New Villa Salviati car park
As of 15 May 2019, works for the new Villa Salviati car park have finally been completed.
New provisions for accessing Villa Salviati (by bike, on foot or by car) are in force as of 15 May, and are illustrated in the below map: 
For any queries or additional information please email [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
Taxis can access Villa Salviati from the gate located in Via Salviati 3 (car access) and then proceed to the Castello by ringing the entryphone at the bar and driving up to the Viale dei Cipressi.
Both taxi companies (SOCOTA & COTAFI) have already been informed about the new provisions.
Express couriers can access Villa Salviati from the gate located in Via Salviati 3, and proceed to the Castello (to deliver at the Front Desk) by ringing the entryphone located at the bar and driving up to the Viale dei Cipressi.
The official postal address of Villa Salviati remains Via Bolognese 156, so there is no need to change it on letterheads.
Regarding mail deliveries, Poste Italiane (only) is granted access to Villa Salviati from the gate located in Via Bolognese 156 and they have already been informed about this provision.
Adequate signage has been installed at the Via Bolognese 156 gate to inform all other vehicles that car access is only possible from Via Salviati 3.
It is possible to access the parking area reserved for people with disabilities, located on the upper terrace between the Manica and the Castello, by ringing the entryphone at the bar of the car park (access from Via Salviati 3) and then driving up to the Viale dei Cipressi. In order to access this special parking area you are required to display the disability parking card on your car's dashboard.

Alternative provisions currently in place for people with reduced mobility:
- Leave your car at the car park in Via Faentina and then access Villa Salviati with the EUI Shuttle bus stopping there (timetable available here).
For specific cases of proven temporary disability, please submit a request by writing a mail message to: [email protected]
Please note that the EUI is trying to obtain from the Italian authorities the possibility of adapting an alternative path from the car park, just a few meters past the bar, to reach the kitchen area and then take advantage of existing lifts (work in progress)
This is not possible due to environmental and landscape constraints.
Scooters have NEVER been allowed to park in this area, which has to be left unobstructed for safety and security reasons: parking has been tolerated in the past due to the precarious conditions of gravel roads leading to car parks on Villa Salviati grounds, that were potentially dangerous for scooters and motorbikes. With the new access and the new car park this risk factor has virtually disappeared.
The railing in the final part of the staircase is not required by safety regulations, but the REFS will ask the Italian Authorities to install it anyway.
Trees have already been planted, typology and size have been agreed by Local Authorities together with the Landscape Heritage Department with the aim of respecting the historical layout of the area (fruit trees and olive trees).
Page last updated on 30 May 2019