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The global realities of autocracy working group activities

The idea for a network on the global consequences of autocracy and authoritarian regionalism started at the ECPR Joint Session Workshops at the The University of Edinburgh in April 2022. The workshop 'Authoritarian Regimes in Regional and Global Governance Institutions' ( brought together cutting-edge research on the role of autocratization for world politics both from institutional and normative perspectives. Since then, we have organized a panel at the ISA Annual Convention in Nashville April 2022, bringing together scholars who conduct research on regional cooperation on topics such as terrorism, internet governance, and populism; all assessing the global consequences of these developments.

Future events will include academic workshops and panels at our home institutions (i.e, the EUI, University of Potsdam) and political science conferences (i.e., ECPR, EISA).  These events aim to bring together political science scholars who work on the consequences of growing authoritarian politics for global governance institutions across issue areas and from different perspectives.

2022-2023 Activities

  • 21 April 2022
    Workshop: Authoritarian Regimes in Regional and Global Governance Institutions. ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop, Edinburgh

  • 6 April 2022
    Panel: Global consequences of Authoritarian Regionalism. ISA Annual Convention, Nashville

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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