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This page presents the latest updates about the work-in-progress of the EURECON team, its publications and presentations.

Latest Publications

Alexis Drach and Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, Les fabricants de la coopération économique et monétaire européenne: personnel et réseaux de la Direction générale des affaires économiques et financières de la Commission européenne, 1957-1992 -  in Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, 2023

Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, The quest for ‘strategic autonomy’: European Integration and globalisation since 1970. In: Segers, M. and Van Hecke, S. (eds) The Cambridge History of the European Union. Cambridge University Press, 2023

Journal Articles 

Aleksandra Komornicka, “Stable support, scant initiative: European business associations and Economic and Monetary Union, 1946–1992” - in Business History, 2024

Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol and Enrico Bergamini, “Economic union in the debates on the creation of the euro: new evidence from the tapes of the Delors Committee meetings” - in Journal of Digital History (forthcoming)

Alexis Drach, “An early form of European champions? Banking clubs between European integration and global banking (1960s-1990s)” – in Business History, online Publication February 2022

Alexis Drach,An Underexplored Connection: Financial History, Monetary History, and the Historiography of European Integration- in Revista de Historia Actual 15, no. 18–19 (2021): 181–94

Aurélie Dianara Andry, «Travailler moins pour travailler tous et vivre mieux ». La lutte oubliée du mouvement syndical pour une réduction du temps de travail en Europe - in Le Mouvement Social, n°275, 2021, pp.137-152

Alexis Drach, Reluctant Europeans? British and French Commercial Banks and the Common Market in Banking (1977–1992) - in Enterprise & Society, n°3, vol. 21, 2020, pp.768-798

Alexis Drach, From Gentlemanly Capitalism to Lobbying Capitalism: the City and the EEC - 1972-1992 - in Financial History Review, n°3, vol. 27, 2020, pp. 376-396

Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, Adjusting an institutional framework to a globalising world: the creation of new institutions in the EEC, 1957-1992 - in Journal of Economic Policy Reform, n°3, vol. 23, 2020, pp.273-289

Book Chapters

Alexis Drach, Economic and Monetary Union: from 1957 to the euro crisis. In: Brigitte Leucht, Katja Seidel and Laurent Warlouzet (eds.), Reinventing Europe: the History of the European Union from 1945 to the Present, 2023

Alexis Drach, Removing obstacles to integration: the European way to deregulation.
In: Alexis Drach and Youssef Cassis (eds), Financial Deregulation: A Historical Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2021

Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, History of an Incomplete EMU.
In: Amtenbrink, F. and Herrmann, C.(eds.) EU Law of Economic and Monetary Union. Oxford University Press, 2020

Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, European monetary integration, In: Battilossi, S., Cassis, Y. and Yago, K. (eds.) Handbook of the History of Money and Currency. Springer: Singapore, 2020

Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, Debates about economic adjustment in Europe before the Euro.
In: Gosh, A. R. and Qureshi, M. S. (eds.) From Great Depression to Great Recession: The Elusive Quest for International Policy Cooperation. International Monetary Fund: Washington, DC., 2017


Aurélie Andry, Social Europe, the Road not Taken. The Left and European Integration in the Long 1970s - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022

Non refereed articles

Aurélie Andry, La battaglia dimenticata per un’Europa sociale. Zapruder, 51, pp. 54-72.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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