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Macroeconomic, Political and Historical Data


Banking and financial data - S&P Capital IQ Pro
Data on banks, investment banks, private equity firms, insurance companies, broker dealers and financial markets worldwide. Includes ownership information, market analysis, filings, financial statements, mergers and acquisitions' data and sectoral news. Coverage for European banks up to 15 years; North American banks up to 30 years. [Full details]

Central and Eastern European data - WIIW
Data on Central and Eastern Europe, the CIS and south-eastern Europe from 1990 to present, collated by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) in four main series: Foreign Direct Investment; Annual macroeconomic data; Monthly macroeconomic data and Industrial data on Central and Eastern Europe. [Full details]

ComExt Intra- and Extra-EU trade data
Statistics on merchandise trade among European Union member states, and between EU member states and global partners. ComExt is prepared by Eurostat from data provided by the statistical agencies of the EU member states. [Full details]

Comparative Political Data Set - Universität Bern
Institutional and political data for 23 democratic countries since 1960
, covering elections, political parties, institutions, economic openness, public social expenditure and other variables. [Full details]

Cross-National Time-Series - Databanks Intl.
Worldwide data on major political economic variables, including government expenditure, population, per capita GDP, trade, infrastructure, conflict events, elections, legislative process, political measures and international status indicators, from 1815 to present. [Full details]

Data Europa EU
Portal providing access to over a million public datasets from 36 countries (European Union member states, the EEA, Switzerland and countries in the EU Neighbourhood Policy programme). Data resources are indexed by the European Commission from national, regional, local and domain-specific public data providers. The interface is available in six languages. [Full details]

Data Repositories Registry -
Global registry of research data repositories, with search and browse functions, covering multiple academic disciplines, maintained by Humboldt University and partners. [Full details]

Datastream - equities, markets and macro data
Global financial and macroeconomic time-series database, providing data on equities, stock market indices, currencies, company fundamentals, fixed income securities and key economic indicators for 175 countries and 60 markets. Equity data from IPO to present is updated daily. Macroeconomic time series are monthly, quarterly and annual, with up to 60 years of coverage. [Full details]

Demographic Yearbook - UN
Annual statistical data on population, age, sex, birth-rates and mortality for countries in the United Nations system, prepared by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with national statistical agencies worldwide. [Full details]

Direction of Trade Statistics - IMF
Annual, quarterly and monthly time series data on merchandise exports and imports for 187 countries, with world trade flow aggregates between major regions from 1981 to present. Related Direction of Trade Statistics Historical database covers 1948 to 1979. [Full details]

Electoral and parliamentary data
EUI Library directory introducing quantitative and qualitative European and global electoral and parliamentary data resources. [Full details]

EU Multidimensional Inequality Monitoring Framework - MIMF 
Inequality data dashboard maintained by the European Commission "to contribute to the measurement, monitoring and analysis of a wide range of different aspects of inequality." MIMF presents 346 country level indicators in ten life domains: knowledge and skills; health; material living conditions; natural and environmental conditions; working life; cultural life and recreation; political participation and voice; social and family life; bodily integrity and safety and; overall life experience. [Full details]

EUI Research Data in Cadmus repository
EUI Research Data collection in the Cadmus repository, comprising data outputs of research projects at the European University Insitute. [Full details]

European Capital Markets Database - ECMI
European Capital Markets Institute database containing statistics on European and global capital markets, with disaggregated data on equity markets and MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) statistics for pan-European and national equity markets, structured in eight primary sections. [Full details]

European Central Bank data
Data on Euro area monetary policy, financial stability and the activities of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), with aggregate series based on observations from national central banks, credit institutions and international data sources. [Full details]

European Open Science Cloud
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) facilitates the development data and tools; processing and analysis of data; research data management; computation; storage; networking; training and security. Data and support services are available via the EOSC catalogue. [Full details]

