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Confidential support at the EUI

Confidential Harassment Advice Service

You can contact the Confidential Harassment Advice Service (CHAS) to obtain information and assistance on your rights and on the content of the harassment, sexual harassment and bullying policy.

CHAS advisors are EUI staff members who have received training in the aim of acting as safe points of contacts for people who consider they have experienced or witnessed episodes of bullying, harassment or sexual harassment.

Consultations between the CHAS and the person concerned remain strictly confidential.

If you are considering making a formal complaint, you are encouraged to contact the CHAS before initiation proceedings under the harassment, sexual harassment and bullying policy. The CHAS can advise about the formal complaint procedure as well as with informal support channels.

Psychological support

If you need psychological support or wish to talk with a psychologist, you can contact the EUI Psychological Support and Wellbeing Service. It offers EUI members short-term individual psychological support, group workshops and training, referrals to external mental health services, and psychiatric consultation.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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