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The Professor Michael J. Artis Collection

Prof_Michael_ArtisThe EUI community is grateful to Professor Artis, who donated these works to the Library.

This inventory is presented in alphabetical order by author/editor.

Please consult the EUI Library Catalogue for shelfmarks and full bibliographical details.

All books are available on 30-day loan.

A memoir of Professor Artis has been published by the British Academy.


Abraham, Jean-Paul, Monetary and Financial Thinking in Europe. SUERF, 2003

Abu-Mostafa, Yaser S. (et al, eds.), Computational Finance. MIT Press, 2000

Albert, Michel (et al eds.), Investing in Europe's Future. Blackwell / EIB, 1983

Aldcroft, Derek H., The European Economy 1914-1980. Croom Helm, 1980

Alogoskoufis, George (ed.), External Constraints on Macroeconomic Policy: The European experience. CEPR / Bank of Greece, 1991

Amerasinghe, C.F., Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations, Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed., 2005

American Economic Association / Royal Economic Society, Surveys of Economic Theory, Volume I: Money, interest, welfare. Macmillan, 1968

Arestis, Philip (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Money and Banking. Macmillan, 1988

Argy, Victor and John Nevile (eds.), Inflation & Unemployment: theory, experience and policy making. George Allen & Unwin, 1985

Arrowsmith, John, Thinking the Unthinkable about EMU: coping with turbulence between 1998 and 2002. National Institute of Economic and Social Research [UK] 1998

Arrowsmith, John and Christopher Taylor, Unresolved Issues on the Way to a Single Currency. National Institute of Economic and Social Research / Cambridge University Press, 1996

Artis, M.J. and A.R. Nobay (eds.), Essays in Economic Analysis. Cambridge University Press, 1976

Artis, M.J. and A.R. Nobay (eds.), Studies in Modern Economic Analysis. Blackwell, 1977

Artis, M.J. and A.R. Nobay, Contemporary Economic Analysis, Croom Helm, 1978

Artis, M.J. and M.H. Miller, Essays in Fiscal and Monetary Policy. Oxford University Press, 1981

Artis, M.J. (et al eds.), Demand Management, Supply Constraints and Inflation. Manchester University Press, 1982

Artis, M.J., Macroeconomics. Clarendon Press, 1984

Artis Michael and Sylvia Ostry, International Economic Policy Coordination [Chatham House Paper 30]. London, 1986

Artis, Michael and David Cobham (eds), Labour's Economic Policies, 1974-79. Manchester University Press, 1991

Artis, M.J. and N. Lee, The Economics of the European Union: policy and analysis. Oxford University Press, 1995

Artis, Michael (et al eds.), The Euro: a challenge and opportunity for financial markets. Routledge, 2000

Attfield, C.L.F., Rational Expectations in Macroeconomics: an introduction to theory and evidence. Blackwell 1995

Attfield, C.L.F. (et al), Rational Expectations in Macroeconomics: an introduction to theory and evidence. Blackwell 1985

Backhouse, Roger, Macroeconomics and the British Economy. Robertson, 1983

Bailey, Martin J., National Income and the Price Level: a study in macroeconomic theory. McGraw-Hill, 1962

Bailey, R.E., The Economics of Financial Markets, Cambridge University Press, 2005

Bain, A.D., The Economics of the Financial System. Robertson, 1981

Balogh, Thomas (Lord, with) Peter Balacs, Fact and Fancy in International Economic Relations. Pergamon Press, 1973

Balling, Morten (et al eds.), Adapting to Financial Globalisation, Routledge, 2001

Balling, Morten (et al eds), Technology and Finance: challenges for financial markets, business strategies and policy makers. Routledge, 2003

Banca d'Italia [Research Department Public Finance Workshop], Fiscal Sustainability. 2000

Banca d'Italia [Research Department Public Finance Workshop], The Impact of Fiscal Policy. 2002

Banco de Portugal, The Transition to Economic and Monetary Union in Europe [conference proceedings]. Estoril, 1992