European Sub-State Regional Data (ARDECO)
Annual Regional Database of the European Commission (ARDECO), maintained by the DG for Regional and Urban Policy with input from Eurostat, Cambridge Econometrics and other harmonised sources, providing pan-European regional (sub-state) disaggregated time-series indicators at NUTS1, NUTS2 and NUTS3 statistical scales for EU, EEA and candidate countries. Data covers multiple indicators of growth, convergence, competitiveness and demography in four categories: demography, labour market, capital formation and domestic product. [Full details]

Eurostat official EU data
Official source for statistical data on the European Union, member states and sub-state regions, structured in nine primary categories: General and regional statistics; Economy and finance; Population and social conditions; Industry, trade and services; Agriculture and fisheries; External trade; Transport; Environment and energy, and Science and technology. [Full details]

Factiva Dow Jones news and companies' database
Factiva Dow Jones is a digital archive of global news content with five years of companies and markets' data. Includes filings reports for public companies including; balance sheets, cash flow, income statements, geographic segment breakdown and key ratios. Market data on companies by peer group can be generated with up to ten variables. [Full details]

Federal Reserve data - USA
The Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) portal provides access to over 800,000 time series from 108 national and international sources. Data is collected and collated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and presented in eight thematic categories: Academic data; Money, banking, and finance; National accounts; Population, employment, and labour markets; Production and business activity; Prices; International data, and U.S. regional data. [Full details]

Gender data - World Bank, United Nations and European Union
The Gender Equality Data portal (UN and World Bank) provides worldwide country level gender data. The European Institute for Gender Equality database and Gender Equality Index provides comparable index variables for all EU member states. Gender Info is a UN database of statistics on family, health, education, work, population and political participation. [Full details]

Global Financial Data - GFD Inc.
Database of long-range historical financial data on stocks, bonds, bills and other instruments, covering approximately 200 countries from the early modern period to the present, including national accounts and GDP since 1790; equities since 1694 and economic, commodity, exchange rate and inflation data from the early modern period to present. [Full details]

GlobalStat - Global Governance Programme, EUI
Statistics portal with online tools for analysing data on economic, environmental, political, social and cultural variables. Data is sourced from international organisations and presented in three clusters: Global trends; Sustainable livelihood and Prosperity of nations/human well-being. [Full details]

Google Dataset Search
Google Dataset Search helps find open datasets and data series by searching data repositories worldwide. This resource searches both open public data repositories (governments; international organisations) and open research data repositories (universities, research institutions). [Full details]

Government Finance Statistics - IMF
Data on revenue, expenditure and transactions in assets and liabilities for the state sector and sub-sectors for 137 countries from 1990 to present. Related Government Finance Statistics Historical covers 1972 to 1989. [Full details]

Growth and development time-series data
The Groningen Growth and Development Centre (Netherlands) provides access to comparative time-series data for research on economic performance, growth and development worldwide. Resources include: Penn World Table (version 8.1; 2015); Maddison Historical Statistics; Total Economy Database; GGDC 10-Sector Database; EU KLEMS Database; GGDC Productivity Level Database; Dataset on Comparative Historical National Accounts; World Input-Output Database, and Africa Sector Database. [Full details]

Historical Statistics of the United States - Census Bureau
Compendium of 13,000 data series on economic, social, political, human and environmental topics from 1775 to 2000 structured in five sections: Population; Work and welfare; Economic structure and performance; Economic sectors; Governance and international relations. [Full details]

Human Development Indicators and Index - UNDP
Annual United Nations Development Programme data, providing broad measures of well-being for countries in the UN system, covering life expectancy, education and purchasing power parity. Human Development Reports from 1990 to present are also provided. [Full details]

International Country Risk Guide
Country risk data and country reports on worldwide political, financial and macroeconomic trends from 1984 to present, plus five-year forecasts. Data may be customised by country, variable, or in chronological order. [Full details]

International Debt Statistics - World Bank
Database on the external debts of 128 countries in the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System, with more than 200 indicators of debt and financial flows from 1970 to present. Formerly known as Global Development Finance. [Full details]

International Energy Agency database - IEA
Worldwide energy sector data on CO2 emissions; coal; electricity; energy prices and taxation; energy sector projections; energy technology R&D; natural gas; oil; renewables, and world energy statistics and balances. [Full details]

