European, EU and Euro Area Data
Eurostat data
Official source for statistical data on the European Union, member states and sub-state regions, structured in nine primary categories: General and regional statistics; Economy and finance; Population and social conditions; Industry, trade and services; Agriculture and fisheries; External trade; Transport; Environment and energy, and Science and technology. [Full details]
European Central Bank data
Data on Euro area monetary policy, financial stability and the activities of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), with aggregate series based on observations from national central banks, credit institutions and international data sources. [Full details]
Data Europa EU
Portal providing access to over a million public datasets from 36 countries (European Union member states, the EEA, Switzerland and countries in the EU Neighbourhood Policy programme). Data resources are indexed by the European Commission from national, regional, local and domain-specific public data providers. The interface is available in six languages. [Full details]
The Euro - EUI Library guide
EUI Library directory of Euro area documentary resources, official and non-official information and analysis, and bibliography of recent Euro-related works. [Full details]
Orbis Europe - European Company Data - Bureau van Dijk / Moody's analytics
Database of comparable financial and business information on Europe's largest 600,000 public and private companies by total assets. 43 countries are covered. Orbis Europe is published by Moody's Analytics. [Full details]
European banking data - S&P Global Market Intelligence
S&P Global Market Intelligence data on banks, investment banks, private equity firms, broker dealers and financial markets worldwide. The Market Intelligence Financial Institutions Group (MIFIG) dataset includes ownership information, market analysis, filings, financial statements, mergers and acquisitions' data and sectoral news. [Full details]
European macroeconomic and market data - Datastream
Global financial and macroeconomic time-series database, providing data on equities, stock market indices, currencies, company fundamentals, fixed income securities and key economic indicators for 175 countries and 60 markets. Equity data from IPO to present is updated daily. Macroeconomic time series are monthly, quarterly and annual, with up to 60 years of coverage. [Full details]
Historical European Financial and Economic Data - GFD
Database of long-range historical financial data on stocks, bonds, bills and other instruments, covering approximately 200 countries from the early modern period to the present, including national accounts and GDP since 1790; equities since 1694 and economic, commodity, exchange rate and inflation data from the early modern period to present. [Full details]
CESSDA Data Catalogue - Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
Data catalogue and service provider for European social science data, with a searchable index of over 40,000 data collections in 20 European countries, including quantitative, qualitative, mixed, cross-sectional, longitudinal and historical data. [Full details]
Competitiveness Research Network Europe - CompNet Europe
CompNet, an initiative of the ECB and partners, generates (i) European firm-level data in micro-aggregated format and (ii) a diagnostic toolkit for competitiveness indicators. Variables include employment, trade, productivity, mark-ups and financial constraints. [Full details]
European Capital Markets Database - ECMI
European Capital Markets Institute database containing statistics on European and global capital markets, with disaggregated data on equity markets and MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) statistics for pan-European and national equity markets, structured in eight primary sections. [Full details]
European Credit Research Institute data - ECRI
European Credit Research Institute database of observations on credit to households in 38 European countries, compiled by the European Credit Research Institute, covering EU member states, 4 EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland); 2 EU candidate countries (Macedonia and Turkey) and Australia, Canada, Japan and USA. [Full details]
EU Trade Statistics - ComExt
Statistics on merchandise trade among European Union member states, and between EU member states and global partners. ComExt is prepared by Eurostat from data provided by the statistical agencies of the EU member states. [Full details]
Central and Eastern European data - WIIW
Data on Central and Eastern Europe, the CIS and south-eastern Europe from 1990 to present, collated by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) in four main series: Foreign Direct Investment; Annual macroeconomic data; Monthly macroeconomic data and Industrial data on Central / Eastern Europe. [Full details]
Data on Democracy in Europe - EUDO
Data on democratic practices in Europe: (i) 2019 data from the EUDO euandi European Parliament online voting advice application comprising (a) political party data and (b) voter profile data (anonymised); (ii) 2014 data from the EUDO euandi European Parliament online voting advice application and (iii) 2009 data from the EUDO EU Profiler project. [Full details]
European Sub-State Regional Data (ARDECO)
Annual Regional Database of the European Commission (ARDECO), maintained by the DG for Regional and Urban Policy with input from Eurostat, Cambridge Econometrics and other harmonised sources, providing pan-European regional (sub-state) disaggregated time-series indicators at NUTS1, NUTS2 and NUTS3 statistical scales for EU, EEA and candidate countries. Data covers multiple indicators of growth, convergence, competitiveness and demography in four categories: demography, labour market, capital formation and domestic product. [Full details]