Barrell, Ray (ed.), Economic Convergence and Monetary Union in Europe. Sage, 1992

Barrell, Ray (ed.), The UK Labour Market: comparative aspects and institutional developments. Cambridge University Press, 1994

Barrell, Ray and Florence Hubert (eds.), Modern Budgeting in the Public Sector: treasury rules in a comparative context. National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 1999

Barrell, Ray and John Whitley (eds.), Macroeconomic Policy Coordination in Europe: the ERM and monetary union. Sage, 1992

Barro, Robert and Herschel Grossman, Money, Employment and Inflation, Cambridge University Press, 1976

Barro, Robert J. and Vittorio Grilli, European Macroeconomics. Macmillan, 1994

Bayoumi, Tamim, Financial Integration and Real Activity. Manchester University Press, 1997

Bayoumi, Tamim (et al eds.), Modern Perspectives on the Gold Standard. Cambridge University Press, 1996

Beetsma, Roel and Cees Oudshoorn (eds.), Tools for Regional Stabilisation [research memorandum], Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Den Haag, 1999

Begg, David, et al., Economics. McGraw-Hill, 4th ed., 1994

Bell, Stephen, Australia's Money Mandarins: the reserve bank and the politics of money. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Benassy, Jean-Pascal, Macroeconomics: an introduction to the non-Walrasian approach. Academic Press, 1986

Beng, Chew Soon and Roaslind Chew, Employment-Driven Industrial Relations Regimes. Avebury, 1995

Bergsten, C. Fred, International Adjustment and Financing: the lessons of 1985-1991. Institute for International Economics, 1991

Bergström, Villy (et al eds.), Growth and Distribution. Basil Blackwell, 1986

Bernanke, Ben S. et al, Inflation Targeting: lessons from the international experience. Princeton University Press, 1999

Bernardi, Luigi and Paola Profeta (eds.), Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in Europe. Routledge, 2004

Benvenisti, Eyal and Moshe Hirsch (eds.), The Impact of International Law on International Cooperation: theoretical perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Bhagwati, Jagdish (ed.), International Trade, Penguin, 1972

Bhalla, A.S., Market or Government Failures? an Asian perspective. Palgrave, 2001

Bhattacharya, Sudipto, Arnoud W.A. Boot and Anjan V. Thakor, Credit, Intermediation and the Macroeconomy: models and perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2004

Bird, Graham (ed.), The International Financial Regime. Surrey University Press, 1990

Bhandari, Jagdeep S. (ed.), Exchange Rate Management Under Uncertainty. MIT, 1985

Blackaby, F.T. (ed.), British Economic Policy 1960-74. Cambridge University Press, 1978

Black, Geoff, Applied Financial Accounting and Reporting. Oxford University Press, 2004

Black, R.D. Collison (ed.), Readings in the Development of Economic Analysis 1776-1848. David & Charles, 1971

Blanchard, Olivier [parallel text], La Disoccupazione in Europa: il ruolo degli shock e delle istituzioni / European Unemployment: the role of shocks and institutions. Edizioni dell' Elefante, Rome, 1999

Blanchard, Olivier (et al eds), Restoring Europe's Prosperity. CEPS / MIT, 1986

Blinder, Alan et al, How do Central Banks Talk? CEPR / ICMB, 2001

Blejer, Mario I. and Marko Škreb, Financial Policies in Emerging Markets. MIT, 2002

Bluhm, Christian and Ludger Overbeck, Structured Credit Portfolio analysis, Baskets & CDOs, Chapman & Hall / CRC, 2006

Bordes, Christian (et al eds.), European Currency Crises and After. Manchester University Press, 1995

Boskin, Michael J. (et al eds.), Private Saving and Public Debt. Basil Blackwell, 1987

Brainard, William c. (et al eds), Money, Macroeconomics and Economic Policy. MIT Press, 1991

Branson, William H., Macroeconomic Theory and Policy. Harper & Row, 1972

Braun, Anne Romais, Wage Determination and Incomes Policy in Open Economies. IMF, 1986

