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Departmental Library Services

VillaLF16The Departmental Library is located at Villa La Fonte (2nd floor, VF-035). Due to heavy demand, the 500 books and manuals may only be used in the departmental complex.

Books and manuals must be returned to the Departmental Library at the end of every working day. 30-day loan copies of all titles may be requested for delivery from the Badia Library to Villa La Fonte. The One-Stop Guide to resources for economic research is at this link.


In-Department Research Support

The Information Specialist, Thomas Bourke, is present in office VF-026 (second floor, adjacent to the Departmental Secretariat) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. The telephone extension is 2346. Correspondence should be sent to [email protected]  The reference support office at the Badia Library (BF-085, first floor) is open on weekday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.


Books and manuals in the Departmental Library

VLFbiblio2016 All books and data manuals in the Departmental Library are listed here. Links to eBooks are in the second column (EUI members only). Shelfmarks of books and manuals are indicated in the right column (same classification as Badia Library). To propose new titles, and new editions, for the VLF Library, write to [email protected]

Departmental Library Rules

Readers must complete the check-out / check-in form for each book:

CHECK OUT: Remove the loan slip from the book endpaper > Fill in the user name and loan date > Place the slip on the shelf where the book was located.

CHECK IN: Take the loan slip from the shelf > Mark the 'in' column > Put the slip back in the book > Replace the book on the shelf.

Books cannot be taken out of the Departmental building (VLF). There are no overnight or weekend loans. The Code of User Rights and Responsibilities applies equally to Researchers, TAs, Fellows and Professors.


Book Delivery Service: Badia Library to Economics Department

Books may be requested for delivery from the Badia Library to the Economics Department (Villa La Fonte) and other campus buildings.

1)   Locate books in the Library Catalogue - being careful to select the edition(s) required
2)   Click 'Place hold' 
3)   Log into ‘My Library Account' (single sign-on authentication) 
4)   Select ‘VLF’ as location for delivery, and click the green button 
5)   Collect books at the VLF Porters’ office between 08:30 and 19:00 on weekdays. (Books may also be placed on hold for pickup at the Badia Library issue desk.)

Books may be returned to the Badia Library via the book drop-box in the foyer at Villa La Fonte.

eBook versions of economics course texts are listed in the second column of this index.


Article Delivery Service (Badia Library to Economics Department) 

Photocopies of articles not available online may be requested for delivery from the Badia Library to the Economics Department. Send bibliographical details to [email protected]  Before placing a request, check the Library Catalogue for online access.


New Books Notice Board

Cover photocopies of all new economics books, ebooks and manuals are displayed on the Departmental Library notice board on the second floor of Villa La Fonte. The board is updated every Friday during term. All new acquisitions and statistical data updates are announced in the weekly Bulletin of Economic Research Resources and Statistical Data (see below). New acquisitions are also displayed on the collection homepage. To suggest new titles and new editions of books and data manuals, in any language, write to [email protected]


Research Support

  • Write to Thomas Bourke, [email protected] for research support, or visit one of the two information desks:
  • Badia Library Office (BF-085, right side of issue-desk floor)
  • Villa La Fonte office (VF-026, second floor): Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons
  • Economics Collection homepage



Giardino, Villa La Fonte. Photo by Riccardo Mongiu


Page last updated on 26 November 2024

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