The Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Collection

The EUI community is grateful to the Padoa-Schioppa family for the donation of these works.
Publications are listed in chronological order. Locations and shelfmarks are at the end of each record. All works are indexed in the EUI Library catalogue.
LIB indicates Library Monographs Collection (Badia Fiesolana).
Offprints, articles and papers are held at RARE 332.494 PAD.
WP indicates Working Papers Collection.
ARCHV indicates Historical Archives of the European Union (Villa Salviati).
With special acknowledgements to the Banca d'Italia Paolo Baffi Library.
Rapporto sull'economia giapponese, edited with Giorgio Carducci, Roma, Ente per gli studi monetari, bancari e finanziari 'Luigi Einaudi', 1973 (Quaderni di ricerche, 12), pp. 107. EUI Library location: RARE 332.494.
'Il controllo qualitativo del credito: considerazioni sulla recente esperienza italiana', Moneta e credito, 108, 1974, pp. 345-372. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Demand and supply of bank credit in Italy', with Gianfranco Caligiuri and Antonio Fazio, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 4, 1974, pp. 455-479. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Tecniche di emissione dei buoni ordinari del Tesoro', Bollettino della Banca d’Italia. Vigilanza sulle aziende di credito, 3-4, 1974, pp. 547-560. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Le contrôle sélectif du crédit et la récente expérience italienne', Banque, 341, 1975, pp. 581-592. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Selective credit policy: Italy’s recent experience', Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, 112, 1975, pp. 36-60. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Supply of credit and bank liquidity in the Italian system: some further results', with Gianfranco Caligiuri and Bruno Sitzia, in Francesco Masera, Antonio Fazio and Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (eds.), Econometric Research in European Central Banks, Roma, Banca d’Italia, 1975, pp. 471-492. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Note sulla specializzazione degli intermediari finanziari in Italia', with Claudio Conigliani, Moneta e credito, 114, 1976, pp. 199-216. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Development and stability of financial structures: some general remarks using the Italian case', with Guido Carli and Mario Monti, in John E. Wadsworth, John Stuart Gladstone Wilson and Henri Fournier (eds.), The Development of Financial Institutions in Europe, 1956-1976, Leyden, Sijthoff, 1977, pp. 15-34. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'La politica economica in una economia con salari indicizzati al 100 o più', with Franco Modigliani, Moneta e credito, 117, 1977, pp. 3-53. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'The management of an open economy with 100% plus wage indexation', with Franco Modigliani, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1978 (Essays in international finance, 130), pp. 43. WP 332 PRI.
Una proposta per lo sviluppo, una scelta per l’Europa, [with Filippo Maria Pandolfi et al.], Roma, 31 August 1978. Note from the Banca d’Italia preliminary bibliography (2011): "Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa’s contribution to this document, published in its entirety or in large sections by the daily press, is remarked in the course of an interview by Filippo Maria Pandolfi held at the Historical Archives of the European Union." RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Problems of interdependence in a multipolar world' in Economic Papers, Commission of the European Community, 4, 1981. EDC EC-HP-66 ECOP22.
'La crisi dell’esogeneità', Moneta e credito, 138, 1982, pp. 205-222. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Competing currencies and monetary stability', with Francesco Papadia, Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS Working documents, 2, 1983. WP 330 CEN.
Agenda e non-agenda: limiti e crisi della politica economica, with Fiorella Padoa-Schioppa, [Milano], Edizioni di Comunità, 1984 (Saggi brevi di economia a cura della Banca Commerciale Italiana, 8), pp. 82. ARCHV 338.9 PAD and RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Can Europeans control their interest rates?' with Stefano Micossi, Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS Papers, 17, 1984. WP 330 CEN.
'Legami nei tassi d’interesse a breve termine tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Europa', with Stefano Micossi, Rivista di politica economica, 12, 1984, pp. 1527-1563. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Short-term interest rate linkages between the United States and Europe', with Stefano Micossi, Banca d’Italia, Temi di discussione, 33, 1984. WP 332 BAN.
'Short-term interest rate linkages between the United States and Europe', with Stefano Micossi, selected paper, Rivista di Politica Economica, 18, 1984. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Bonaldo Stringher e la formazione della Banca d’Italia', Bancaria, 2, 1985, pp. 141-145. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Europe, monnaie et politique économique', Luxembourg, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1985, pp. 213. EDC EC-HP-99 MONEPA33.
'Money, economic policy and Europe', Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1985, pp. 215. EDC EC-HP-99 MONEPA22.
'Wirtschafts- und Währungspolitsche Probleme der Europäischen Integration', Luxemburg, Amt für amtliche Veröffentlichungen der EG, 1985. EDC EC-HP-99 MONEPA55.
'Il capitale proprio delle banche popolari tra cooptazione e mercato', Rivista delle società, 4-5, 1986, pp. 899-912. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Regole e istituzioni nel governo delle economie pluristatali', Queste istituzioni, 68, 1986, pp. 22-40. RARE 332.494 PAD.
Il sistema dei cambi, oggi, edited with introduction, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1986 (Collana della Società italiana degli economisti), pp. 143. RARE 332.494 PAD.
