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Research agenda

Of the The global realities of autocracy Working Group

Global realities is a research agenda and network on global consequences of autocracy and authoritarian coalitions. We bring together scholars who work on these consequences in two ways. First, on a country level, researchers should assess what the effect is of democratic backsliding and autocratization on democratic regional and international organizations. For instance, what is the effect of authoritarian membership (vis-à-vis democratic membership) on institutions? What are the consequences of autocratization for the institutional design, legitimacy and output of international institutions? What happens when democracies are a minority in ‘awkward’ autocratic environments and organizations?

Second, on a regional level, researchers should analyze the effect of authoritarian coalitions on global norms and institutions. For instance, how do autocratic coalitions promote illiberal norms and challenge democratic values? To what extent are they successful in challenging, contesting and reshaping international norms towards authoritarian alternatives? To what extent provide autocratic regional organizations alternative platforms for cooperation in various policy fields, such as development, security and trade? How do the creation of competitive and parallel autocratic regimes contest existing institutions?

With our research agenda, we aim to add to our understanding of the consequences of growing authoritarian politics for global norms and institutions. Hence, we bring together cutting-edge research on the role of autocratization in world politics.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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