Brems, Hans, Fiscal Theory: government, inflation and growth. Lexington Books, 1983

Brittan, Samuel, Essays, Moral, Political and Economic. Edinburgh University Press, 1998

Britton, A.J.C., Macroeconomic Policy in Britain, 1974-1987. Cambridge University Press, 1991

Britton, Andrew (ed.) Employment, Output and Inflation: the national institute model of the British economy. Heinemann, 1983

Britton, Andrew and David Mayes, Achieving Monetary Union in Europe. Sage, 1992

Brooks, Robin and Assaf Razin (eds.), Social Security Reform: financial and political issues in international perspective. Cambridge University Press, 2005

[Brown, A.J.: Essays in honour of] Inflation Development and integration edited by J.K. Bowers. Leeds University Press, 1979.

Bruno, Michael [parallel text], Inflazione, crescita e controllo monetario: lezioni non lineari dalla crisi e dalla ripresa / Inflation, Growth and Monetary Control: non-linear lessons from crisis and recovery. Edizioni dell' Elefante, Rome, 1994

Bryant, Ralph C. (et al eds.), Greece's Economic Performance and Prospects. Bank of Greece / Brookings Institution, 2001

Buiter, Willem H., Macroeconomic Theory and Stabilization Policy. Manchester University Press, 1989

Buiter, Willem H. and Richard C. Marston, International Economic Policy Coordination. CEPR / NBER, 1985

Bulmer, Simon and Andrew Scott, Economic and Political Integration in Europe. Blackwell, 1994

Bulmer, Simon (et al eds.), The United Kingdom and EC Membership Evaluated. Pinter, 1992

Burton, John, The Job Support Machine: a critique of the subsidy morass. Centre for Policy Studies, London, 1979

Burton, John, Keynes's General Theory: fifty years on. Institute of Economic Affairs, 1986

Buti, Marco and André Sapir, Economic Policy in EMU: a study by the European Commission Services. Clarendon Press, 1998

Buti, Marco and André Sapir, La politica economica nell'Unione economica e monetaria europea. Il Mulino, 1999

Buti, Marco (et al eds.), Taxation, Welfare and the Crisis of Unemployment in Europe. Edward Elgar, 2001

Buti, Marco (et al eds.), The Welfare State in Europe: challenges and reforms. Edward Elgar, 1999

Byrne, Joseph P. and E. Philip Davis (eds.), Financial Structure: an investigation of sectoral balance sheets in the G-7. Cambridge University Press, 2003

Cabral Luis M.B., Introduction to Industrial Organization. MIT, 2000

Cadbury, Adrian, Corporate Governance and Chairmanship: a personal view. Oxford University Press, 2002

Cairncross, Alec, Britain's Economic Prospects Reconsidered. George Allen & Unwin, 1971

Cairncross, Alec, The Price of War: British Policy on German reparations 1941-1949. Blackwell, 1986

Cairncross, Frances and Alec Cairncross (eds.), The Legacy of the Golden Age: the 1960s and their economic consequences. Routledge, 1992

Calvo, Guillermo and Mervyn King, The Debt Burden and its Consequences for Monetary Policy. Macmillan, 1998

Carlin, Wendy and David Soskice, Macroeconomics and the Wage Bargain: a modern approach to employment, inflation and the exchange rate. Oxford University Press, 1990

Capie, Forrest and Alan Webber A., Monetary History of the United Kingdom, 1870-1982. Unwin, 1985.