Efficiency, stability, and equity: a strategy for the evolution of the economic system of the European Community, with Michael Emerson [et al.], New York, Oxford University Press, 1987, pp. 187. LIB 338.914 PAD.
Efficiency, stability, and equity: a strategy for the evolution of the economic system of the European Community; report of a study group appointed by the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Commission of the EC, 1987. EDC EC-HP99 EFFSAE22.
Efficienza, stabilità ed equità: una strategia per l’evoluzione del sistema economico della Comunità europea, with Michael Emerson [et al.], Bologna, Il Mulino, 1987 (Studi e ricerche, 230), pp. 298. ARCHV 338.914 PAD and RARE 332.494.
Eficacia, estabilidad y equidad: una estrategia para la evolución del sistema económico de la Comunidad europea, with Michael Emerson [et al.], Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1987, pp.236. ARCHV 338.94 PAD.
The EMS: a long-term view, address to the conference The European Monetary System, Perugia, October 1987. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Banques, assurances, finances: redéfinition des frontières', Revue d’économie financière, 7, 1988, pp. 8-24. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Milan, Hannover, 1992', Review of Economic Conditions in Italy, 3, 1988, pp. 435-443. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Milano, Hannover, 1992', Economia italiana, 3, 1988, pp. 481-490. RARE 332.494 PAD.
La moneta, la politica economica e l’Europa, Lussemburgo, Ufficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunità europee, 1988, pp. 214. EDC EC-HP-99 MONEPA44.
'Indispensabile per l’integrazione europea lo scenario della moneta unica', Bancaria, 10, 1989, pp. 69-75. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Financial and monetary integration in Europe: 1990, 1992 and beyond', Group of Thirty, Occasional paper, 28, 1990. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Agenda for stage two: preparing the monetary platform', with Fabrizio Saccomanni, Centre for Economic Policy Research, CEPR occasional paper, 7, 1991. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'La cooperazione allo sviluppo', Credito popolare, 3-4, 1991, pp. 154-157. RARE 332.494 PAD.
Europe after 1992: three essays, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1991 [edited with introduction], Essays in international finance, 182, pp. 52. WP 332 PRI and RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Economia, finanza, moneta: l’Italia e l’Europa', Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia, 1-4, 1992, pp. 3-25. RARE 332.494 PAD.
L’Europa verso l’unione monetaria: dallo SME al trattato di Maastricht, Torino, Einaudi, 1992 (Einaudi Paperbacks. Economia, 231), pp.323. LIB 332.45094 PAD and ARCHV 332.45094 PAD.
La moneta e il sistema dei pagamenti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1992 (Studi e ricerche, 296), pp. 298. LIB 332.4945 PAD and ARCHV 332.4945 PAD.
'L’Unione monetaria europea e l’Italia', Affari esteri, 94, 1992, pp. 325-341. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Tripolarism: regional and global economic cooperation', Group of Thirty, Occasional papers, 42, 1993. WP 332 GRO and RARE 332.494 PAD.
'L’influence de Bretton Woods sur l’intégration monétaire en Europe', in Thierry Walrafen (ed.), Bretton Woods: mélanges pour un cinquantenaire, Paris, Le Monde éditions-Association d’économie financière, 1994, pp. 217-228. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Mercati finanziari', in Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali, vol. IV, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 1994, pp. 126-137. RARE 332.494 PAD.
The Road to Monetary Union in Europe: the emperor, the kings, and the genies, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994, pp.286. LIB 332.45094.
The transition to EMU in the Maastricht Treaty, with Lorenzo Bini Smaghi and Francesco Papadia, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University, 1994 (Essays in international finance, 194), pp. 74. WP 332 PRI.
'The Genesis of EMU: a retrospective view', Badia Fiesolana, European University Institute, 1996 (Jean Monnet Chair Paper RSC, 96/40). WP 320 EUR.
'Styles of monetary management', Bank of Japan monetary and economic studies, 1, 1996, pp. 40-64. WP 332 TOK.
Il governo dell’economia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1997 (Tendenze, 16), pp. 95. R-332.494 and ARCHV 330.945 PAD.
Interview: Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, The Financial Regulator, 2, 1997, pp. 40-44. RARE 332.494 PAD.
Capital markets and EMU: report of a CEPS working party [as working party chairman] edited by Karel Lannoo and Daniel Gros, Brussels, CEPS, 1998, pp.99. LIB 332.45094 PAD and RARE 332.494 PAD.
Che cosa ci ha insegnato l’avventura europea, Roma, Edizioni dell’Elefante, 1998, pp. 31. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Global supervision: a term in search of a content', Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, special issue, Globalization and stable financial markets, March, 1998, pp. 155-165. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Vigilanza globale: un termine alla ricerca di un contenuto', Quaderno di Moneta e credito, March, 1998, pp. 169-180. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'EMU and banking supervision', International finance, 2, 1999, pp. 295-308. London, LSE Financial Markets Group, Special paper, 112, 1999. WP 332 LON.
