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Accountability & Financial Transparency

Take a look at the BFA's yearly statistics including the trend of EUI's financial resources.

Welcome to the Accountability & Financial Transparency page of the Budget and Financial Service.

We believe in maintaining transparency in our operations, and this page provides key statistics and figures that showcase our commitment to accountability. Let's dive into the numbers that reflect our achievements in 2023. 


In 2023, our revenues came from contributions by contracting states, other national sources, budget subvention from the EUI, external research activities, and other revenue streams, including historical archives. These revenues support our organization's financial sustainability and diverse initiatives

Here are the revenue figures for 2023 and 2022:

  • 2023 Total Revenue: €104,068,091
  • 2022 Total Revenue: €93,711,851

Breakdown of revenue sources

We rely on various revenue sources to support our operations. Here's a breakdown of the contributions received in 2023 and 2022.

Contracting states contributions:

  • 2023: €28,755,042
  • 2022: €27,248,242

Other national contributions:

  • 2023: €2,706,785
  • 2022: €4,200,000

Budget subvention from the EUI:

  • 2023: €21,707,165
  • 2022: €19,524,695

External Research Activities:

  • 2023: €31,988,406
  • 2022: €27,594,608

Other revenue:

  • 2023: €16,268,694
  • 2022: €12,607,306

Historical Archives of the EU:

  • 2023: €2,642,000
  • 2022: €2,537,000


Our expenditures in 2023 were allocated to teaching and research, pensions, administration, infrastructure, and other essential areas, ensuring effective resource utilization and support for our operations.
Here's a breakdown of our total expenditure of €97,468,265.54.

BFA in Numbers 2023:

In 2023, we processed a significant number of researchers' missions and reimbursed missions and visitors. Our financial management of external projects was effective, and we prepared commitments and processed documents in our SAP system. Payslips were processed accurately, grants were paid, and income declarations were prepared.
Here's a breakdown of our numbers:


Researchers' missions processed


Missions and Visitors reimbursements


Financial management of external projects


Commitments prepared


Documents processed in SAP


Payslips processed


Monthly Grants paid


Income declarations prepared

External Projects 2023

In 2023, we participated in various external projects. They were funded by the European Union, private entities, and public sources, reflecting our diverse partnerships and funding support.
Here's a breakdown of the total expenditure of €31,988,405.90.

Breakdown of the total expenditure of €31,988,405.90 for 2032 external projects

  • EU funded projects: € 17,779,820.58
  • Privately funded projects: € 11,833,571.27
  • Publicly funded projects: € 2,375,571.05


At the following webpage you can have a look at the previous issues of the President’s Annual Activity Report.

Page last updated on 16/05/2024

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