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Of the global realities of autocracy working group

These are recent publications by the Global Realities Network members.

The University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (UCIGCC) is affiliated to the Global Realities Network.

The UCIGCC is a research network comprised of scholars from across the University of California and other universities. The network builds diverse, multidisciplinary research teams that analyze the causes and consequences of global conflict.

By linking the two networks, we build joint research agendas, and Global Realities Network members have the opportunity to publish in the UCIGCC working paper series.


Debre, M. J. (2022)
Clubs of autocrats: Regional organizations and authoritarian survival. The Review of International Organizations, 17(3), 485-511.

Flonk, D. (2021)
Emerging illiberal norms: Russia and China as promoters of internet content control. International Affairs, 97(6), 1925-1944.

Flonk, D. & Debre, M. (forthcoming)
Authoritarianism gone global: How autocratic coalitions undermine liberal international norms.

Lipps, J., & Jacob, M. S. (2022)
Undermining Liberal International Organizations from Within: Evidence from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. IGCC Working Paper.

Winzen, T. (2022)
Democratic backsliding and decisionmaking in the European Union: Eurosceptic contestation?. IGCC Working Paper.

UCIGCC Working paper series

The University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Working Paper Series

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Acquired research funding

EUI Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) grant on Hollow Multilateralism. 
This project assesses the effect of regime type on the hollowing out of multilateralism. We aim to uncover shifts in commitment to norms and procedures over time between regime types.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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