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Support outside the EUI

Phone number 1522 (Italy)

Women who are victims of violence in Italy can call the number 1522. The operators can provide psychological and/or legal assistance, as well as provide information on support networks available locally.

The Service is offered in multiple languages and is available 24 hours.

External organisations

External to the EUI, there are a number of organisations that provide information and support to people who consider they have experienced or witnessed episodes of bullying, harassment or sexual harassment.

Support against Gender-Based Violence

Anti-Violence Centres

Contacts of anti-violence centres active in the Tuscany region are available on the Regione Toscana website, such as, but not limited to:

  • Associazione Artemisia Centro donne contro la violenza "Catia Franci" Onlus, Florence.

Although there are not specific centres dedicated to people, particularly women, with disabilities who have experienced forms of bullying or harassment, local realities are aware of the implications of intersectional discrimination for those individuals who not only identify as women, but also have a disability.

  • European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (WWP) a European network of perpetrator programmes, researchers, as well as victim support services. The network aims to create a gender equitable world by supporting member organisations in their work with those who choose to use violence in intimate partnerships, mostly men. However, the organisations which are part of this network offer support also to victims.
  • Centro Uomini Maltrattanti is one of the Italian organisations that is part of the WWP. It is based in Florence.

Revenge Porn

If you are a victim of revenge porn, you can contact the association Permesso Negato, a non-profit social advocacy organization that provides technological support to victims of Non-Consensual Pornography and online violence and hate attacks.

Online Harassment

The State of Women and Online Harassment: a podcast that brings us up to speed on the online harassment women and other marginalized people face and how we can combat it.

Dealing with cyberbullying – What would a feminist do? podcast. Host Jessica Valenti – The Guardian’s most frequently targeted writer – talks about online harassment and what people can do about it.

Advice for researchers experiencing harassment. A publication by the Science Media Centre that advise researchers on strategies to deal with harassment in the media.

Additional support for LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ people may be at greater risks of violence, bullying and harassment, often with homophobic or transphobic connotations. The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published a dataset from its lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) survey. Organisations in Italy offer legal and psychological support, or simply a safe space to talk for people who identify as LGBTQ+ and consider to be victim or witnesses of episodes of violence:

  • Rete Lenford – Avvocatura per I diritti LGBTI. Rete Lenford is an association of lawyers and legal experts and professionals who advocate and provide legal assistance on LGBT+ related issues.
  • Anemone Centro Anti-violenza. Anemone is a local association based in Florence that advocates against LGBTQIA+ violence and discrimination and provide support to survivors.
  • Arcigay Altre Sponde, Firenze: Arcigay is Italy's first and largest worldwide gay organisation. The association was first founded as a local association in Palermo in 1980, then nationally established in Bologna in 1985. Arcigay Firenze offers health, psychological and legal support to victims of discrimination.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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