'Options for China’s financial system', with Edgar Meister [et al.], in Strengthening the banking system in China: issues and experience. [Panel discussion chaired by], Basel, Bank for International Settlements, 1999 (BIS policy papers, 7), pp. 321-334. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'The Eurosystem in the international monetary system', CESifo Forum, 2, 2000, pp. 18-25. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Licensing banks: still necessary?', Washington, Group of Thirty, 2000 (The William Taylor memorial lectures, 5), pp. 41. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Moneta, commercio, istituzioni: esperienze e prospettive della costruzione europea.' Lectio doctoralis di Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Trieste, 19 novembre 1999, Trieste, Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2000, pp. 69. ARCHV 330.94 PAD.
The Road to Monetary Union in Europe: the emperor, the kings, and the genies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp.268 (paperback with revisions). LIB 332.45094.
'Bank competition: a changing paradigm', European Finance Review, 1-2, 2001, pp. 13-20. RARE 332.494 PAD.
Europa, forza gentile, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001 (Contemporanea, 125), pp. 186. LIB 337.142 PAD.
'Italia ed Europa: un’interazione fruttuosa', in Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa and Stephen R. Graubard (eds.), Il caso italiano 2: dove sta andando il nostro paese?, Milano, Garzanti, 2001, pp.53-101. ARCHV 320.945 PAD.
'Italy and Europe: a fruitful interaction', Daedalus, 2, 2001, pp. 13-44. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Un sistema bancario unico in Eurolandia?', Banca impresa società, 1, 2001, pp. 3-17. RARE 332.494 PAD.
Dodici settembre: il mondo non è al punto zero, Milano, Rizzoli, 2002, pp. 169. RARE 332.494 PAD and ARCHV 973.931 PAD.
'Securities and banking: bridges and walls', Banca nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, 222, 2002. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Securities and banking: bridges and walls', London, LSE Special paper, 136, 2002. WP 332 LON.
'Self vs. public discipline in the financial field', London School of Economics, LSE Financial Markets Group. Special paper, 142, 2002. WP 332 LON.
'Titoli e attività bancaria: ponti e mura', Moneta e credito, 220, 2002, pp. 321-344. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'The euro goes East', Comparative Economic Studies, 45, 2003, pp.215-231. RARE 332.494 PAD.
'Central banks and financial stability: exploring a land in between', in Vítor Gaspar, Philipp Hartmann and Olaf Sleijpen (eds.), The transformation of the European financial system. Second ECB Central banking conference, October 2002, Frankfurt, Germany, Frankfurt am Main, European Central Bank, 2003, pp. 269-310. LIB 332.11094 GAS.
'East Asian monetary arrangements: a European perspective', International Finance, 2, 2004, pp. 311-323. RARE 332.494 PAD.
Europe, a civil power: lessons from EU experience, London, Federal Trust for Education and Research, 2004, pp. 176. LIB 337.142 PAD and ARCHV 337.142 PAD.
The euro and its central bank: getting united after the union, Cambridge, MA-London, The MIT Press, 2004, pp.260. LIB 332.45094 PAD and ARCHV 332.45094 PAD.
L’euro e la sua banca centrale: l’unione dopo l’Unione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 (Itinerari. Economia), pp. 275. LIB 332.45094 PAD and ARCHV 332.45094 PAD.
l'Europa oggi: una pazienza attiva: incontro con Tommaso Padoa Schioppa, Roma, Editori Laterza / Banca Intesa, 2004, pp.65. RARE 332.494 PAD.
La lunga via per l’euro, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 (Saggi, 610), pp. 369. LIB 332.494 PAD and ARCHV 332.494 PAD.
Regulating finance: balancing freedom and risk, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 147. LIB 332.1 PAD and ARCHV 332.1 PAD.
'Concluding remarks', in The Eurosystem, the Union and beyond. The single currency and implications for governance. An ECB colloquium held in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, 27 April 2005, Frankfurt am Main, European Central Bank, 2005, pp. 94-99. LIB 332.494 PAD.
Europa, una pazienza attiva. Malinconia e riscatto del Vecchio Continente, Milano, Rizzoli, 2006 (Rizzoli osservatorio), pp. 182. LIB 321.04094 PAD and ARCHV 320.94055 PAD.
Italia, una ambizione timida. Classe dirigente e rischi di declino, Milano, Rizzoli, 2007, pp.227. ARCHV 320.945092 PAD.
La veduta corta. Conversazione con Beda Romano sul Grande Crollo della finanza, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009 (Contemporanea, 188), pp. 188. ARCHV 330.94 PAD.
Due anni di governo dell’economia (maggio 2006-maggio 2008), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011 (Fuori collana), pp. 672. ARCHV 330.945092 PAD.
Regole e finanza: contemperare libertà e rischi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011 (Saggi, 757), pp.290. ARCHV 336.4 PAD.
Reform of the International Monetary System: the Palais Royal Initiative edited by Jack T. Boorman and André Icard. Sage, 2011. Dedication: "In memory of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa 1940-2010." In Memoriam, pp.xi-xiii. LIB 332.45 BOO.
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