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The Euro: information resources and bibliography


euroz The European Central Bank publishes Economic Bulletins, Financial Stability Reviews and alerts for new publications, policy positions and statistical data. ECB aggregate data series are based on observations from national central banks, credit institutions and other international data sources.

Euro area statistical data resources are accessible via the EUI Library's Directory of European Statistics which includes official and non-official data on the European economy and the European Union.

The Eurostat portal is the official source for data on the European Union, EU member states and sub-state regions. There are nine primary categories: General and regional statistics; Economy and finance; Population and social conditions; Industry, trade and services; Agriculture and fisheries; External trade; Transport; Environment and energy, and Science and technology.

The European Stability Mechanism secretariat issues analysis and updates on financial stability in Europe.

The IMF produces regular Euro Area reports (Article IV mission procedure).

The OECD publishes Economic Surveys of the Euro Area. Supporting data, and all OECD publications, are available via the OECD platform.

The European Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) is a synthesis of monthly surveys compiled by EC ECFIN, with data for the Euro area and the EU. The Indicator is generated from questionnaires sent to consumers and business managers.

The EC Economic and Financial Affairs directorate-general publishes regular surveys in the context of the European Semester process.

The Euro Area section of the EU's Consilium information service, provides official information on Euro-related topics including; banking union, convergence criteria, the single resolution mechanism and the single supervisory mechanism.

A weekly digest of monetary and economic developments in the European Union is available from VOX EU.

The EUI Library provides premium online access to The Financial Times, The Economist, The New York Times and the digital news archive Factiva-Dow Jones.


Euro Area Bibliography
  • The works listed below are available from the EUI Library
  • All books and ebooks are indexed in the Library Catalogue
  • Publications are listed in reverse chronological order

Social Rights and the European Monetary Union edited by Maribel González Pascual and Aida Torres Pérez (2023)

The European Central Bank and its Role in a Sustainable Finance System edited by Harald J. Bolsinger et al (2023)

Financial Markets, Efficiency and Economic Behaviour: evaluating Euro area economies by Gian Maria Tomat (2023)

Risk Sharing in the Euro Area: legal aspects edited by Georgios Psaroudakis (2023)

The Making of the European Monetary Union: 30 years since the ERM crisis by Giancarlo Corsetti et al (2023) 

Completing a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union by Iain Begg (2023)

Risk Sharing in the Euro Area: legal aspects editedby Georgios Psaroudakis (2023)

Social Rights and the European Monetary Union: challenges ahead edited by Maribel González Pascual and Aida Torres Pérez (2022)

The New European Central Bank: taking stock and looking ahead by Thomas Beukers et al (2022)

The European Central Bank and the European macroeconomic constitution: from ensuring stability to fighting crises by Klaus Tuori (2022)

Excess Volatility in the Term Structure of Interest Rates, in Share Prices and in Eurozone Derivatives by Amia Santini (2022)

Policy Learning and the Euro: the EU's responses to the Sovereign Debt Crisis by Jonathan C. Kamkhaji (2022)

The New Economic Governance of the Eurozone
: a rule of law analysis by Paul Dermine by Paul Dermine (2022)

Monetary Policy in Times of Crisis
: a tale of two decades of the European Central Bank by Massimo Rostagno et al (2021)

The Road to Monetary Union by Richard Pomfret (2021)

The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: why in, why out? edited by Krisztina Arató et al (2021)

The Euro Crisis and Constitutional Pluralism: financial stability but constitutional inequality by Tomi Tuominen (2021)

Democratic Legitimation of Central Bank Independence in the European Union by Cornelia Manger-Nestler and Markus Gentzsch (2021)

Competing Interest Groups and Lobbying in the Construction of the European Banking Union by Giuseppe Montalbano (2021)

An Introduction to the Law of Economic and Monetary Union by Alberto Saravalle (2021)

New Challenges for Eurozone Governance: joint solutions for common threats? edited by José Caetano (2021)

The European Central Bank between the Financial Crisis and Populisms by Corrado Macchiarelli et al (2020)

