Factiva.com offers a broad collection of sources including national and international newspapers that reach across disciplines from business and current events to communications and technology, politics, foreign policy. Factiva.com combines more than 28,000 sources to give users access to premium content from 159 countries in 22 languages.
The Financial History Review Bibliography is an authoritative guide to works published in the field of Financial History since 1990. The Online database accessible through the Cambridge Journals Platform, is a consolidated version of the former printed bibliography that was published in the Financial History Review between 1994 (for the years 1991-1993) and 2009.
Open Access journal platform offering titles from Firenze University Press. The EUI Library has identified selected, freely-accessible titles from the FUP as being of possible interest to the EUI community; additional titles are available from the main FUP site.
Full-text of International yearbooks and periodicals, US Law Digests and International Tribunal/Judicial decisions.
The Foreign Law Guide is a comprehensive source for essential information on foreign law from nearly 200 jurisdictions.
Full-text archive of over 90 FrancoAngeli journals on the Torrossa platform from Casalini Digital (access limited to 2000-2017). The Library also has full-text access to the current issue for a small selection of the FrancoAngli titles on the Torrossa platform.
Frantext is a major corpus of French texts spanning the 16th to 20th centuries. The database currently contains the full-text of approximately 3500 works.
Platform for Franz Steiner journals and eBooks. The EUI Library has purchased a selection of eBook titles only.