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Harassment Policy Committee

The Harassment Policy Committee has policymaking and advisory functions:

  • provide advice and guidance to the EUI senior management in securing a safe environment free from harassment and bullying in all its forms;
  • support institutional commitment to creating a stimulating and supportive learning and working environment that is free from any form of discrimination or harassment;
  • conduct periodic surveys among members of the EUI community to review and assess experiences relating to issues of harassment and bullying;
  • assess educational needs and propose training for EUI community members and for the advisory and support services;
  • conduct a review of the new policy two years after it enters into force and, if appropriate, suggest amendments.

Meetings of the Committee 2023-2024:

The Harassment Policy Committee meets to discuss developments relating to harassment and bullying prevention and support at the EUI. Please view below for a complete list of upcoming and past meetings:

Tuesday 27 June 202311.00-12.30Meeting minutes
Wednesday 24 January 202411.00-12.30Meeting minutes
Wednesday 12 June 202411.00-12.30Meeting minutes

Relevant links:

EUI Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying (pdf)

Last update: January 2023

(257 KB - pdf)

Politica di IUE in materia di Molestie Sessuali e Bullismo (pdf)

Last update: January 2023

(252 KB - pdf)


The whole EUI community is represented in the committee. Members are either ex-officio or have a two-year mandate.

Ex-officio members


Ph.D. researchers

Postdoctoral fellows

Master students

CHAS representative


Research fellows and academic assistants

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusiveness Officer acts as the secretary of the Harassment Policy Committee


Anyone who wishes to engage with the Committee is welcome to send comments, questions, and feedback at [email protected].

Page last updated on 09/09/2024

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