The Transnational Democracy Observatory is a collaborative research space which aims to galvanise political will for policies and politics in the long-term interest of society. The project’s ethos is inter-institutional and inter-disciplinary, bringing together diverse stakeholders in academia, politics, civil society, media and the arts with a view to co-creating ‘action-oriented research’ that can contribute, actively, to democratic innovation. One of the Observatory’s core functions is to develop insights raised in the EUI-STG Democracy Forum, to evaluate exchanges in that community’s meetings and ultimately produce and disseminate written - and other - outputs. It is therefore, among other things, a publishing project with the specific remit of developing new modalities of interaction between theory and practice.
The goals and methods of the Observatory are developed organically, in a reactive and proactive sense, by members of the EUI-STG forum community. The research priorities are therefore, by definition, open to change. Given the expertise of our team, and the current political priorities in the EU, however, the project is currently focused on the following areas:
Latest network publications
EUI transnational democracy blog
EUI transnational democracy blog
Kalypso Nicolaidis
Full-time Professor
Florence School of Transnational Governance
Niccolo Milanese
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) Vienna
Alberto Alemanno
HEC Paris