The European Monetary Union: Europe at the crossroads by Nicola Acocella (2020)

Financial Integration in the European Monetary Union by Sławomir Ireneusz Bukowski (2020)

The Difficult Construction of European Banking Union edited by David Howarth and Joachim Schild (2020)

The European Central Bank as a Sustainability Role Model: philosophical, ethical and economic perspectives edited by Harald Bolsinger et al (2020)

The Role of EU Agencies in the Eurozone and Migration Crisis edited by Johannes Pollak and Peter Slominski (2020)

The Currency of Solidarity: consititutional transformation during the Euro crisis by Vestert Borger (2020)

Fiscal Consolidation in the Euro Crisis: politico-economic and institutional causes by Kai Guthmann (2020)

Europe's Crisis of Legitimacy: governing by rules and ruling by numbers in the Eurozone by Vivien A. Schmidt (2020)

Accountability in the Economic and Monetary Union: foundations, policy and governance by Menelaos Markakis (2020)

Central Bank Independence and the Future of the Euro by Panicos Demetriades (2020)

The Pursuit of Stability of the Euro Area as a Whole: the reform of the European economic union and perspectives of fiscal integration by Luca Lionello (2020)

European Cross-Border Banking and Banking Supervision by Dalvinder Singh (2020)

European Central Banking Law: the role of the European Central Bank and national central banks under European law by Christos V. Gortsos (2020)

Risk and Regulation in Euro Area Banks: completing the Banking Union by Francesca Arnaboldi (2019)

The Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and Beyond the Eurozone Crisis edited by Michele Chang et al (2019)

The Future of the Euro Currency by Paul-Jacques Lehmann (2019)

The Crisis Behind the Eurocrisis: the eurocrisis as a multidimensional systemic crisis of the EU edited by Eva Nanopoulos and Fotis Vergis (2019)

Europe's New Fiscal Union by Pierre Schlosser (2019)

Macroeconomc Theory and the Eurozone Crisis edited by Alain Alcouffe et al (2019)

The European Periphery and the Eurozone Crisis: capitalist diversity and Europeanisation by Neil Dooley (2019)

Leadership in the Eurozone: the role of Germany and EU institutions by Magnus G. Schoeller (2019)

Revisiting the Economic Case for Fiscal Union in the Euro Area [IMF Departmental Paper] by Helge Berger et al (2018)

Economics of Monetary Union (12th) by Paul de Grauwe (2018)

Legal Foundations of EU Economic Governance by Antonio Estella (2018)

Pierre Werner and Europe: the family archives behind the Werner Report by Elena Danescu (2018)

Monetary and Financial Policy in the Euro Area: an introduction by Maximilian Fandl (2018)

Can the Euro be Saved? by Malcolm Sawyer (2018)

The EMU after the Euro Crisis, Lessons and Possibilities: findings and proposals from the Horizon 2020 ADEMU project edited by Ramon Marimon and Thomas Cooley (2018)

Rethinking Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: a Post-Keynesian alternative by Philip B. Whyman (2018)

Eurocritical: a crisis of the Euro currency by Roderick Macdonald (2018)

Report on the State of the European Union (Vol.5): the Euro at 20 and the futures of Europe edited by Jérôme Creel, Éloi Laurent, Jacques Le Cacheux (2018)

Fiscal Policies in High Debt Euro-Area Countries by Antonella Cavallo et al (2018)

Economic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the European Union edited by Rajmund Mirdala and Rosaria Rita Canale (2017)

Monetary Integration in Europe: the European Monetary Union after the Financial Crisis by Horst Tomann (2017)

The European Union and the Eurozone under Stress: challenges and solutions for repairing fault lines in the European Project by John Theodore et al (2017)

Financial Underpinnings of Europe's Financial Crisis: liberalization, integration and asymmetric state power by Nina Eichacker (2017)

The Political Economy of the Eurozone edited by Ivano Cardinale et al (2017)

