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Are you looking for a group of colleagues to run with throughout the academic year? Then, you are very welcome to join the EUI Running Team.
The team aims to gathering people who are either preparing for running races such as full/half marathons and less competitive events or simply want to do a regular healthy sport activity.


Date and times

Thursdays at 7:00 pm and Sundays at 11:00 am



Our trainings take place in different parts of Florence on Thursdays at 7pm and Sundays at 11am


We offer some long training runs (usually a half marathon), while also convening some short runs (5-10 km) as well as interval and core stability training. Everybody is welcome to join the training sessions, even if you do not want to participate in running events.

In past years, members of the Team participated in events such as the Berlin Marathon, the Athens Classical Marathon and the Artic Marathon on Spitzbergen; while in October 2022 the Team inaugurated the EUI Coppa Lepre e Tartarughe within the premises of the lovely Villa Salviati in Florence (part of the EUI campus). n preparation for the long-distance running events (full marathon, half marathon), we organise several training runs per week.


Page last updated on 14 June 2024

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