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Setting up Self-Service Password Reset

You can share Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) methods to allow for a way to reset a forgotten password.

You must set these methods up beforehand, though, while you have a valid password that you remember!



Setting Up Authentication Methods

As the procedure is identical to the one for setting up Multi-Factor Authentication methods, please refer directly to the online Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) documentation.

Register your information for at least two authentication methods, in case your preferred one becomes unavailable!


How to Reset a Forgotten Password

This documentation applies to EUI accounts with a valid EUI email account ONLY. If you do NOT have a valid EUI email account and have forgotten your passowrd, please contact the EUI Helpdesk!

In case your forgot your password, provided you have set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), simply follow the below steps in order to reset it by yourself:

  1. visit the EUI Webmail portal and click on Forgotten my password:

    Figure 1: Forgotten password via EUI Webmail login screen

  2. Alternatively, you may directly visit Microsoft's Password Self-Reset Portal (SRRP):

  3. Confirm your EUI email address in the User ID field and enter the captcha characters exactly as they are shown (capitals and lower case differ!), followed by a click on Next:

    Figure 2: confirming your EUI credentials

  4. You will be offered to choose the authentication method to be used to verify your identity among those previously configured in your Multi-Factor Authentication settings. Once you have selected the method, complete it as requested.

    As an example, in the screen below having chosen to be sent a text message, to protect your account you are asked to introduce your complete phone number where the text should be sent to:

    Figure 3: Choosing a verification method and confirming it

  5. Complete the verification step, followed by a click on Next.

    As an example, if you choose to text your mobile phone, enter the 6 digit code you receive via SMS text:

    Figure 4: Completing the verification step

  6. If the verification completes succesfully, you will be prompted to choose and confirm a new password. Once you have successfully completed the various fields, click on Finish:

    Figure 5: Choosing a new password

  7. Once the password has been reset, you will be offered to sign into your EUI Webmail to verifiy everyhting is fine.

    Figure 6: Password succesfully reset

    Even if you are able to login to your EUI Webmail with your newly set passwordy, please allow a few more minutes in order for the new password to sync with all other EUI services!

    If after 5 minutes you are still unable to login into other services such as your office EUI desktop, please contact the EUI Helpdesk!


A Word of Caution!

In carrying out all these operations, use the utmost discretion:

  • be extra cautious that you are not observed while typing in your password or authentication data
  • never save your password when your browser asks you to
  • never leave the computer unattended while you are logged into your account
  • close the browser completely once you are finished
  • reboot the computer once you are finished



  • For support in setting up MFA or in authenticating via MFA on EUI office computers and/or EUI service laptops, mobiles and tablets, please contact the EUI Helpdesk;
  • For support in setting up MFA or in authenticating via MFA on personally-owned computers and devices, please contact Portable Device Support.
  • If your main authenticaton method is unavailable and you did not configure any alternative one (i.e you cannot reset your forgotten password on your own), please contact the EUI Helpdesk!
  • For frequent answers and questions, please check the dedicated FAQ section.
  • For any further question, contact the EUI Helpdesk.



Page last updated on 21 May 2021

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