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Monthly meeting and discussion group

The Decolonising Initative is holding an administrative meeting every month during which collective decisions regarding the activities of the DI and the internal organisation of our group are discussed.

This meetings also serve to communicate and coordinate our actions with the rest of the EUI community. It is also the occasion for any member to share ideas, propose projects or report any issue.

 The Decolonising Initative monthly meeting is regularly followed by a discussion group during which a reading or another type of resource (non-necessarily academic) is discussed. These sessions are open to all and anyone can propose material for a subsequent session.

These meetings are inclusive and horizontal and should always constitute an open and safe environment for everyone. Participants should come ready to share and listen.

Certain topics can be difficult and uncomfortable and each participant is encouraged to reflect on their own positionality.


If you wish to join our meeting and/or discussion groups please contact [email protected]

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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