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EUI Cards

EUI card for EUI members and EUI partner card

EUI card for EUI members

The EUI card is a personal document issued after registration/recruitment at the EUI (for Researchers, Fellows, Administrative Staff, Trainees and Faculty alike).

The card is strictly personal and bears the owner’s photo, name and matriculation number. It allows access to the buildings of the EUI, provides Library, photocopying and print-out rights and is also a pre-paid credit card for the Institute’s canteens and cafeterias (EUI Researchers benefit from a 40% contribution on EUI canteen lunch prices, paid by the EUI).

If necessary, it can also be used as an identification document (only within the EUI).

In order to make sure that their card is prepared for registration, incoming researchers will have to send a digital photo to the Academic Service well in advance.

If the card is lost, stolen or damaged, a new card can be reissued at the EUI Control room (Badia Fiesolana) during the following hours: Monday to Friday, 09.00-12.30 and 13.30-16.00. A fee of 5.00 EUR per card will apply to reissue the card.

Please note: If stolen, the card can be reissued free of charge if a copy of the police statement is provided. The deteriorated cards can be reissued free of charge after 2 years from the first release; if the release period is less than 2 years, a fee of 5.00 EUR will apply.


EUI Partner Card 

All partners of an EUI community member are entitled to request a partner card. The EUI cannot issue partner cards with a validity period of less than 30 days.

EUI partner cards are issued with different procedures by the Welcome Unit, according to the status of the EUI community member: please click on one of the buttons below to follow the relevant procedure for the request.

Researchers and post-doctoral fellows (including visiting students and visiting fellows registered with an EUI department or centre) may apply at the Welcome Unit for an Institute partner card for their partner, provided their stay is for more than one month.

How to request a Partner Card

The researcher or post-doctoral fellow must fill in the application form (PDF) and return it to the Welcome Unit with a digital photo (passport-type) of their spouse/partner. The application form and photo will be sent to the following email address: [email protected].

Minimum requirements for EUI card personal picture

EUI applies the International Standard ISO/IEC 19794-5 to personal picture collection to ensure consistency and efficiency in the many EUI cards released. Before sending to the relevant contact point at EUI the picture intended to be printed onto your EUI card, please make sure the picture does respect the following:

  • Photos must be 35mm in width and 45 mm in height;
  • The face should take approximately 70-80% of the rectangle;
  • Resolution should be 300dpi (pixels per inch)
  • The background should be plain, uniform, and light-coloured and should be free of any patterns or shadows. The recommended colours for the background are white, off-white, or a very light grey tone; the background should also be free of any objects or other people

Please note that the EUI card service can help you take the picture (or minor editing) directly at the Badia Fiesolana control room at any time.

Renewal of the card is by re-applying on the same terms at the start of each academic year, and filling in the application form, but it is not necessary to re-send a photo. After the renewal request is duly completed and processed, the old expired card is automatically reactivated (the REF Service will not issue a new card for renewals).


Card Collection

Once the card is issued, a notification will be sent to the researcher or fellow via email, and it can be picked up from the Welcome Unit.

There is no cost for the first issue of a partner card. However, if the card is lost, stolen or damaged, there will be a fee of 5.00 EUR for replacing it (Please note: the fee is waived in case the card is stolen, but only providing a copy of the Police statement).

Please request the Request for EUI Partner Card on the Platform

Partner Cards are valid until the end of the academic year (31 August) in which they are issued or until the expiry of the EUI member's affiliation at the Institute if this is earlier.
The card is renewed by re-applying at the beginning of each academic year or contract renewal date on the same terms, but it is not necessary to re-send a photo.
The EUI-affiliated member must inform the relevant service (Academic or Human Resources) that if the partner relationship has terminated, the partner is no longer eligible for a partner card.

Access Rights
Partners will be granted the same building access rights as their EUI-affiliated partners.

A partner card allows entry to the Library without having to register at the entrance desk. Library access is valid until the end of the academic year or the expiry date of the EUI member’s affiliation with the Institute if earlier/later. Partners of EUI members are not entitled to loan rights. For library access conditions, please consult the library rules.

When a partner card is issued, the ICT Service sets up a “partner computing account”.
A partner computing account guarantees access to the public terminal rooms and access to a directory on the EUI server from inside the Institute buildings.
As per the terms of the ICT policy, the owner of the account is responsible for all activities carried out under her/his login name, and the password may not be given to anyone else (see Password Policy).
Only this account should be used by the partner.
For more information, please see the ICT Service Partner Accounts page.

Inside & Outside the EUI
Partner cards are valid at all Institute canteens, but there is no discount.
The partner card is not valid outside the EUI. The card does not entitle the partner to free entry into Italian State (or local municipal) museums or art galleries.

The card entitles the partner to benefit from the Agreements & Conventions for EUI members.

Page last updated on 18/03/2025

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