International Financial Statistics - IMF
Data on global exchange rates, international liquidity, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions and national accounts, presented in tabular format by country and region, with world aggregates from 1948 to present. [Full details]

International Historical Statistics - Palgrave
Compendium of national and international socio-economic data from 1750 to present, covering Africa, Asia, Oceania, the Americas and Europe in ten data categories: population and vital statistics; labour force; agriculture; industry; external trade; transport and communications; finance; commodity prices; education and national accounts. [Full details]

International Labour Organisation data
Databases on labour standards and conditions worldwide. LABORSTA: economically active population rates in 185 countries and territories; KILMnet: database of 18 key country-level indicators of the international labour market since 1980; SIMPOC: database on child labour worldwide, and NATLEX: database of international labour standards and national labour and social security laws. [Full details]

International Monetary Fund data
The IMF provides data on global monetary relations, financial stability, international trade and economic growth. Coverage is for 188 countries worldwide. Series include; Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), Government Finance Statistics (GFS), International Finance Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS) and the IMF World Economic Outlook database. [Full details]

International Trade Centre data
International Trade Centre data on global trade, market access, foreign direct investment and economic standards provided by the ITC - a joint agency of UNCTAD and the WTO. [Full details]

Migration Data Portal - IOM, GMDAC
The Migration Data Portal provides worldwide statistics on immigration and emigration; migrant flow; vulnerability; integration and well-being; forced migration; development; migration policy and public opinion, from 1990 to 2018. The Portal is maintained by the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, International Organisation for Migration. [Full details]

OECD data
The OECD provides access to 44 databases, comprising over 400 statistical series from the 1960s to the present. The platform also provides access to all OECD reports, working papers, ebooks and journals. OECD data is also available via the EUI's Datastream subscription - useful for integrating with other data sources. [Full details]

Social security data - ISSA
Database of 170 social security country profiles, compiled by the International Social Security Association since 1994, organised in seven themes: social security systems: country profiles; social security scheme descriptions; good practices in social security; social security reform and complementary and private pensions. [Full details]

Online portal providing worldwide data on industrial sectors, consumer markets, the digital economy, public opinion, media, demography and macroeconomic trends. Quantitative data from 425 sectors in 50 countries are provided with infographic tools for analysis and visualisation. [Full details]

Trade in Value Added - OECD/WTO
Database using methodology to reflect the complexity of value-added in international trade, foreign direct investment, component sourcing (domestic/external) and other dynamics of the globalised economy. Jointly published by the OECD and WTO. [Full details]

United Nations data
Combined database of the United Nations system, providing statistics from UN agencies and international partners, covering world agriculture, education, employment, energy, environment, health, HIV/AIDS, human development, industry, information technology, national accounts, population, refugees, tourism, and UN Millennium Development Goals. [Full details]  

UN Conference on Trade and Development database covering international merchandise trade; trade in services; merchandise trade; economic trends; foreign direct investment; external financial resources; population and labour force; commodities and maritime transport. [Full details]

Data portal for major UNICEF series: Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, the State of the World's Children, Progress for Children and the TransMonee database on Central-Eastern Europe. [Full details]

UNIDO Industrial Statistics
Harmonised industrial development data on 23 manufacturing sectors in 166 countries since 1963, using seven principal indicators: number of establishments; employment; wages and salaries; output; value added; gross fixed capital formation, and number of female employees. [Full details]

WIIW Data on Central and Eastern Europe
Data on Central and Eastern Europe, the CIS and south-eastern Europe from 1990 to present, collated by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) in four main series: Foreign Direct Investment; Annual macroeconomic data; Monthly macroeconomic data and Industrial data on Central and Eastern Europe. [Full details]

World Bank data portal
Portal giving access to global economic and development series including; World Development Indicators, International Debt Statistics, Millennium Development Indicators; the Doing Business database and statistics on poverty, education and gender. [Full details]

World Development Indicators
Global database maintained by the World Bank, providing statistics in six dimensions: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Linkages, for 210 economies from 1960 to present. [Full details]


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Page last updated on 06 March 2025

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