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Radio Cavolo

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Radio Cavolo is a non-commercial, independent, researcher-led initiative, based in Florence, Italy at the European University Institute broadcasting under a license of the Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori. Launched in March 2020 despite the lockdown, Radio Cavolo was broadcast remotely during its first months of existence.


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Radio Cavolo is a web radio created by a bunch of researchers at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy with the aim to provide an audio platform in which anyone can give free reign to their creativity by producing radio shows of all types or sending in awesome playlists – anything from teenage bangers to obscure be-bop beats from the other side of the world.

Radio Cavolo’s main function is to be an open platform for people to play music or create programs to discuss, inform, or entertain – or do all three at the same time! Ultimately, we want to create a free space through which folks from the EUI (and beyond) can engage with each other, let their creative juices run riot and share the results with whoever wants to listen in.

Page last updated on 16 May 2024

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