Capie, Forrest H. and Geoffrey E. Wood, Monetary Unions: theory, history, public choice. Routledge, 2003

Carter, Charles, Wealth: an essay on the purposes of economics. Pelican, 1971

Carter, R.L. (et al eds.), Personal Financial Markets. Philip Allen, 1986

Cartwright, Peter, Banks, Consumers and Regulation. Hart, 2004

Caves, Richard E. and Ronald W. Jones, World Trade and Payments: an introduction. Little Brown, 1973

Cecchetti, Stephen G. (et al), Asset Prices and Central Bank Policy. CEPR / ICMB, 2000

Chacholiades, Miltiades, International Monetary Theory and Policy. McGraw-Hill, 1978

Chambers, W. Bradnee (ed.), Inter-linkages: the Kyoto protocol and the international trade and investment regimes. United Nations University, 2001

Chamley, Christophe P., Rational Herds: economic models of social learning. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Chick, Victoria, Macroeconomics after Keynes: a reconsideration of the General Theory. Philip Allen, 1983

Chick, Victoria, The Theory of Monetary Policy. Gray-Mills, 1973

Chorafas, Dimitris N., Management Risk: the bottleneck is at the top of the bottle. Palgrave, 2004

Claassen, Emil and Pascal Salin, Stabilization Policies in Interdependent Economies. North-Holland, 1972

Clay, Henry, Economics: an introduction for the general reader. Macmillan, 1944

Clayton, G. (et al eds), Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy in the 1970s. Oxford University Press, 1971

Cobham, David (ed.), European Monetary Upheavals. Manchester University Press, 1994

Cobham, David (et al eds.), Money, Trade and Payments. Essays in honour of D.J. Coppock. Manchester University Press, 1989

Coddington, Alan, Keynesian Economics: the search for first principles. George Allen & Unwin, 1983

Coghlan, Richard, The Theory of Money and Finance. Macmillan, 1980

Connolly, Bernard, The Rotten heart of Europe: the dirty war for Europe's money. Faber & Faber, 1995

Cook, S.T. and P.M. Jackson, Current Issues in Fiscal Policy. Robertson, 1979

Cooper, R.N. (ed.), International Finance. Penguin 1969

Courakis, Anthony S. (ed.), Inflation, Depression and Economic Policy in the West. Mansell-Alexandrine, 1981

Courakis, A.S and M.P. Taylor (eds.), Private Behaviour and Government Policy in Interdependent Economies. Clarendon, 1990

Cowling, Keith, Industrial Policy in Europe: theoretical perspectives and practical proposals. Routledge, 1999

[Croham Report], Exchange Rate Policy for Sterling. Public Policy Centre, London, 1986

Croome, David R. and Harry G. Johnson (eds.), Money in Britain 1959-1969 [papers of the Radcliffe Report - Ten Years After conference] Oxford University Press, 1970

Cross, Rod, Economic Theory and Policy in the UK: an outline and assessment of the controversies. Robertson, 1982

Crouch, Colin, Politics in a Technological Society. Young Fabian Pamphlet. London, 1970

Crouzet, François A., History of the European Economy 1000-2000. University Press of Virginia, 2001

Cuddington, John T., Disequilibrium Macroeconomics in Open Economies. Blackwell, 1984

Currie, D. (et al eds), Microeconomic Analysis: essays in microeconomics and economic development. Croom Helm, 1981

Currie, David (ed.), Advances in Monetary Economics. Croom Helm, 1985

Currie, David A. and Will Peters (eds.), Contemporary Economic Analysis Vol.2: papers presented at the conference of the Association of University Teachers of Economics 1978. Croom Helm, 1980

Currie, David and John D. Whitley (eds.), EMU after Maastricht: transition or revaluation. Lothian Foundation Press, 1995

Currie, Martin and Ian Steedman, Wrestling with Time: problems in economic theory. Manchester University Press, 1990

Cuthbertson, Keith, The Supply and Demand for Money. Blackwell, 1985

Cuthbertson, Keith and Mark P. Taylor, Macroeconomic Systems, Blackwell, 1987

Czako, Judith (et al), A Handbook on Anti-Dumping Investigations. Cambridge University Press / WTO, 2003

Das, Dilip K., The Economic Dimensions of Globalization. Palgrave, 2004

Das, Dilip K., Financial Globalization and the Emerging Market Economies. Routledge, 2004

Dasgupta, Dipak (et al eds.), Capital Flows Without Crisis: reconciling capital mobility and economic stability. Routledge, 2001