OECD statistical data
The OECD provides access to 44 databases, comprising over 400 statistical series from the 1960s to the present. The platform also provides access to all OECD reports, working papers, eBooks and journals. OECD data is also available via the EUI's Datastream subscription - useful for integrating with other data sources. [Full details]
Eurobarometer Surveys - European Commission
Pan-European surveys conducted for the European Commission on attitudes towards European integration, institutions, policies, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information technology, the environment and other topics. [Full details]
European occupational health and safety data - ESENER
European surveys on new and emerging risks in the workplace are carried out by the European Union Occupational Safety and Health Agency (EU-OSHA), covering work-related accidents, worker ill-health, work-related stress, harassment and workplace conditions. [Full details]
Principal European Economic Indicators - European Commission
Short-term economic and business cycle indicators for the EU and member states, issued monthly by the European Commission in the PEEI framework, with supplemental European business cycle data. [Full details]
European Commission macroeconomic data - AMECO
Annual macroeconomic database maintained by the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN). [Full details]
EU Emissions Trading Data
Community Independent Transaction Log (CITL) providing European Union Emissions Trading System data, aggregated by country, sector and year. [Full details]
EU Multidimensional Inequality Monitoring Framework - MIMF
Ineqauality data dashboard launched by the European Commission in 2021 "to contribute to the measurement, monitoring and analysis of a wide range of different aspects of inequality." MIMF presents 346 country level indicators in ten life domains: knowledge and skills; health; material living conditions; natural and environmental conditions; working life; cultural life and recreation; political participation and voice; social and family life; bodily integrity and safety and; overall life experience. [Full details]
European Economic Sentiment Indicator - ECFIN, European Commission
Monthly leading indicator data based on surveys of consumers and business managers in the European Union and Euro area, compiled by the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs. [Full details]
European Social Survey
European survey covering public trust; political interest and participation; media use; political orientation; governance; moral, political and social values; social exclusion, national, ethnic and religious allegiances; well-being, health and security; demographics and socio-economic variables. [Full details]
European Values Study
Cross-national and longitudinal survey covering European attitudes, opinions and values, using national adult population samples and face-to-face interviews. [Full details]
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe - SHARE
Cross-national panel database on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks of more than 45,000 Europeans aged 50 and over. [Full details]
European Union Labour Force Survey - EU-LFS, Eurostat
Cross-sectional and longitudinal household sample survey, coordinated by Eurostat, based on data from the EU member states, EFTA countries and EU-candidate countries, comprising observations on labour market participation and persons outside the labour force. [Full details]
European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions - EU-SILC, Eurostat
Cross-sectional and longitudinal sample survey, coordinated by Eurostat, based on data from the European Union member states and other European countries, containing comparable, multi-dimensional data on income, poverty, social exclusion and living conditions. [Full details]
European Community Household Panel - ECHP, Eurostat
Longitudinal household survey, covering 14 EU member states from 1994 to 2001. For more recent, comparable, panel data, consult the Library resource guide for EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) above. [Full details]
Eurostat Micro public use files
Eurostat and the Collaboration in Research and Methodology for Official Statistics (CROS) provide public use files (PUFs) for the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) and EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). [Full details]
EU tax and benefits simulator - EUROMOD
Tax and benefits' microsimulation model for the European Union developed by the University of Essex Institute for Social and Economic Research, enabling researchers and policy analysts to calculate comparable effects of taxes and benefits on household incomes in each member state and for the EU as a whole. [Full details]
UN Economic Commission for Europe statistics - UNECE
'European Countries in Figures' published by the UN Economic Commission for Europe, providing annual statistical profiles of 56 European countries. [Full details]
European Electoral and Parliamentary Data
Directory maintained by the EUI Library, describing major European and global electoral and parliamentary data resources. [Full details]
EU Official Publications Archive
European Union Publications Office digital archive of official EEC/EC/EU statistical compendia, official publications and legal texts from 1950 to present. [Full details]
European Open Science Cloud
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) facilitates the development data and tools; processing and analysis of data; research data management; computation; storage; networking; training and security. Data and support services are available via the EOSC catalogue. [Full details]
Page last updated on 11 February 2025