1992)

Talaga, Robert 
Evolution of legal definitions of irregularities in the EU Cohesion Policy

Thinus, Pauline 
Le rôle des institutions européennes dans les politiques de réconciliation nationale : la Hongrie, le Traité de Trianon et l’intégration européenne

CHALAZA, Vasiliki
European policies and disability politics: The European impact on the Greek disability agenda

DUBLER, Roslyn
Non-Discrimination and European Integration, 1975-1997

The Dark Side of Intimacy: the European Struggle against Intimate Violence, 1970-1997

KAOBA, Samuel
Les relations entre le Tchad et l'Union européenne de 1960 à 2016

LOMACKA, Magdalena
EU environmental protection and consumer protection legislation from the 1970s

MAZUR, Grzegorz
The European Union's trade policy towards the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) – a historical perspective

Staying Alive: The Anglo-New Zealand Relationship during Britain's joining of the European Economic Community, 1970-85

Related publication: Buttering up: Britain, New Zealand and negotiations for European Community enlargement, 1970–71, The International History Review, 43:2, 333-347

MORESE, Gaetano
Il Forum della Gioventù delle Comunità Europee (FGCE) - Youth Forum of European Communities (YFEC) 1978-1996

Related publication: “The youth side of cooperation”: lo Youth Forum of European Communities e la cooperazione con i paesi ACP, 1978-1996, Itinerari di ricerca storica, a. XXXV – 2021, numero 1, 179-199.

La politica europea della DC e della CDU tra gli anni Ottanta e i primi anni Novanta

BELLONI, Eleonora
Le politiche europee per la mobilità sostenibile

The reciprocal trade preferences in the EU-Africa relations in the perspective of historical institutionalism

LOKDAM, Hjalte Christian
The European Central Bank and the History and Political Theory of Central Bank Independence

The Impact of the European Union and its Cohesion Policy on the Development of Regionalist Parties - The Cases of France and Spain in Comparative Perspective

The origins of European space policy

L'idée d'Europe unie de la naissance de Giustizia e Libertà à la dissolution du Partito d'Azione

TREGLIA, Emanuele
"Europa es la solución". Il socialismo spagnolo ed il processo di costruzione europea (1986-1992)

Related publication: ¿Hacia una casa común? La Comunidad Europea ante las políticas de Gorbachov (1985-1988). Pasado y Memoria. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 24, 2022, pp. 91-115. 

TULLI, Umberto
The European Communities, Human Rights and the Right to Development. From Negative Conditionality to the Promotion of the Human Right to Development

CAPISANI, Lorenzo M.
China and Europe: An Historical Perspective

SBETTI, Nicola
Se lo sport fa l'Europa? L'uso dello sport per la costruzione di un'identità europea

The tourism policy of the European Communities and the path to integration

L'Europa e la paura atomica: la riposta comunitaria ai movimenti antinucleari (1977-1987)

The meanings and interpretations of the « European State » by the EEC institutions

Early international aid and development programs in Europe. The emergence of a transnational network of economic experts (1940-1958)

Competing Continental Projects: European Unification through African Eyes (1945-1985)

BAIOCCHI, Francesco
La diplomazia degasperiana. Il ruolo e l'attività dei diplomatici italiani durante il periodo De Gasperi (1945-1953)

NAVIGATING SCHENGEN Historical Challenges and Potentialities of the Free Movement of Personsfrom European to Global Governance

JOUAN, Quentin
L'Européanisation des syndicats belges et allemands (1972-1985)

MAJASTRE, Christophe
Au nom du droit. Une approche sociologique des contestations juridiques del'UnionEuropéenne en Allemagne depuis 1992.

The prevention of corruption in public procurement procedures under European Union Law, specially focusing on the effects of the fourth generation of Directives recently approved (2014)

PAZIK, Przemyslaw
On both sides of the Iron Curtain. Intellectual history of Polish and Italian political Catholicism in comparative perspective, 1943 – 1954

L'identità politica della Socialdemocrazia occidentalea partire delle carte dei socialisti europei

REMES, Anastasia
Memory, Identity and the Supranational History Museum: The House of European History

Identifying with sinicized Human rights? EU-China Human Rights Diplomacy as a process of Symmetrical Socialization

TALAGA, Robert 

L'Assemblea dell'Unione Europea Occidentale e la politica aeronautica:la delegazione italiana tra collaborazione europea eofferta statunitense(1973-1985)

How have trade union strategies to influence world trade negotiations changed between 1973 and the present day?

MÜLLER, Henriette
The Commission Presidents and European Integration – Political Leadership Performance in Supranational Governance.

PUIG BAVIERA, Inmaculada

Understanding the "approximation of laws" in the context of the (de)dogmatisation of European law-making

The way in which the political legitimacy of the European Community, embodied by the technocratic style of governance of the High Authority, was contested by other Community institutions in the 1950s and 1960s.

EU-Latin America Dialogue on Territorial Development policies - historical evolution and sectoral interdependencies

The European Republic

DI SARCINA, Federica
Integration Européenne et «Question de Genre». La Contribution de Fausta Deshormes La Valle (1961-1992)

Putting ideas into action: Political determinants of the transformation of European Education policy (1975-2010)

CHHAK, Limchheang
La libre circulation des personnes, des marchandises, des services et des capitaux dans le marché commun de l'Union européenne: quelles perspectives normatives juridiques pour la création du marché unique de l'ASEAN?

La Puglia nel processo di integrazione europea. Lo sviluppo regionaledall'intervento straordinario alla politica di coesione (1958-1993)

ACCIAI, Enrico
Dall'antifascismo all'europeismo.Federalisti nell'Italia dell'immediato dopoguerra – Per una riflessione a partiredalle carte di Ernesto Rossi.

Page last updated on 28/01/2025

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