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Had enough of the library and the long days staring at your computer screen? Why not get out on the water and join us at EUI Rowing? No matter how fit or unfit you consider yourself and no matter what experience you have or don’t have – everyone is welcome. We are hosted by the wonderful “Società Canottieri” in a prime location on the Arno right beside the Ponte Vecchio. Our training sessions are supervised by an experienced coach and you can expect regular outings on the water.


Date and time

Two times a week on the river Arno (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7.15 to 9.15) and one time a week in the gym (Mondays 18.30, starting the 13th of November).

Please note that for this activity new members are taken in twice a year only due to the lengthy and complex introduction that is needed to start rowing. The next take-in will be announced via this newsletter and social media.



The Società Canottieri  Firenze  is located at Lungarno Anna Maria Luisa de Medici 8 . Look for the little green door near the Uffizi gallery viewing platform in the direction of Ponte Vecchio.



Rowing is both a technical sport and a fitness sport. Novice sessions will focus on learning the right movements and achieving a good balance in the boat. Indoor training on the rowing machines (“ergs”) will improve your fitness. We are also a lovely, sociable bunch & the only EUI sports club with their own on-site restaurant and bar!  The EUI Rowing Club has four captains who take care of the daily organisational matters, the training strategy and going to races, and a local coach from the Canottieri. Captains change every year. This year the captains are:Maxime Morel, Ieva Hūna, Sarah Tegas, Esteban Scuzarello.

Newcomers are invited to a try-out session.

We aim at preparing crews and individuals for competitions.

We have our eyes set on races in Bruges, here in Florence and on the famous Vogalonga long-distance regatta through the Laguna of Venice. Novices who train regularly throughout the year will be perfectly able to participate.

Finally, rowing is a team sport - our club has a very sociable atmosphere in a mixed group of EUI students and affiliates. 



Page last updated on 20 May 2024

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