Davis, E.P., Debt Financial Fragility and Systemic Risk. Clarendon, 1992

De Cecco, Marcello, International Economic Adjustment: small countries and the European Monetary System. Blackwell, 1983

De Finetti, Bruno, Scritti: 1926-1930. Cedam, Padua, 1981

De Grauwe, Paul, The Economics of Monetary Integration. Oxford University Press, 1992

De Grauwe, Paul, The Economics of Monetary Integration. Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 1994

De Grauwe, Paul, International Money: Post-war trends and theories, Clarendon, 1989

De Grauwe, Paul and Lucas Papademos, The European Monetary System in the 1990s. CEPS / Bank of Greece, 1990

De Grauwe, Paul (et al eds.), Inflation and Wage Behaviour in Europe. Clarendon, 1996

De Jong, E., Exchange Rate Determination and Optimal Economic Policy Under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes. Gedrukt bij Offsetdrukkerij Kanters bv, Alblasserdam (NL), 1990

De la Grandville, Olivier, Bond, Pricing and Portfolio Analysis: protecting investors in the long run. MIT, 2001

De Ménil, Georges, Les Sommets Économiques: les politiques nationales à l'heure de l'interdépendance. Economica, Paris, 1983

De Ménil, Georges and Anthony M. Solomon, Economic Summitry. Council on Foreign Relations, NY, 1983

De Molina, José Luis (et al), Monetary Policy and Inflation in Spain. Banco de España, 1998

Demery, David (et al), Macroeconomics. Longman, 1984

Dickinson, David G. and Andrew W. Mullineux (eds.), Financial and Monetary Integration in the New Europe: convergence between the EU and central and eastern Europe. Edward Elgar, 2001

Dobson, Wendy, Economic Policy Coordination: requiem or prologue. Institute for International Economics, 1991

Donaldson, Peter A., Question of Economics. Pelican, 1985

Dornbusch, Rudiger and Stanley Fischer, Macroeconomics. McGraw-Hill, 1978

Dornbusch, Rudiger and Richard Layard (eds.), The Performance of the British Economy. Clarendon, 1987

Dornbusch, Rudiger (et al eds), Macroeconomics and Finance: essays in honor of Franco Modigliani. MIT, 1987

Dow, Christopher, Major Recessions: Britain and the world 1920-1995. Oxford University Press, 1998

Dow, J.C.R. and I.D. Saville, Critiques of Monetary Policy: theory and British experience. Clarendon, 1988

Dowd, Kevin and Mervyn K. Lewis (ed.), Current Issues in Financial and Monetary Economics. Macmillan, 1992

Dowrick, Steve, Rohan Pitchford and Stephen J. Turnovsky (eds.), Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Dynamics: recent developments in economic theory, Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Durell, Clement V., Advanced Algebra, Vol. I. G.Bell, 1956

Easterlin, Richard A., The Reluctant Economist: perspectives on economics, economic history and demography. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Eeckhoudt, Louis (et al), Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk. Princeton University Press, 2005

Eichberger, Jürgen (et al), Solutions Manual for Financial Economics. Oxford University Press, 2002

Eijffinger, Sylvester C.W. and Jakob de Haan, European Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Oxford University Press, 2000

Eltis, W.A., Economic Growth: analysis and policy. Hutchinson, 1966

Eltis, Walter Britain, Euorpe and EMU. Macmillan, 2000

Eltis, Walter and Peter Sinclair, Keynes and Economic Policy: the relevance of The General Theory after fifty years. Macmillan, 1988

Emerson, Michael, Redrawing the Map of Europe. Macmillan, 1998

El Rahman, Fath and Abdalla El Sheikh, The Legal Regime of Foreign Private Investment in Sudan and Saudi Arabia, Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed., 2003

Engerman, Stanley L (et al eds.), Finance, Intermediaries and Economic Development. Cambridge University Press, 2003

Ernst & Young, A Strategy for the ECU. Ernst & Young / National Institute of Economics and Social Research, London, 1990

Etzioni, Amitai, The New Golden Rule: community and morality in a democratic society. Basic, 1996

