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POC sub-group

Evaluate support for POC at the EUI

The sub-project “Evaluate support for POC at the EUI” has for main goal the well-being of POC and people who experience non-colour coded racism at the EUI. Since October 2022, the sub-group has focused on two activities. The first one concerns the discussion and the writing of a mental health support for POC statement. The statement proposes ideas to improve the EUI counselling service in order to be more adapted to POC’S needs.

The second activity is a café dedicated to POC or people who experience non-colour coded racism. The café is the occasion to discuss the lived experiences in white structures and to share well-being strategies. It also constitutes the opportunity to collect issues of participants.

As one of our main ambitions is to create a safe space during the café, the content of our discussion will remain private, meanwhile issues that require the intervention of the EUI will be disclosed. Meetings are frequently organised.

Contact: [email protected]


Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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