Eurobondage: the political costs of monetary union in Europe by Jonathon Moses (2017)

The Political Economy of Monetary Solidarity: understanding the euro experiment by Waltraud Schelkle (2017)

The Political Economy of Italy in the Euro by Leila Simona Talani (2017)

Adults In the Room: my battle with Europes deep establishment by Yanis Varoufakis (2017)

Tangled Governance: international regime complexity, the Troika and the Euro crisis by C. Randall Henning (2017)

Europe and the Euro: integration, crisis and policies by Enrico Marelli and Marcello Signorelli (2017)

The Euro and the Crisis: perspectives for the Eurozone as a monetary and budgetary union edited by Nazaré da Costa Cabral et al (2017)

Managing the Euro Crisis: national EU policy coordination in the debtor countries edited by Sabrina Ragone (2017)

Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics by Dirk H. Ehnts (2017)

Crisi dell'euro e crisi dell'Europa: la nuova governance economica europea e il futuro dellintegrazione by  Roberto Di Quirico (2017)

Constitutional Change through Euro-crisis Law edited by Thomas Beukers et al (2017)

The Euro Crisis and European Identities: political and media discourse in Germany, Ireland and Poland by Charlotte Galpin (2017)

A Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus: lessons for bank recovery and resolution by Panicos Demetriades (2017)

The Political Economy of European Banking Union by David Howarth and Lucia Quaglia (2016)

A Monetary Hope for Europe: the Euro and the struggle for the creation of a new global currency edited by Max Guderzo and Andrea Bosco (2016)

Governance of the European Monetary Union: recasting political, fiscal and financial integration edited by Erik Jones and Francisco Torres (2016)

Architects of the Euro: intellectuals in the making of European Monetary Union by Kenneth Dyson and Ivo Maes (2016)

The Sovereign Debt Crisis, the EU and welfare state reform edited by Caroline de la Porte and Elke Heins (2016)

The Euro and the Battle of Ideas by Markus K. Brunnermeier et al (2016)

Multi-level Finance and the Euro Crisis: causes and effects edited by Ehtisham Ahmad et al (2016)

From Convergence to Crisis: labor markets and the instability of the Euro by Alison Johnston (2016)

Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: the politics and economics of the eurozone crisis by Robert Godby and Stephanie B. Anderson (2016)

The Incomplete Currency: the future of the Euro and solutions for the eurozone edited by Marcello Minenna et al (2016)

The Political and Economic Dynamics of the Eurozone Crisis by James A. Caporaso and Martin Rhodes (2016)

The Euro Experiment by Paul Wallace (2016)

The European Banking Union: supervision and resolution by Giuseppe Boccuzzi (2016)

European Bank Restructuring During the Global Financial Crisis edited by Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska (2016)

Financial Regulation in the European Union edited by Rainer Kattel et al (2016)

Europe's New Supervisory Toolkit: data, benchmarking and stress testing for banks and their regulators edited by Mario Quagliariello (2015)

Banking Union as a Shock Absorber: lessons for the Eurozone from the US by Daniel Gros and Ansgar Belke (2015)

Beyond the Crisis: the governance of Europe's economic, political and legal transformation by Mark Dawson et al (2015)

From Saviour to Guarantor: EU member states' economic intervention during the Financial Crisis by Fabio Bassan and Carlo D. Mottura (2015)

The Great Financial Plumbing: from Northern Rock to Banking Union by Karel Lannoo (2015)

The New Financial Architecture in the Eurozone by Franklin allen, Elena Carletti and Joanna Gray (2015)

Germany's Role in the Euro Crisis: Berlin's quest for a more perfect monetary union by Franz-Josef Meiers (2015)

Eurozone Politics: perception and reality in Italy, the UK and Germany by Philip Giurlando (2016)

The European Sovereign Debt Crisis and its Impacts on Financial Markets by Go Tamakoshi and Shigeyuki Hamori (2015)

The Effects of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis: differentiated integration between the centre and the new peripheries of the EU edited by Christian Schweiger and José M. Magone (2015)