Fallick, J.L. and R.F. Elliott (eds.), Incomes Policies, Inflation and Relative Pay. George, Allen & Unwin, 1981

European Commission, The European Union in a Changing World / L'Union Européene dans un Monde en Transformation [selection of conference papers], Brussels, 1998

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Achieving Price Stability, 1996

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Budget Deficits and Debt: issues and options, 1995

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Economic Policy for the Information Economy, 2001

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Global Economic Integration: opportunities and challenges, 2000

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Income Inequality: issues and policy options, 1998

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Maintaining Financial Stability in a Global Economy, 1997

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Monetary Policy and Uncertainty: adapting to a changing Economy, 2003

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], New Challenges for Monetary Policy, 1999

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City [Symposium], Rethinking Stabilization Policy, 2002

Ferran, Eilís, Building an EU Securities Market. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Findlay, Ronald, Trade and Specialization. Penguin, 1970

Fisher, Douglas, Monetary Policy. Macmillan. 1976

Fisher, Douglas, Money and Banking. Irwin, 1971

Fisher, Douglas, Money, Banking and Monetary Policy. Irwin, 1980

Fitoussi, Jean-Paul (ed.), Modern Macroeconomic Theory. Blackwell / European University Institute, 1983

Fitoussi, Jean-Paul (ed.), Rapport sur l'Etat de l'Union européenne. Fayard, 1999

Foster, John, Evolutionary Macroeconomics. Allen & Unwin, 1987

Frank, Jeff, The New Keynesian Economics: unemployment, search and contracting. Wheatsheaf, 1986

Fratianni, Michele and Theo Peeters (eds.), One Money for Europe. Macmillan, 1978

Fratianni, Michele (et al eds.), Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies, handbook of comparative economic policies, Vol. 5. Greenwood, 1997

Fratianni, Michele and Franco Spinelli, Storia monetaria d'Italia. ETAS, 2001

Fratianni, Michele and Jürgen von Hagen, The European Monetary System and European Monetary Union. Westview Press, 1992

Freire, Mila and John Petersen (eds.), Subnational Capital markets in Developing Countries: from theory to practice. World Bank / OUP, 2004

Friedman, Jonathan and Shalini Randeria (eds.), Worlds on the Move: globalization, migration, and cultural security. Tauris / Toda Institute, 2004

Friedman, Milton, The Optimum Quantity of Money and other Essays. Macmillan, 1970

Frowen, Stephen (ed.), Controlling Industrial Economies: essays in honour of Christopher Thomas Saunders, Macmillan, 1983

Frowen, Stephen F., Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: new tracks for the 1990s. St. Martin's Press, 1993

Frowen, S.F. (et al eds.), Monetary Policy & Economic Activity in West Germany. Surrey University Press, 1977

Garganas, Nicholas C. (ed.), Framing Macroeconomic Policy in EMU and the International Financial Architecture. Bank of Greece, 1999

Georghiou, Luke (et al), Post-innovation Performance: technological development and competition. Macmillan, 1986

Ghosh, Atish R., Exchange Rate Regimes: choices & consequences. MIT, 2002

Giovannini, Alberto and Colin Mayer (eds.), European Financial Integration. CEPR / IMI, 1991

Giersch, Herbert (et al), The Fading Miracle: four decades of market economy in Germany. Cambridge University Press, 1994

Godley, Wynne and Francis Cripps, Macroeconomics. Fontana, 1983

Gollier, Christian, The Economics of Risk and Time. MIT, 2001

Goodhart, C.A.E., Money, Information and Uncertainty. Macmillan, 1975

Goodhart, C.A.E., Money, Information and Uncertainty. Macmillan, 2nd ed., 1989

Goodhart, Charles (et al eds.), The Operation and Regulation of Financial Markets. Macmillan, 1987

Gordon, Robert J., Macroeconomics. Little Brown, 2nd ed., 1981

Gordon, Robert J. [The Collected Essays of], Productivity Growth Inflation and Unemployment. Forward by Robert M. Solow. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Grassini, Franco a. (et al eds), La Privatizzazione dell'Industria Elettrica Inglese. Il Mulino, 1995

