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Gardening Club

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The orto sociale is a collective activity that provides researchers, workers, partners, and friends at the EUI the opportunity to grow good, fresh, and healthy vegetables; as well as to relax, enjoy the sunshine, and to participate in a common project, with the final satisfaction of being able to eat our own produce. Hence apart from collectively managing and maintaining the garden, the aim is to organize discussions and informal session on food sovereignty, local production, and sustainable production, in connection with other local groups in Florence and the surrounding area.



Date and times

Once a week (join the newsletter to know the schedule)




Villa Paola – Badia Fiesolana, Fiesole - next to villa Paola (close to the cark park 3).



Taking advantage of the vast expanses of land around the EUI, the orto sociale allows us to engage in a manual activity, in addition to learning from each other about gardening, and sustainable food production in general.

It is a community garden! Individual gardening with or without assigned lots is possible. It is also possible to use the Orto compost bin to produce your compost to bring home. Get in touch with us. 

The orto functions on the basis that whoever participates in the collective planting and the maintenance of the garden will naturally take home a share of their produce. Work and task assignments are decided collectively and on a voluntary basis.

We apply permaculture principles, practice 'no-dig gardening' and make our own compost with the garden waste from the EUI grounds and food scraps from the mensa.We encourage beginners to try at any time as well as occasional pop-ups by otherwise busy Ortolani.

Page last updated on 16 May 2024

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