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Gemma Fenton completed her degree in psychology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1999 and went on to work with the Department of Child and Adolescent Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences at the University of Rome where she completed her training as a Psychologist. She completed a qualification in "Family Mediation" in 2001.

In 2007 she achieved Chartered Clinical Psychologist status with the British Psychological Society. Since then she has completed courses in Supervision both at the University of Sheffield and at the University of Southampton. She has been providing supervision to diverse staff groups such as assistant psychologists, trainee Clinical Psychologists and Mental health Nurses since 2005. She has completed courses in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systemic Family therapy and Trauma Focused CBT.

In 2009 she began working with Child and Adolescent Mental Health on the Isle of Wight which has given her a wealth of experience in working with children, adolescents, parents and staff groups. She is skilled in the provision of individual sessions, group work, consultation and training. She has been working as a Counsellor with the Psychological Support and Wellbeing Service at the European University Institute since 2016. Her working languages are English and Italian.

[+39] 055 4685 625 (Int. 2625)

[email protected]

Badia Fiesolana, BF202

Speaks English, Italian, French

Elisabetta Miglietta is a chartered Psychologist and Psychotherapist with the Italian Psychological Society. After graduating in Psychology (BSc) at the University of Florence, she continued her studies in Italy, Obtaining a Master’s Degree with honours at the University of Bologna. Afterwards, she completed a Ph.D. in Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Verona, receiving the title of European Doctor. Elisabetta has worked in a variety of settings, including academia, general hospitals, community mental health services for adults, oncology services, and private practice.

In her previous position, she worked for the Section of Psychiatry of the University of Verona and for the Unit of Psychosomatic and Clinical Psychology of the University-Hospital of Verona. She also spent working periods at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience of the King’s College of London and at the Unit of Social and Community Psychiatry of the Queen Mary University of London, where she conducted scientific activities on themes concerning mental health.

She has worked mainly with adults and young adults. Specialty areas include anxiety and depressive disorders, trauma and stressor related disorders, relationships issues. In her practice, she delivers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other evidence-based approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Meta-Cognitive Therapy (MCT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR). She published scientific contributions in the field of mental health and presented her work at varying international conferences. She has been working at the EUI since 2019. Her working languages are Italian and English.

[+39] 055 4685 271 (Int. 2271)

[email protected]

Badia Fiesolana, BF175

Speaks Italian and English

External psychiatrists: 

Psychiatric consultations

If you need to arrange a psychiatric appointment, the PWS team regularly work with three psychiatrists that may be contacted directly. The first visit for EUI Researchers and STG Master students is covered by the EUI:

  • Portrait picture of Dr. Carla Comacchio

    Dr. Carla Comacchio

    Online Psychiatrist

    Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale and University of Udine, Italy

Carla Comacchio is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, PhD and researcher, currently working at the Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale and University of Udine, Italy.

She graduated in Medicine and specialized in Psychiatry at the University of Verona. She then obtained a PhD in Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement at the same university, along with the title of European Doctor. Her PhD has been awarded with the "Hic Labor" 2020 prize of the Accademia Olimpica of Vicenza.

During her training and her PhD, she spent working periods at the Section of Women's Mental Health of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience of the King’s College of London, where she contributed to several scientific projects and developed an in-depth knowledge of gender-related mental health issues. She has been regional coordinator of the "Young Psychiatrists network" of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (SIP) from 2016 to 2022.

As a psychiatrist, Carla has worked in general hospitals, community mental health services for adults and people with disabilities, academia and private practice. She delivers psychopharmacologic consults and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Her working languages are Italian and English.

[email protected]

Speaks Italian and English

Kindly note that Carla Comacchio only sees clients online.

  • Portrait picture of Dr. Francesca Chiarello

    Dr. Francesca Chiarello


Francesca is a Licensed Adult Psychiatrist. She graduated with honors at the University of Florence Medical School, during which she attended a traineeship at Monash University in Melbourne. She has expertise in the treatment of various mental health conditions as personality disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, somatic disorders, OCD and perfectionism. She has an interest in neuroscience research, which was developed during an internship at Charité University Hospital in Berlin. She speaks Italian and English.

[email protected]

Tages Onlus, via della Torretta 14, Firenze (1st floor), EUI Medical Consulting Room

Tel. +39 366 879 5150

Speaks Italian and English

Working with us

EUI psychologists are staff members. The EUI is an international institution that selects staff members through open competitions. If you are a mental health professional and are interested in working within the Psychological Support and Wellbeing Service, we suggest monitoring the job opportunities webpage at the EUI:

If you are interested in collaborating with us, we are always looking to broaden the external network of therapists/psychologists and wellbeing professionals to whom we make referrals. We are looking for collaborations with English-speaking mental health professionals based in Florence/Italy and other parts of Europe. Please drop us an email and we shall get in contact with you.

The EUI Psychological Support and Wellbeing Service is open to receive trainees who need to complete the post-grad training necessary to practise as a psychologist. Please get in touch with us if you are interested to get more information.

Page last updated on 12/03/2025

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