Green, Christopher J. and David T. Llewellyn (eds.), Surveys in Monetary Economics Vol.2: Financial markets and institutions. Money Study Group, 1991

Green H.A. John, Consumer Theory. Penguin, 1971

Greenaway, David (ed.), Current Issues in Macroeconomics. Macmillan, 1989

Gruen, F.H. (ed.), Surveys of Austrialian Economics. George, Allen & Unwin, 1978

Grubel, Herbert G., The International Monetary System. Penguin, 1984

Gual, Jordi (ed.), Building a Dynamic Europe: the key policy debates. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Hacche, Graham, The Theory of Economic Growth: an introduction. Macmillan, 1979

Hairault, Jean-Olivier and Thepthida Sopraseuth, Exchange Rate Dynamics: a new open economy macroeconomics perspective. Routledge, 2004.

Haldane, Andrew G. (ed.), Targeting Inflation: a conference of central banks on the use of inflation targets organised by the Bank of England, 1995

Hall, Robert E. and John B. Tylor, Macroeconomics: theory, performance and policy. W.W. Norton, 1986

Hallwood, Paul and Ronald MacDonald, International Money: theory, evidence and institutions. Blackwell, 1986

Hands, D. Wade, Introductory Mathematical Economics. Oxford University Press (2nd ed.) 2004

Hansen, Alvin H., A Guide to Keynes. McGraw-Hill, 1953

Hansen, Jorgen Drud and Jorgen Ulff-Moller Nielsen, An Economic Analysis of the EU. McGraw Hill, 2nd ed., 1997

Haraf, William S. and Thomas D. Willett (eds.), Monetary Policy for a Volatile Global Economy. AEI Press, Washington, 1990

Harrod, R.F., The Life of John Maynard Keynes. Macmillan, 1963

Hawkins, Kevin, Unemployment: facts, figures and possible solutions for Britain. Pelican, 3rd ed., 1987

Heesterman, A.R.G., Matrices and their Roots, World Scientific, 1990

Henderson, Roger, European Finance. McGraw Hill, 1993

Hey, John D. (ed.), Current Issues in Microeconomics. Macmillan, 1989

Hicks, J.R., Value and Capital: an inquiry into some fundamental principles of economic theory. Clarendon Press, 2nd ed., 1962

Hicks, John, The Crisis in Keynesian Economics. Blackwell, 1974

Hicks, John, Economic Perspectives: further essays on money and growth. Clarendon Press, 1977

Hodge, E.D. and B.G.J. Wood, Pure Mathematics. Blackie, 1963

Holden, K. (et al), The Economics of Wage Controls. Macmillan, 1987

Holden, K. (et al), Modelling the UK Economy: an introduction. Robertson, 1982

Hoover, Kevin D., The New Classical Macroeconomics. Blackwell, 1988

Horn, Henrik and Petros C. Mavroidis, The WTO Case Law of 2001. Cambridge, 2003

Houghton, R.W. (ed.) Public Finance. Penguin, 2nd ed., 1973

Hunter, William C., Asset Price Bubbles: the implications for monetary, regulatory, and international policies. MIT, 2003

Issing, Otmar (et al), Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: strategy and decision-making at the European Central Bank. Cambridge University Press, 2001

Itschert, Jörg and Rehan ul-Haq, International Banking Strategic Alliances: reflections on BNP-Dresdner. Palgrave, 2003

Jackson, P.M., The Political Economy of Bureaucracy. Philip Allan, 1982

Jacobs, Jane, Cities and the Wealth of Nations. Pelican, 1985

Johnson, Christopher and Stefan Collignon (eds.), The Monetary Economics of Europe: a study prepared for the European Parliament. Pinter, 1994

Johnson, Harry G., Further Essays in Monetary Economics. George Allen & Unwin, 1972

