The Robert Schuman Centre is home to a number of Chairs, which contribute to the research and policy outreach of the Centre on topical fields such as European economic and monetary integration and energy.
Named in memory of leading personalities in the respective fields, the Chairs contribute high quality research and inspire ideas to the lively academic community of the Robert Schuman Centre as well as to the international debate, bridging the gap between academia and the world of practice.
Chair Holder: Professor Giancarlo Corsetti
Named after one of the architects of the Economic and Monetary Union, the Pierre Werner Chair focuses on research in macroeconomic theory, policy, and institutional design related to the monetary union.
Chair holder: Professor Leonardo Meeus (Director Florence School of Regulation, EUI)
The Loyola de Palacio Chair on Energy conducts high-quality research on energy economics, law, regulation, and geopolitics, with a focus on EU energy policy and is connected to the Florence School of Regulation.
Chair Holder: Professor Marco Buti
The programme of the Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair focuses on the European economic and monetary integration, on the analytical challenges and policy responses of international macroeconomics and finance in Europe.
Chair Holder: Professor Daniele Caramani (Director of the European Governance and Politics Programme)
Created in 2020, the Ernst B. Haas Chair conducts research on politics on intersection between the national, European and global level.