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Frequently asked questions

Usually, sessions last between 50 minutes and 1 hour, but sometimes shorter sessions are arranged.

In general, we offer short-term support but the number of sessions you will receive will depend on your circumstances. Usually, we offer an initial set of 8 sessions. During the last session there is a re-assessment of the situation and a discussion on whether we should conclude the work, having an additional set of sessions or if you would rather benefit more from an external help.

The service we provide is strictly confidential. That means that any information you provide to us, whether in your intake forms, emails or during face-to-face meetings, will not be shared outside our service unless you provide explicit consent to it.

In case you also visit a psychiatrist or an external professional, you may agree with your EUI psychologist to share information with them.

The only circumstances where we might break confidentiality is in the case we assess that you are at high of harming yourself/others or you tell us about a person in danger.

Even in these circumstances, we would normally seek to speak with our client before contacting anyone else.

For more information about this, please see our confidentiality form which also refers to our professional code of ethics.

Usually, we try to organize the work in a way that coincides with your affiliation with the EUI. When this is not possible or if we believe you still need support, we might offer up to three ‘transition sessions’ and help you to identify a new professional that can follow you.

The service is open to official EUI partners. Other members of the family are not eligible to access the service. However, if you need to find an external professional for one of your family member, you may want to contact us via email or for a consultation.

If you are covered by JSIS

Psychiatric visit:

Psychiatric consultations are 80% covered automatically by the insurance system, no need of prior authorization. JSIS covers a maximum of 30 sessions/calendar year for the total treatment (all types of sessions included: individual, family, group).


JSIS can reimburse psychotherapy sessions providing they were prescribed by a specialist i.e. a psychiatrist, a neurologist, or a neuropsychiatrist.

Only the first ten sessions can be prescribed by a general practitioner at most every two years.

The medical prescription must be written before the therapy begins and dated not more than six months before the date of the first session. It must include the following information at the very least:

  • the patient’s name,
  • the pathology to be treated (or the symptoms if the pathology has not yet been defined),
  • the type of psychotherapy,
  • the number of sessions necessary to achieve the therapeutic aim
  • the prescriber's name and official references
  • the date and the prescriber's signature
  • the name and qualifications of the practitioner providing the therapy.

In the event that the latter information is not known to the prescriber at the time of the prescription, it must be added by the member himself when requesting prior authorisation, with supporting documents (eg receipt, website or note from the psychotherapist).


If you are covered by CIGNA

In relation to mental health cover, starting from the academic year 2022-2023 (01/09/2022 – 31/08/2023), the EUI’s medical plan provided by Cigna will be upgraded.

Outpatient treatment at a psychologist or psychiatrist will be reimbursed at a rate of 80% with a maximum reimbursement of 70 EUR per session - compared to the previous ceiling of 40 EUR - and a maximum of 60 sessions per 12 months.

N.B. There is no need to visit a psychiatrist before scheduling sessions with a psychologist.

Page last updated on 03/07/2023

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