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Audio/Visual Services

The ICT Service is responsible for all Audio/Visual (A/V) related services. These include, amongst others:

  • A/V equipment installed in the EUI conference/meeting/seminar rooms, such as conference (presenter's) laptop, projector, screen, audio system, technology related to simultaneous translation, etc.
  • Ad hoc, on request on-site technical support during events
  • Audio and video recording as well as web-streaming of events
  • Headsets, microphone, speakers and webcam for office use (including procurement via non-ICT Service funds)
  • Support to all to the above
Please note the organisation of an event, including the booking and setup of the spaces and/or simultaneous translation boots, as well as catering, remains in the remit of the Real Estate and Facilities Service.


Conference Rooms

All conference/meeting/seminar rooms are equipped *at least* with the following:

  • Video projector and screen
  • Windows laptop and docking station

On top of the above, a few selected rooms are equipped as well with:

  • Audio system (loudspeakers and mixer)
  • Microphone(s) (either portable or mounted on the desk(s))

While the following rooms are equipped with the innovative Zoom Room hybrid technology:

  • Meeting Room (Convento)
  • Sala dei Cuoi (Villa Salviati)
  • Seminar Room A (Villa La Fonte)
  • Seminar Room (Villa Malafrasca)
  • Training Room (Villa Poggiolo)

You may refer to the Overview of Conference and Seminar Rooms for a detailed outline of AV equipment available in each room (web  page managed by Real Estate and Facilities Service).

Some services (and equipment therefater) are catered for by the ICT Service, while other ones are charged to the cost centre:

In order to guarantee the equipment to be turned on and be ready for an event, it must be reserved in  the Events booking application at least 4 days before the event.

Furthermore, requests for additional (chargeable) services, besides being booked through Events, need to be financially settled by contacting [email protected] accordingly.

To guarantee an efficient service, it is fundamental for booking deadlines to be respected: please refer to the EUI Events Organisation guidelines (published and maintained by Real Estate and Facilities Service) for further details!


Ad hoc Technical Support

Ad hoc on-site technical support can be provided at a cost, charged to the organiser (with a minimum of 4 hours). Due to its nature, the service can not be provided by the on-site support staff but will be covered by additional external techncians.

The technicians are primarily responsible for managing and ensuring the functionality of the devices and equipment within the conference room. This includes tasks such as setting up audiovisual equipment (laptop, screen, projector, microphpones, audio mixer, loudspeakers, etc.), testing connectivity, and providing technical support to the aforementioned equipment during the event.

Please Note: while the technicians can assist with the setup and troubleshhoting of Teams, Zoom or similar video conferencing software, their responsibility does not extend to the management of the online event invitation, start of the online event nor to the recording or storage of the event footage, which are the sole responsability of the event organiser or their designated staff.

In situations where the recording of an event is of paramount importance, an ad-hoc professional recording service at an additional cost can be provided (see further below).


Requests for ad hoc technical assistance need to be filed in due time via the Events Booking Database and financially settled by contacting [email protected] accordingly thereafter.

The presence of a dedicated, specialised A/V technician is recommended in particular for events happening towards the end or outside of EUI working hours.


A/V Recording and Web-streaming

A/V Recording service ensures that all aspects of the event are captured on camera according to your requirements. This service guarantees a high-quality recording and backup, alleviating any concerns about potential loss or technical difficulties. 

Dedicated Audio and/or Video recording (not related to Teams or Zoom recording) entails the on-site presence of an AV technician per videocamera. The output of the service will be a digital file of the recording in HD format on removable device (USB pendrive) or DVD/Blu-ray, without mixing and editing (other than logo and titles). This service may be additonal to the previous one.

The Web-streaming service is the live (real-time) broadcasting of events on various web platforms (FaceBook, YouTube, etc.) or Third-party streaming interfaces like Wirecast, Procaster, Adobe, etc. This service may be additonal all previous ones.

Streaming an on-premise event entails coordination among different Units, as follows:

  • Streaming an event: A/V technicians (this service)
  • Porting the audio/video stream into EUI’s YouTube (or other corporate) channel: Communications Service
  • Publishing the stream on EUI’s webpages: relevant Web Editor (of said page, if any) or Web Unit
  • Creation of logos and titles for the stream: Design Unit of the Communications Service

Please Note: it is up to the event organiser to liase among all the parties involved.


Both services are chargeable, should be introduced in the Events Booking Database in due time and settled financially by contacting [email protected] accordingly thereafter.


Procurement of A/V equipment

A/V equipment for office use, such as webcam and speakers, are already integrated in the EUI laptops or desktop screens.
A standard headset with microphone, for teleconferencing purpose, is made available on request and for free to all staff of Administrative Units via Procurement Request Form (PRF).

Faculty and staff of Academic Units can purchase A/V equipment beyond the standard in accordance with the EUI Procurement Policy for IT Equipment (with non-ICT Service funds) by filing a Procurement Request Form (PRF).



Support to the all above-mentioned A/V Services is currenlty provided by external company TecnoConference through a dedicated team of on-site A/V technicians (commonly referred to as "tecnico sale").

For technical assistance, please go to User Support menu and check Audio/Visual Support for further details and means of contact.

For quotations related to chargeable services, please contact [email protected].

If you are unsure which equipment suits best your needs, you may contact [email protected].

For additional information or complaints about the services provided, you may contact Mr. Leonardo Viti or Martin Legner via [email protected] or ext. 2284 (+39 055 4685 284).






Page last updated on 17 May 2024

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