Johnson, Harry G., International Trade and Economic Growth. Unwin, 1965

Johnson, Harry G., Money, Trade and Economic Growth. Unwin, 1964

Johnson, Harry G. (ed.), The Current Inflation. MacMillan/St.Martin's, 1971

Johnson, H.G. and A.R. Nobay (eds.), Issues in Monetary Economics: proceedings of the 1972 Money Study Group conference. Oxford University Press, 1974

Jones, Kit, Sixty Years of Economic Research: a brief history of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (London) 1938-98. NIESR, 1998

Kaldor, Nicholas, Further Essays on Applied Economics. Duckworth, 1978

Kalecki, M., Theory of Economic Dynamics. Unwin, 1965

Keegan, William, Britain Without Oil. Penguin, 1985

Keegan, William, Mrs. Thatcher's Economic Experiment. Penguin, 1984

Kehoe, Timothy J. (et al eds), Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Kenen, Peter B., Exchange Rates and Policy Coordination. Manchester University Press, 1989

Kenen, Peter. B. (et al eds), The International Monetary System. Cambridge University Press, 1994

Khan, Haider A., Global Markets and Financial Crises in Asia. Palgrave, 2004

Knott, Geoffrey, Financial Management. Palgrave, 2004

Krahnen, Jan P. and Reinhard H. Schmidt (eds.), The German Financial System. Oxford University Press, 2004

Krauss, Melvyn B and Harry G. Johnson, General Equilibrium Analysis: a micro-economic text. George, Allen & Unwin, 1974

Krueger, Anne O., Exchange-Rate Determination. Cambridge University Press, 1983

Krugman, Paul and Marcus Miller (eds.), Exchange Rate Targets and Currency Bands. CEPR / NBER, 1994

Laidler, D.E.W., Essays on Money and Inflation. Manchester University Press, 1975

Laidler, David E.W., The Demand for Money: theories and evidence. Monetary Economic Series, International Textbook Co. (PA), 1970

Laidler, David E. W., The Demand for Money: theories, evidence and problems. Harper & Row, 3rd ed., 1985

Laidler, David, Introduction to Microeconomics. Philip Allan, 1974

Laidler, David, Monetarist Perspectives. Allan, 1982

Lamberton, Damien and Bernard Lapeyre, Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance, Chapman & Hall / CRC, 2nd ed., 2008.

Law, John, Essay on a Land Bank [1704], edited by Antoin E. Murphy. Aeon, Dublin, 1994

Leach, John, A Course in Public Economics. Cambridge, 2004

Leeson, Robert, Ideology and the International Economy: the decline and fall of Bretton Woods. Palgrave, 2003

Lemmen, Jan, Financial Integration in the European Union, CentER, Tilburg, 1996

Lewis, J. Parry, An Introduction to Mathematics for Students of Economics. Macmillan, 1962

Lewis, Mervyn K. and Paul D. Mizen, Monetary Economics. Oxford University Press, 2000

Leftwich, Richard H., The Price System and Resource Allocation. Holt Rinehart Winston, revised 1964

Leijonhufvud, Axel Information and Coordination: essays in macroeconomic theory. Oxford University Press, 1981

Leijonhufvud, Axel, On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes: a study in monetary theory. Oxford University Press, 1968

Lemmen, Jan, Financial Integration in the European Union: measurement and determination. Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University, 1996

Leslie, Derek, Advanced Macroeconomics: beyond IS/LM. McGraw-Hill, 1993

Lewis, W. Arthur, Economic Survey 1919-1939. Unwin, 1963

Lewis, W. Arthur, The Principles of Economic Planning. Unwin, 1963

Lichtheim, George, Marxism. Routledge, 1961

Lindert, Peter H., Growing Public: social spending and economic growth since the Eighteenth Century, Vol.2. Cambridge University Press, 2004

Lipsey, Richard G. (et al), Economics. Harper Collins, 10th ed., 1993

Lipsey, Richard G., An Introduction to Positive Economics. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965

Llewellyn, David T. and Chris Milner, Current Issues in International Monetary Economics. Macmillan, 1990

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