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Administrative Financial Rules & Regulations

Check all the relevant financial regulations governing the Institute. Some decisions can be accessed only by internal users.

Administrative Procedures' Handbook

The Administrative Procedures’ Handbook contains all the rules and procedures for financial matters to be known by the administrative staff members.

EUI Convention

Convention setting up a European University Institute, as revised by the 1992 amending Convention.

High Council Decisions

Following an agreement made in 2020, all Decisions, Rules, and Regulations adopted by the High Council, are published online. We are fully committed to ensuring transparency for all our stakeholders, external users, and members of our community.

Financial Rules

President’s Decisions

Regulation of the EUI’s Administrative Organisation

PRESIDENT'S DECISION regarding the administrative organisation of the European University Institute.

Delegation of Signing Authority

The (sub)delegation of signature represents the ability to sign on behalf of another person without being given the authority of decision. Every delegation has its scope and limits and is linked to a concrete staff member or position. 

Electronic Identification within the EUI

PRESIDENT’S DECISION N 26/22 13 July 2022 on electronic identification within the European University Institute

Revision of Internal Control Standards

Internal Control System & President's Decision No. 43/15

The EUI Fixed Assets Management and Control Framework

President's Decision No. 20/20

Reception, Representation and Socialisation Expenses

President’s Decision No. 08/08 and President's Decision No. 72/22 on Reception and Representation Expenses

Missions for Teaching and Administrative Staff, Research Assistants and Fellows

Establishing daily allowances and ceilings for accommodation expenses in missions to countries outside the European territory of the Member States of the European Union

Travel expenses by rail & Ceilings for taxis – parking

President's Decision no. 75/23 amending sections 3.2 (Travel expenses by rail) and 3.6 (Ceilings for taxis – parking) of the guide annexed to President´s Decision no. 55/17.

Guide to the Administration of EUI Visitors' Expenses

President's Decision no. 56/17 adopting general regulations for the EUI visitors and establishing daily allowances and Note on the use of Business class by EUI Visitors.

Researchers travelling on research missions and the reimbursement of travel

Regarding researchers travelling on research missions and the reimbursement of travel subsistence expenses to researcher candidates invited for an interview.

Page last updated on 18/04/2024

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