European Banking Union edited by Danny Busch and Guido Ferrarini (2015)

The Post-Crisis EU Financial Regulatory Framework: do the pieces fit? House of Lords [UK] European Union Committee (2014)

Against the Troika: crisis and austerity in the Eurozone by Heiner Flassbeck and Costas Lapavitsas (2015)

Europe Managing the Crisis: the politics of fiscal consolidation by Walter J.M. Kickert and Tiina Randma-Liiv (2015)

The Restructuring of Banks and Financial Systems in the Euro Area and the Financing of SMEs edited by Filippo Luca Calciano et al (2015)

European Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession edited by Hanspeter Kriesi and Takis S. Pappas (2015)

La Banque centrale européenne et l'Eurosystème: recherches sur le renouvellement d’une méthode d’intégration by Sébastien Adalid (2015)

Eurozone Dystopia: groupthink and denial on a grand scale by William Mitchell (2015)

The Governance Report 2015: Eurozone crisis, economic governance, institutional dilemmas, constitutionalism and indicators [Hertie School of Governance] (2015)

Financial Crisis, Austerity and Electoral Politics: European voter responses to the global economic collapse 2009-2013 edited by Pedro C. Magalhães (2015)

The Future of the Euro edited by Matthias Matthijs and Mark Blyth (2015)

The European Debt Crisis: the Greek case by Costas Simitis (2014)

Crisis in the Eurozone: causes, dilemmas and solutions by Mark Baimbridge and Philip B. Whyman (2015)

Managing Risks in the European Periphery Debt Crisis: lessons from the trade-off between economics, politics and the financial markets edited by George Christodoulakis (2015)

Which European Union? Europe after the Euro crisis by Sergio Fabbrini (2015)

Europe in Crisis: problems, chllenges and alternative perspectives edited by Aristidis Bitzenis et al (2015)

Saving Europe: anatomy of a dream by Carlo Bastasin (2015)

The European Union Beyond the Crisis: evolving governance, contested policies and disenchanted publics by Boyka M. Stefanova (2015)

ECB Banking Supervision and Beyond by Karel Lannoo [CEPS Task Force report] (2014)

Bearing the Losses from Bank and Sovereign Default in the Eurozone edited by Franklin Allen et al (2014)

The Eurozone Crisis and the Transformation of EU Governance: internal and external implications edited by Maria João Rodrigues and Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou (2014)

Sovereign Risk and Public-Private Partnership During the Euro Crisis by Maura Campra et al (2014)

The Euro, the Dollar and the Global Financial Crisis: currency challenges seen from emerging markets by Miguel Otero-Iglesias (2014)

The Eurozone Crisis and the Future of Europe: the political economy of further integration and governance edited by Daniel Dăianu et al (2014)

Economic Policy Coordination in the Euro Area by Armin Steinbach (2014)

The Economics of the Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis Manuel Sanchis i Marco (2014)

Europe and the Governance of Global Finance edited by Daniel Mügge (2014)

The Debt Crisis in the Eurozone: social impacts edited by Nicholas P. Petropoulos and George O. Tsobanoglou (2014)

Europe's Crisis, Europe's Future edited by Kemal Dervis and Jacques Mistral (2014)

The Euro Crisis and its Aftermath by Jean Pisani-Ferry (2014)

The Euro and International Financial Stability by Efthymios G. Tsionasx (2014)

The Resolution of Cross-Border Banking Crises in the European Union: a legal study from the perspective of burden sharing by Seraina Neva Grünewald (2014)

From Fragmentation to Financial Integration in Europe edited by Charles Enoch et al (2014)

Legal Challenges in the Global Financial Crisis; bail-outs, the Euro and regulation edited by Wolf-Georg Ringe and Peter M. Huber (2014)

Genuine Economic and Monetary Union and the implications for the UK, House of Lords European Union Committee report (2014)

The Eurozone Crisis: a constitutional analysis by Kaarlo Tuori and Klaus Tuori (2014)

