Antoine Vauchez is a CNRS Research Professor (Directeur de recherche) in political sociology and law at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (Ehess – Université Paris 1-Sorbonne) and a Permanent Visiting professor at iCourts Research centre (Univ. of Copenhagen). After graduating in political science at Sciences Po Paris (1993) and in public law at the Université Paris 1-Sorbonne (1995), he has received a Ph.D at the European University Institute (Florence, 2000). Ever since, he has been a full-time researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and a Research Professor (since 2010). His research engages with the field of historical sociology, political sociology and critical sociology of law and economics, researching extensively the interactions between forms of expertise, transnational knowledge communities and transnational politics with a particular emphasis on law, economics and European Union polity. He also focuses on issues connecting « law and politics », processes of « judicialization » and the transformation of Western States. His publications cover a variety of disciplinary fields including sociology (American Journal of Sociology, International Political Sociology, Berliner Journal für Soziologie, Sociological Review), political science (European Political Science Research, Journal of European Integration, Politix, Revue française de science politique, etc…) and law (European Law Journal, Law and Social Inquiry). Over the years, he has been a visiting scholar in a variety of universities : he has been a Post-doctoral fellow at the American Bar Foundation (Northwestern University, 2000), a Marie Curie Fellow at the Robert Schuman Center (EUI, 2007-2009), a Senior Emile Noël fellow at New York University (2014), and a Visiting professor in a variety of universities (Bocconi University, Copenhagen University, Columbia University, the Luiss in Rome, Cairo University and the International institute for the sociology of law in Spain).