Italian tax code (Codice Fiscale)
During your stay in Italy, you will need a Tax Code (Codice Fiscale). This is mandatory for Italian and foreign citizens, irrespective of whether you pay Italian taxes or not.
The only valid Codice Fiscale is the one issued by the Italian tax authorities. The Codice Fiscale is free of charge.
The Codice Fiscale identifies a citizen in all dealings with the Italian Public Authorities and Administrations. When living in Italy, you will need it to:
- Open a bank account
- Buy a car or motor scooter
- Re-register a vehicle
- Sign any official contract, e.g. the lease for a flat
- Take out an Italian insurance policy
- Sign contracts with the gas, electric and telephone companies (including mobile phones)
- Ask for a medical check-up invoice
- Sign any sort of work contract subject to Italian labour law, etc.
How to get a Codice Fiscale
You may obtain your Codice Fiscale either from the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country, or by requesting an appointment at the relevant office in Florence when you arrive. You can request the appointment through this webpage.
You can find relevant information and forms here.
Agenzia delle Entrate Direzione Provinciale di Firenze (Via Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, 23 50129 Firenze)
Contact: [email protected]
Bring the original AND a copy of your passport or ID card.
Imports and customs
EU citizens
If you want to import personal belongings in Italy, there are no particular procedures or formalities to follow.
There are no restrictions on the importation of personal belongings, electrical goods, computers, etc., into Italy, provided the articles were purchased in the EU.
If you bring articles purchased duty-free outside the EU and for which duty and/or value-added tax has not been paid in one of the EU states, they will be subject to Italian import duty.
Non-EU citizens
Non-EU nationals wishing to import a small quantity of their personal belongings, including books, are recommended to bring them as “accompanied luggage”.
There are no particular procedures to follow to bring a small quantity of personal effects. You will need your passport (and visa, if required) and a list of the items you bring.
We strongly advise against shipping your belongings separately.
Whatever the quantity, we urge you to bring them as accompanying luggage so that you can settle matters personally and directly with customs on arrival in Italy.
As a member of the Institute, you are entitled to import your belongings duty-free.
If you wish to import larger amounts of goods, you need to submit a request for duty-free importation.
To complete all the formalities, please contact the Welcome Unit well in advance (at least three months):
Buying and/or importing vehicles, Importing a new or used vehicle in Italy
If you register your residency in Italy (Residenza Anagrafica), you must have your vehicle registered and issued with Italian license plates within 60 days of taking up residency. Failing to do so will result in a hefty fine and possible confiscation of the vehicle.
Non-Italian citizens residing abroad can normally drive a vehicle with foreign license plates for up to one year after entering Italy. EUI members who have not registered their residence in Florence and have a Special ID Card issued by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA ID Card) are exempt from this requirement and can drive their vehicle until the end date of their mandate.
For more information on vehicle imports, please contact [email protected]
Please note that these procedures and formalities can be very long, complex and costly, in particular for non-EU citizens.
Buying a new or used vehicle in Italy
If you want to buy a new or a second-hand vehicle, you need:
- Passport or national ID card
- Codice Fiscale (Tax Code)
- Certificato di Residenza (Residence Certificate)
- Permesso di Soggiorno (Permit of Stay) when applicable
New and used vehicles must be registered. Registration is not free of charge and may be quite expensive.
If you buy a vehicle from a car dealership, they will take care of the registration procedure. All expenses related to the registration of the vehicle must be paid directly to the car dealership.
If you buy a used vehicle from a private citizen, you must contact the ACI (Automobile Club) in order to complete the procedures for registration and transfer of ownership.
- ACI Automobile Club di Firenze (central office)
Viale Amendola, 36
50121 Firenze
- Ms. Roberta Mugnai
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: [+39] 055 2486207
- Davide Mechi
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: [+39] 055 2486230