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Job Market Procedures

Specific deadlines and instructions for each of the job market steps

Below are specific deadlines and instructions for each of the job market steps.

In May 2024, there is a preliminary meeting to discuss the upcoming job market.

For those who plan to go to the Job Market in the Autumn, over the summer the following needs to be done:

  1. build a personal homepage (see the 10 October deadline for more details of Items 1, 2, and 3)
  2. prepare a detailed abstract for your thesis and job market paper
  3. prepare a CV with the relevant information.
  4. Consider the crucial deadline at the beginning of September when you have to talk with your advisor and see if you are fit to look for a job.

Look at the Job Market Candidates page of the Department to get an idea of what is needed. Also, look at the Academic Careers Observatory page of the Max Weber Programme to get an idea of what you should expect in the job market.


By 1 September 2024, the researcher's supervisor, the placement officer, and the placement administrative officer need to be notified by e-mail of the candidate's intention to go to the job market. 

On 23-24-25 September 2024, Job Market Paper Presentations will take place. Presentation of the job market paper during the time that the Department has allotted is mandatory. The time allotted is 1 hour and 10 minutes per person, which includes presentation, questions, and feedback. Reviewers should be encouraged to be present at the seminar. The placement director and a reviewer chosen by the department will be present. You are required to find a third and a fourth reviewer - faculty or postdoc, which might also be a former senior colleague/post-doc alumni - to attend your presentation. Remember, feedback on your paper is essential to its revision.

The following are guidelines for the job market presentations:

  1. Candidates have 1 hour and 10 minutes each but should prepare a 45-minute presentation. The candidate is likely to be constantly interrupted, and there are 15 minutes at the end of the session for feedback, so the 45 minutes need to be used wisely.

  2. Do not try to put all of the paper in the slides. In 45 minutes, one should have 25 slides maximum. Back-up slides should be made if someone from the audience asks about the details, but the backup slides should not be in the main talk. Be explicit at the end about what the paper is missing to make it complete and remind the audience where you are going during the presentation.

  3. The candidate should be careful about motivation. The first 10 minutes should be devoted to explaining to those in the audience who are not in the field what you are doing, why it is interesting, how it improves/adds to the current literature, and in what dimension.

  4. This is the first presentation of the candidate’s job market paper. It is highly recommended that the candidate has a second presentation later on in the season, [end November] through the Research Workshop series or with a Working Group.

  5. All job market candidates are required to attend all the presentations.

  6. It is the responsibility of the job market candidate to make sure their reviewers are present when scheduling the presentation.

  7. Please send your Job Market Paper to your reviewers a few days before the presentations.

 The deadline to have your CV and Webpage ready is 10 October 2024.

  • A Personal Webpage must be created for the candidate's papers, CV, thesis summary, and any evidence of teaching abilities, e.g., a statement of teaching philosophy and reviews from classes taught.

  • A one-page summary of the thesis needs to be prepared. If the candidate plans to have three papers in the thesis, the summaries of all three papers should fit into one single page. The summary should be a slightly extended version of an abstract. Emphasis should be given to the contribution relative to existing literature.

  • The CV should be in standard format and should include contact details, fields of interest, working experience, publications, and working papers. It should also include other skills or experiences that the candidate wants to emphasise (computer skills, TA ships, internships, fellowships, etc.) and the names of the referees with their full addresses, telephone, and email.

  • The Department’s Job Market Webpage links the candidate's Webpage, and online PDF version of the CV and provides basic information to the interested parties. Links and information should be sent to the placement assistant by 10 October.

Around the second week of November, application packages will be due. The candidate should mail their US Job Market packages around the second week of November. Some universities have a deadline for submitting the material on 15 November, others later in the month.

The Department will NOT pay your postage or courier services. Most applications can be done online at the Institution's website. Other packages can be sent via email to a pre-specified address.

By mid-November, the candidate should work with their supervisor to identify positions of interest. The supervisor may make contact (email, phone calls) with those places on the candidate's behalf.

By the end of the third week of November, most reference letters should be ready. Advance notice needs to be given to referees to ensure that reference letters are written and sent promptly (ask at least 3 weeks in advance). Addresses where reference letters are to be sent should be emailed to the professor's assistant; group all or most of your application addresses (do not send addresses one by one.) Including the list of addresses in an Excel/Word file or an email message is more convenient. The list should include 1) email, postal address, or link where the letter is to be uploaded, 2) subject line only when absolutely necessary, and 3) deadline. If you need to send a second list later on, please send a new file (do not include applications you already presented).

Many applications require three letters. You may expect a letter from your first and second adviser, but you should make sure you have arranged a third letter writer well in advance. This could be a faculty member at the EUI who is not your first or second adviser but who is familiar with your work, or it could be a faculty member you have a connection with at another institution, for example through having been a visiting student. Regardless, you need to contact your third letter writer, make sure they are willing to do it and make sure you share your work with them well before you need the letter.

Departmental Mock Interviews will be held on 18/20 November 2024 and 25/27 November 2024 (2nd round). Mock interviews help to prepare for job interviews. If the candidate signs up for a mock interview, he should prepare himself in advance to answer questions about their research, teaching interests, research plans, etc. If one wishes to practice for interviews earlier than that, he can have a group of fellow students listen to the (5-minute) presentation and make them ask questions about future research, teaching plans, etc. See Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Notes for Mock Interviews

The Search: The Economics Placement Office makes email distributions of job offers that are received by the Department. Social Science Research Network (ERN Professional Announcements and Job Openings) are regularly distributed. One can sign up directly on this page

The World Bank and IMF usually recruit at the Economics Department. Candidates are urged to attend their presentations and also to submit their CVs for the IMF's interviews if the candidate is interested in these positions.

Guidelines and useful links

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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