Juana Lamote de Grignon Pérez was a 4th year PhD researcher at the EUI and a research assistant at eduLIFE. Her PhD is about subjective well being and she is working under the supervision of Fabrizio Bernardi. Before coming to the EUI she studied economic and social history at Oxford University (MPhil), development economics (MSc) at Carlos III in Madrid, and business administration at Pablo de Olavide in Seville (BA).
In her dissertation she is looking at the connection between subjective well being with different variables: the effects of relative income on life satisfaction and mental distress; why social class matters more for happiness in some countries than in others; and finally, she is using enjoyment rates and feelings of time pressure to shed light on the empirical estimation of the so called work-life balance. In her thesis she is looking at causes of subjective well being, but she is also interested in its consequences, and in well being more generally. She is particularly interested in the interdependencies of behaviour and, within the field of education, in educational expectations.
Responsibilities within eduLIFE: between March and July 2013 she worked closely with Elina Kilpi-Jakonen and Daniela Vono de Vilhena on a paper on second chance education for early school leavers in the UK.