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Statement on the Russian war against Ukraine

The EUI and its Contracting States condemn, in line with the position taken at EU level, the aggression waged on Ukraine by the Russian Federation with the help of Belarus, and the resulting gross violations of human rights, human suffering and loss of life. Our deepest solidarity goes to the Ukrainian people and to all the victims.

As an inter-governmental academic organisation with 23 Contracting States, hosting more than 85 nationalities, the EUI upholds the principle of open scientific cooperation that transcends borders and unites nations. Higher education and research are built on academic freedom and autonomy, they rely on peaceful partnerships to deliver training, new knowledge and approaches to improve societies, in which respect, equality and inclusivity for all prevail. In support of these values, the EUI remains committed to helping learners and scholars who have been affected by the war.

The EUI and its Contracting States are taking measures – both individually and collectively – to support researchers who are forced to flee or are under threat due to Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine. In the days and weeks after the outbreak of the war, the EUI released a statement on the war, joined the statement issued by the CIVICA alliance, collected relevant academic opportunities on a public webpage and, most notably, launched dedicated calls for applications across all its academic and fellowship programmes.

Already 23 Ukrainians fleeing the war have been admitted to EUI academic programmes on campus, 10 attended summer schools and around 40 Ukrainians have participated in online training activities. Besides academic activities, the EUI has implemented a collaboration with the Italian Red Cross to provide Ukrainians at the EUI with all the relevant information and support during their arrival and stay in Florence.

In consideration of the magnitude of the war, much more remains to be done. The EUI, its community, and its Contracting States are fully mobilised, in coordination with European, national and local partners. New initiatives are currently being identified to diversify support, notably to those scholars who have remained in Ukraine.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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