How to Create an Unsubscribe Link
If you manage a "list of interest" Distribution List, you know that you must always offer an unsubscribe option to message recipients. You can do this easily, even if you send messages with "Reply to" set to a different address than your own (and hence recipients answering to unsubscribe would mistakenly send their request to someone else not responsible for that list).
Word your opt-out statement something like: “If you no longer wish to receive emails from [...], click here to unsubscribe.” Create a link on the highlighted words by right-clicking and choosing “Hyperlink”, then select the “Email Address” button. Type in your address and the subject of the message to be returned (e.g. "unsubscribe"). Click OK and it's done.
You can even include this in a signature so that it gets appended automatically to your outgoing messages.
Page last updated on 20 August 2017