Austerity: European democracies against the wall by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi (2014)

The Economic Crisis and Governance in the European Union: a critical assessment by Javier Bilbao-Ubillos (2014)

The European Union and the Euro: how to deal with a currency built on dreams by Hans Geeroms et al (2014)

Emerging from the Euro Debt Crisis: making the single currency work by Michael Heise (2013)

A Contemporary Concept of Monetary Sovereignty by Claus D. Zimmermann (2013)

Dollars, Euros and Debt: how we got into the fiscal crisis, and how to get out of it by Vito Tanzi (2013)

European Debt Restructuring Handbook by Kon Asimacopoulos and Justin Bickle (2013)

The EU Economic and Social Model in the Global Crisis edited by Dagmar Schiek (2013)

Trader's Guide to the Euro Area: economic indicators, the ECB and the Euro crisis by David J. Powell (2013)

Public Sector Shock: the impact of policy retrenchment in Europe edited by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead (2013)

Europe in Crisis by Ivan T. Berend (2013)

The Great Eurozone Disaster: from crisis to global new deal by Heikki Patomäki (2013)

Europe's Deadlock by David Marsh (2013)

Regulation of European Banks and Business Models: towards a new paradigm? by Rym Ayadi et al (2012)

Governance for the Eurozone: integration of disintegration? edited by Franklin Allen et al (2012)

The Euro Crisis edited by Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer (2012)

Resolving the European Debt Crisis edited by William R. Cline and Guntram B. Wolff (2012)

A Europe Made of Money: the emergence of the European Monetary System by Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (2012)

Euro Crisis: aggregate demand control is European single currency weakness by Peter James Rhys Morgan (2012)

Euro Crash: the exit route from monetary failure in Europe by Brendan Brown (2012)

La crisis del euro: de Atenas a Madrid by Josep Borrell and Andreu Missé (2012)

The Tragedy of the Euro by Philipp Bagus (2011)

A Comprehensive Approach to the Euro-area Debt Crisis by Zsolt Darvas (2011)

Economic Crisis in Europe edited by Paul van den Noord and István P. Székely (2011)

The Euro Area and the Financial Crisis edited by Miroslav Beblavý et al (2011)

Governing the Euro Area in Good Times and Bad by Dermot Hodson (2011)

Life in the Eurozone with or without Sovereign Default? edited by Franklin Allen et al (2011)

Europe and the Financial Crisis edited by Pompeo Della Posta and Leila Simona Talani (2011)

The Euro and its Rivalscurrency and the construction of a transnational city by Gustav Peebles (2011)

The End of the Euro: the uneasy future of the European Union by Johan van Overtveldt (2011)

Dynamic Policy Interactions in a Monetary Union by Michael Carlberg (2011)

Adjustment Difficulties and Debt Overhangs in the Eurozone Periphery by Cinzia Alcidi and Daniel Gros (2011)

The Economic Crisis and European Integration edited by Wim Meeusen (2011)

Governance of a Fragile Eurozone by Paul de Grauwe (2011)

Europe Will Work: but it needs to strengthen its governance, fix its banks and reform its structural policies Nomura Global Economics (2011)

The Crisis of the Eurozone by Dorothee Bohle (2010)

The Euro in the 21st Century: economic crisis and financial uproar by María Lorca-Susino (2010)

Europe and the Euro edited by Alberto Alesina and Francesco Giavazzi (2010)

The Concrete Euro: implementing monetary policy in the Euro area edited by Paul Mercier and Francesco Papadia (2010)

The Euro: the first decade edited by Marco Buti et al (2010)

European Economic Governance and Policies by Kenneth Dyson and Lucia Quaglia (2010)

Introduction of the Euro and the Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank by Shigeyuki Hamori and Naoko Hamori (2010)

The Euro and Economic Stability: focus on Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe edited by Ewald Nowotny et al (2010)

The Euro: the politics of the new global currency (2nd ed) by David Marsh (2009)


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Contact: Thomas Bourke at [email protected]


Page last updated on 11 February 2025

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